Sending an email using VBScript can be done using Collaboration Data Object (CDO) messaging. But it is supported only in Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, and Windows XP Operating Systems. To create object for CDO, cdosys.dll should be installed in your machine and many users reported failure when CDO is implemented in Windows 7. Then what is the solution for this problem?
We have an alternative, which is System.Net.Mail .Net class. Microsoft introduced this class when .Net Framework 2.0 was launched. The following are the major benefits of Net.Mail class,
- CDOSYS.dll installation is not required to send an e-mail.
- More powerful than CDO messaging.
- Attaching file with message is very simple like adding recipients.
- Attachment can be done for a filename or a stream.
Dim strUserName,strPassword,strServerName Dim strFromAddress,strToAddress,strFileToAttach Dim oCredentials,oSMTPClient,oMessage,oFromAddress,oAttachment 'Setting Username strUserName="Username" 'Setting Password strPassword="Password" 'Specify SMTP Server name or IP address of the host computer. strServerName="" 'From Address strFromAddress="[email protected]" 'To Address strToAddress="[email protected]" 'File which will be attached to message strFileToAttach="C:TestResult.html" Set oCredentials=DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Net.NetworkCredential","System",strUserName, strPassword) Set oSMTPClient=DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient","System",strServerName) Set oMessage=DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Net.Mail.MailMessage","System") Set oFromAddress =DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Net.Mail.MailAddress","System",strFromAddress) Set oAttachment=DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Net.Mail.Attachment","System",strFileToAttach) 'Set ‘From’ property to Message object oMessage.From=oFromAddress 'Set ‘To’ property to Message object oMessage.To.Add strToAddress 'If your message has to be formatted with HTML, then make this property value as True. oMessage.IsBodyHtml=False 'Email Subject oMessage.Subject = "Test Mail" 'Email Body oMessage.Body = "Automated Email" 'Adding the oAttachment object to Message object oMessage.Attachments.Add(oAttachment) 'Setting PORT 587 for outbound mail oSMTPClient.Port = 587 'Setting Credentials using NetworkCredential class oSMTPClient.Credentials=oCredentials 'Enabling Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to encrypt the connection oSMTPClient.EnableSSL = True 'And finally sending the message oSMTPClient.Send(oMessage) Set oMessage=Nothing Set oFromAddress=Nothing Set oCredentials=Nothing Set oAttachment=Nothing Set oSMTPClient=Nothing
System.Net.Mail class is not dependant upon COM and it is more versatile than CDO messaging.
Note: We can also embed an image into the message using LinkedResource class.