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Why to Choose Quality over Quantity in Software Testing

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Constant demand for high quality software applications and packages drives the multi-million Dollar software Quality Assurance industry. Veteran testers maintain the opinion that software testing is never complete and the scope for further testing remains relentless. However, the commercial compulsions that operate in the industry demand low prices for QA Services and adherence to sharp delivery timelines provided by clients. This matrix compels Software Testing professionals to deploy risk-based analyses to locate the areas of software development that must be targeted with exhaustive testing procedures. Therefore, we may say the quality of testing emerges as a prime objective for the modern Software Testing Company.

Quality is King

Testing organizations that offer QA Services must prize top quality of work when the choice is to provide the best services to clients. This realization has forced a calibrated overhaul of assessing the impact of Software Testing services. Such overhaul tends to commence with a change in mind set wherein a Software Testing Company encourages computer code testers to pool their creative resources and brainpower with a view to elevate the quality of rendered services. In line with this, Software Testing engineers must share their technical knowledge and review testing scenarios and test cases. The outcomes can include superb quality of testing, often resulting in clear instances of client delight.

Why to Choose Quality over Quantity in Software Testing

Numbers can deceive

Professionals who undertake Software Testing activities must acknowledge that pure numbers, when used to assess the professional performance of a tester, can lead to eventual disruptions in service delivery. A test professional, for instance, can review a large number of bugs and initiate remedies to eliminate such glitches. However, this approach can earn his or her employer – the Software Testing Company – the proverbial bad name when the functionality of the tested software application fails to impress, owing to low quality of bug resolution. The only true remedy that can negate such a situation is to deliver a product that excels in terms of quality. This lodestone, centered on quality, should emerge as a defining feature of the metrics that define Software Testing systems and practices.

An Eye on Profit

Every Software Testing Company must remain commercially viable before it establishes a presence in the software testing market. In this context, it is obvious that the state quality of services would equal a growing profit margin. Therefore, management teams must impress this fact on Quality Assurance professionals, and such learning must be implemented in the work day practices of each individual tester. Essentially, high quality outcomes must drive Software Testing activities, which include collecting requirements, defining the scope of software testing, work allocation, co-ordination between different work teams, and more.

Customer Satisfaction

p>Every QA Company worth its proverbial salt must strive to drive high levels of customer satisfaction. In line with this, Quality Assurance professionals must build and create clear priorities when planning the scope of testing activities. A different strategy emerges when QA Services engineers begin with the question – what does the customer want? This query, as a starting point, can serve to inform and enrich the quality of Software Testing services in the modern context. The query serves as the archetypal lodestone that guides the actions of a Software Testing Company when decisions must be taken to take testing projects into maturity stages.

Customer Satisfaction

Target: Root Causes

Quality Assurance practices must center on seeking the root causes of a software glitch. This approach allows Software Testing professionals to effect a permanent remediation of a glitch, thereby elevating the level of quality services rendered to clients. Such an approach must be promoted highly when a Software Testing Company compiles its list of best practices. Root causes must also feature when Quality Assurance professionals write test cases prior to embarking on software testing activities. Each test case must be constructed to test the software application from multiple points of view, thereby covering all the requirements listed in the work brief provided by the client. In time, such practices will eradicate the worst of software glitches and result in client delight.

Be the Best Tester!

High levels of motivation and technical skills can combine to work wonders when Quality Assurance professionals apply themselves to their duties. This implies a personal stance predisposed to quick and constant learning, a passion for testing software applications, decent communication skills, understanding the priorities of the testing landscape, an ability to think through technical problems, and much more. These attributes can empower a Quality Assurance professional to perform at peak power, and drive outstanding results in projects undertaken by a Software Testing Company.

In Conclusion

The rationale and logic mentioned above drive a solid case for choosing quality over quantity in the domain of modern Quality Assurance services. In line with this, every Software Testing Company must make it mandatory for testers to undergo appropriate training and sensitization modules that spotlight the core necessity of quality in services rendered to clients. Pursuant to such actions, the modern Software Testing industry can undergo tectonic shifts that may raise standards across the industry. When you seek both quality and quantity, connect with us and experience the difference.


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