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Automation Testing

How to Find the Right Tools for Mobile and Web App Testing

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We live in a world where automation is already considered to be a huge advantage now for most companies. The same goes for testing mobile and web applications. You need to have the right tools that will help you automate many of the functions of testing so you can get a higher level of test coverage and execute them at a faster rate. Let’s look at some of the tools that quality teams are looking for when testing mobile apps and web apps.

Tools for Mobile App Testing

While most web developers and testers use the Selenium framework to write tests, there are many different tools for mobile app testing. The first question to ask when choosing a tool is whether it is open-sourced or closed-source. Since most mobile apps are built with open-source frameworks, it is best to select an open-source tool, if possible.

The next question is whether the tool runs on more than one OS or just on Android or just on iOS. You will probably write tests in a language that does not depend on OS, but you should remember that Android and iOS require different test frameworks.

Not every mobile app test framework is best for every application type: native apps, web apps with a mobile interface, and hybrid apps with heavy WebView use can require different tools.

If you are running into problems deciding which tool is best for your needs, keep in mind that many companies offer free trials or free versions of their products. Just do a little bit of research before you jump in headfirst.

Tools for Web App Testing

 More and more businesses rely on their web applications to streamline their operations and improve their marketing efforts. The continuous, high load and growing market expectations require web apps to undergo a variety of tests to make sure that it’s compliant with the UI standards, as well as in terms of compatibility and usability. Web app testers need to use a variety of automated software testing tools that allow them to test their products from different perspectives.

Which Testing Tool to Use?

Before making a decision on which testing tool to use for your applications, you need to take into account all the other factors that could affect how your testing will go. Some of the questions you need to consider are:

  • How many tests do you need to run?
  • Who will run the tests?
  • How frequently do you need to run them?
  • How many users do you intend to simulate?
  • What scripting languages do you have experience working with?
  • What platforms and browsers do you need to cover?
  • Are you testing a finished product or a pre-release version?
  • How important is automation for you?
  • Do you have a system of tracking and analyzing the results?
  • How important is a visual reporting system for you?


Mobile and web app testing is a crucial step in software development where companies can’t afford to cut corners. The only way to make testing much more efficient is to use the right kind of tools for the job. This guide should help you decide what kind of tools you can use for testing that will help you automate many of its functions.

If you’re in need of a QA company with a seamless track record in web and mobile testing services, Codoid is your best choice. Every new software product deserves high-quality automation testing, and our team of highly skilled QA professionals can handle any job. When it comes to QA automation services, there’s no better choice than Codoid. Partner with us today!


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