Since this is the very first article in this blog, we would like to start it with well known
masking input value technique using Dot Net Factory.
Dim oForm, oTextBox, oCloseButton, oPoint, inX, inY Set oForm=DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.Form","System.Windows.Forms") Set oTextBox=DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.TextBox","System.Windows.Forms") Set oCloseButton = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.Button", "System.Windows.Forms") Set oPoint = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Drawing.Point", "System.Drawing", inX,inY) With oPoint .X=180 .Y=33 End with With oCloseButton .Location = oPoint .Text = "Close" End with With oPoint .X=10 .Y=35 End with With oTextBox .Location = oPoint .Width=160 .UseSystemPasswordChar=True End with With oForm .Height=120 .width=275 .text="Masked Inputbox" .CancelButton = oCloseButton .Controls.Add oCloseButton .Controls.Add oTextBox .MaximizeBox=False .MinimizeBox=False End with oForm.ShowDialog Msgbox oTextBox.Text Set oForm=Nothing Set oTextBox=Nothing Set oCloseButton=Nothing Set oPoint=Nothing
After executing the above code, you will get Input Dialog as shown below. Enter value in the textbox control and click on Close button.