Getting Excel columns names using ADODB is simpler than Excel COM interface. The below code shows how to retrieve column names from XLS.
strExcelPath="C:Book1.xls" strTableName="Sheet1$"'Note: $ symbol should be included with Table Name. Set oCon=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") With oCon .Provider = "MSDASQL" .ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)};" & _ "DBQ="&strExcelPath&"; ReadOnly=False;" .Open End With Set oRs1=oCon.OpenSchema(4,Array(Empty, Empty,strTableName,Empty)) Do Until oRS1.EOF Msgbox oRs1.Fields.Item("COLUMN_NAME").Value oRS1.MoveNext Loop oRs1.Close oCon.Close Set oRs1=Nothing Set oCon=Nothing