Validating Sorted WebList. The below code excludes default selected value (i.e. –Choose One–) from validation.
Dim oPage:Set oPage=Browser("name:=QTP").Page("title:=QTP") arrCtry=Split(oPage.WebList("name:=select1").GetROProperty("all items"),";") Set objArray=DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Collections.ArrayList","") For i=0 to Ubound(arrCtry) If arrCtry(i)<>"--Choose One--" Then objArray.Add(arrCtry(i)) End If Next objArray.Sort() objArray.Insert 0,"--Choose One--" For j=0 to Ubound(arrCtry) strOuput=strOuput+objArray(j) strOuput=strOuput+";" Next If strOuput=oPage.WebList("name:=select1").GetROProperty("all items")+";" Then Msgbox "The Weblist's values are sorted in alphabetical order" Else Msgbox "The Weblist values are not sorted in alphabetical order" End If