Font Details
Confirming whether textbox’s font is bold or not
Msgbox SwfWindow("Form").SwfEdit("Edit").Object.Font.Bold 'The above line returns true, if the editbox’s font is bold else false.
Getting applied font name
Msgbox SwfWindow("Form").SwfEdit("Edit").Object.Font.FontFamily.Name
Retrieving Font size
Msgbox SwfWindow("Form").SwfEdit("Edit").Object.Font.Size
Text Selection
Selecting all text
Selecting a range of text
SwfWindow("Form").SwfEdit("Edit").Object.Select 0,3 'Selects the text from first character to fourth character
Retrieving Selected text and starting postion
Msgbox SwfWindow("Form").SwfEdit("Edit").Object.SelectedText 'Gets the selected text Msgbox SwfWindow("Form").SwfEdit("Edit").Object.SelectionStart 'Gets statring postion of selceted text
Appending text
Pasting clipboard value