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Mobile App Testing

Mobile Application Testing Challenges

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Mobile Apps An Overview

Mobile Application Testing Challenges

Mobile Technology has transformed people lives from facilitating communications between people to more sophisticated communication channels. Mobile Application Testing needs good infrastructure, tools, & test automation skills to get quick feedback from testing.

With growing number of apps, the apps serve and address the user needs of different categories and can be broadly classified as consumer apps like messaging apps, social networking apps, etc and enterprise apps which caters to many domains like BFSI, hospitality, retail, e-learning, ERP, CRM, healthcare, publishing etc. which are available in market generating revenues in billions.

Key Stats

  • ? Smartphones are the only devices that have seen growth in the number of online visits, up 89% since January 2015. Tablets and desktop visits have declined significantly (-30% and -17% respectively) (Adobe, 2018).
  • ? Consumer spend in app stores has more than doubled over the past two years, topping $86 billion in 2017. Consumer spending worldwide is projected to top $110 billion in 2018. (TechCrunch, 2018)
  • ? 87% of Facebook’s advertising revenue comes from mobile. (AdWeek, 2017)
  • ? Google owns 96% of mobile search traffic, followed by Yahoo at 2% and Bing at 1%. (NetMarketShare, 2018)
  • ? The US is embracing voice assistants faster than other regions: 64% of Americans are comfortable using voice assistants in front of others, compared to 43% of Europeans. (Adobe, 2018)
  • ? 32% of Americans aged 18-24 have tried AR on their phones. (Adobe, 2018)

Source: Clevertap Stats

Mobile Application Testing Challenges

Testing a mobile application on multiple devices is a boring task for a tester who performs regression testing and managing all the mobile devices on-premises is a cumbersome activity.

Mobile Application Testing Challenges

Testing a mobile app on real device is a good approach. But the challenge is how to ensure that your application is behaving with real user conditions? For example: If A mobile application which is tested with high bandwidth network, it does not necessarily mean that it works well for low bandwidth.

QA teams go for test automation to automate mobile apps regression test cases. Automation testing is everyone’s choice to avoid error prone testing and to get quick feedback. How to write a single automated test script for both Android & IOS?

In our next blog article, we will publish how to address these challenges.


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