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Automation Testing

Ensuring Automated Software Testing is Consistently Successful

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Software testing represents an integral part of modern software development cycles and processes. In recent times, automated testing processes have emerged as part of techniques designed to aid the creation of flawless software packages that conform to all mission parameters. Contemporary definitions of automated software testing indicate it “is an automatic technique where the tester writes scripts by own and uses suitable software to test the software. Like regression testing, automation testing also used to test the application from load, performance and stress point of view.”

Best Suited for Large Projects

This form of software testing is well-suited when testers are involved in projects of significant reach and scope. The utility of such Test Automation stems from the fact large projects require testing the same areas in repeated patterns. The utility extends to software development projects that have already undergone an initial manual testing process.

Reduced Testing Time

The use of automated software testing systems and procedures reduces the time spent on such exercises. These time savings can now be invested in activities wherein software coders can refine the test procedures, improve the quality of such tests, and adjust the duration of testing cycles. Further, valid Test Automation schedules, systems, and procedures can be re-used in the service of future software development plans.

Reduced Testing Time

Correct Allocation of Resources

A successful Automation Testing regimen is ideally preceded by the allocation of human resources, budgets, the delineation of testing needs, the selection of appropriate testing technology, etc. Each of these criteria, when adequately fulfilled, leads to the execution of a successful Test Automation system. Such actions require advance planning on the part of project personnel in order to meet with success in the testing mission.

Which Test Cases to Automate

The proper selection of test cases is a pre-requisite for successful Automation Testing. This action stems from the realization that not every single aspect of testing can be automated. Hence, code testers and software developers must arrive at common ground in terms of determining which test cases should be automated. In line with this, tests that must be performed only infrequently can remain outside a Test Automation regime. In contrast, test cases that run frequently and require large amounts of data must find priority inclusion in said regimes.

Focus on a single objective

When software developers set about creating Automation Testing regimes, they must retain a narrow focus on a single, stated objective. This is important to ensure the success of an automated software testing paradigm. Testers may, for instance, develop separate tests for read-only software functions and read/write functions. This approach empowers testers to use these individual tests repeatedly without invoking the whole testing regime.

Ensuring Automated Software Testing is Consistently Successful

Select the Right Testing Methodology

Automation Testing plans are best served when testers choose the right testing methodology, the correct plan, and monitor test coverage. As part of these actions, testers are required to build a pitch; this testing process validates the software product prior to delivery. In recent times, most software testers and coders have adopted the Agile testing methodology. Time savings inherent in this testing methodology drive this preference, as do consistent sprints that enhance the testing process, and higher levels of client satisfaction with the product.

Advance Preparation of Test Cases & Scenario

Experts recommend testers identify the test scenario and create test cases prior to executing Automation Testing systems & procedures. The preparation of test cases in advance allows testers and coders to identify the test execution times and potential defects in the body of computer code to be tested. Advance preparation for Test Automation also helps identify other scenarios and workflows of the application that hold potential for successful automation.

Utilize Quality Test Data

Quality test data is intrinsic for successful QA Automation. This implies that data size should be optimal and must contain information (and components) that are relevant for application testing requirements. In addition, testers should undertake best practices by perusing data sets that are combined and separated into different categories. These categories include valid data, invalid data, boundary condition, etc. As a corollary, testers must work to ensure the data that is referred for testing consistently defeats the threat of obsolescence and remains updated from time-to-time.

Review Tests Periodically

Coders and software testers must review test data and test cases at regular intervals with a view to identify the data’s validity for undergoing tests. Such actions also help identify unnecessary and outdated tests that are no longer relevant to the current test cycle. The real world outcomes of such actions includes reduced costs and maintenance efforts for software developer(s). In addition, a consistent review of tests allows developers to validate and verify the substance of tests; this casts long-term effects on the test automation project.

In Conclusion

Automated software testing is usually a neglected part of software development, which can prove to be a costly mistake. The overlooking of testing is usually the result of the many challenges it poses for testers. Detecting bugs and errors requires in-depth experience, dedicated teams, and expertise – which together ensure that even the minutest errors and bugs can be detected early on. It is good business sense for any company to outsource this and other critical software testing tasks to a professional service provider – connect with us to gain the advantage of successful automated software testing.


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