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Test Automation Best Practices

  • For successful test automation, management support is essential.
  • Setup dedicated team instead of allocating a team for automation testing during spare time.
  • If your team is new for test automation, then go for a pilot project and get the confidence.
  • Prioritize which test cases to be automated.
  • Collaborate effectively with developers.
  • Smoke tests are a good place to begin with automation.
  • Don’t automate unstable functionalities.
  • Make Your Test Automation Benefits Visible to Management.
  • Use BDD framework to create readable and understandable tests.


  • Use proper naming conventions for variables, class, methods, folders, tests, and utilities.
  • Implement setup and tear down scripts.
  • If your team is new for test automation, then go for a pilot project and get the confidence.
  • Reuse tests instead of duplicating it.
  • For Java8 users: Use Lambda expressions to concise your code.
  • Write declarative BDD scenarios. Never write like “I click” & “I enter”.
  • Tag your tests and features
  • Tests should be independent and shouldn’t depend on order to run consistently.
  • Implement the Page Object Pattern