Even though automated testing and test automation companies are high in demand, there are companies that are still apprehensive since getting into this mode seems like a lot of trouble. The fact however, is that automated testing through a top rated Software Testing Company, will help to shorten and simplify the development cycles, eliminate repetitive tasks, and significantly improve the quality of the software in use in your company.
Not just companies, but individuals seeking to pursue a career in automation testing services, can benefit from this exposition. We recommend starting small – smaller test cases would be simpler and easier to work with, debug and maintain.

Test automation companies can help you identify and prioritize the tests that would be most beneficial to automate, and also browsers and devices that would be critical to the particular test automation project. A chaotic and poorly planned QA process would be detrimental to the system as a whole, and hence it is advisable to use a qualified automation testing company from the start. They would help you answer critical questions such as what needs automation, when automation is required, which tools to use, who would and how would the execution of these tests happen, and other such questions.
Here is a simple guide to not just get started with automated testing, but to ensure that software testing is successful and your business gets the highest ROI.
Start at the beginning – ascertain the test cases to automate As mentioned above, starting small and with the most critical test cases, makes for a sound automated testing decision. The best ones would be those that run frequently, and need substantial amounts of data to repeat the same action. Tests that are likely to cause human error, recurring tests used for multiple builds, tests that cannot be performed manually, those tests that are time and effort intensive when performed manually, tests that run on a variety of platforms, configurations, and hardware – some of the ‘ideal’ tests to run first. Meticulous planning and design are critical to the success of automated testing. These two steps will not only help to identify which tests need to be automated first, but will also serve as a model for future tests.
Test regularly and Early On As a business, it would be advisable to get in the experts at the start of project life cycle, and they should run the testing as many times as required. This will ensure that any bugs / errors will be detected early on, leading to a flawless and superlative software.
Assessment and Selection of the Appropriate Testing Tool With a variety of testing tools available, choosing the right one can prove cumbersome. However, an expert automation testing company will not only have a team with flexible skill levels, they would also ask you the right questions.
Some of the questions they would ask would be the kind of support needed for the platforms and existing technology, what operating systems are in use, and other such relevant questions. The best testing tools would support record and playback test creations, and would be able to create automated tests that would resist changes in the UI of applications, would be easily maintained and reused.

Creation of Good and High Quality Test Data The best test automation companies would use testing tools that capture and ‘understand’ the content in data files and can successfully reiterate the content in the automated test. The data driven testing allows the addition of testing scenarios, adding new data without editing the real automated test. Creating good quality test data makes writing automated tests a lot simpler.
Conclusion Automated testing does not need to be an expensive, and time consuming effort. We at Codoid follow and continually improve on the best practices mentioned, ensuring that we successfully implement test automation each time. Connect with us to understand how we can help to accelerate the growth of your business within a fixed budget and timeframe.