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Techniques you Need to Know for Conventional Software Testing

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Techniques you Need to Know for Conventional Software Testing - Blog

There are various essential phases in software development, like requirement identification, actual development, testing, and installation on the end-user system. Due to human error, bugs can quite easily get introduced into the software during its development phase. That’s why before releasing code for installation on a clients’ server, software testing has to be done in advance to avoid any fallacious execution that could ruin the user’s experience.

It is a conventional form of testing where test engineers check if the developed application is working according to the requirements or not. Right from the coding phase of SDLC to the end, the software goes through thorough testing of every component of the software. The QA team must take into account every possible scenario while designing the test cases. Whatever type of test data is used by your QA team impacts the overall testing process.

conventional software testing

Traditional software development and its testing is a spiral process. Let’s discuss the testing techniques for conventional software architecture.

1. Unit testing: At the center of the testing spiral, you begin with unit testing, which aims to test every component/unit of software for functionality to ensure code works properly as a unit.

Some types of unit examples are:

  • Interface testing: Checks the proper flow of information in and out of the program.
  • Local data structure testing: During execution, it checks the integrity of data.
  • Boundary condition testing: Ensures smooth operation to limit processing at boundaries.
  • Independent path testing: Requires all statements to be executed once, at least.
  • Error handling path testing: Checks if error messages are user-friendly.

2. Integration testing: It focuses on the problems of verification and construction because further down the testing process, these units must be integrated to form a complete software package.

3. Validation testing: This higher-order test uses validation criteria defined during the requirement analysis phase to check if the software meets all functional, behavioral, and performance requirements.

The QA/testing team tests the software to see if it provides the desired results or not by feeding the data into the system and executing it. Analyze the output and see if the desired results are generated because this is the primary purpose of creating the entire testing process. To ensure that the software keeps performing correctly even if the end-user enters wrong information. It should not yield unexpected results in the case of non-standard inputs. There should be sufficient test data to check the responses of even adverse scenarios. Hence, expert testers and developers are divided over their opinion on whether real or synthetic data should be used for testing purposes. For example, wrt to narrowly focused tests, synthetic data works better, but actual test data is better suited for close simulations.

A leading QA company will always be able to advise you accordingly and in the long run, help reduce high costs to your business. That’s why you should employ a top software testing company like Codoid to handle all your testing requirements.


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