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E-Learning Testing

A Comprehensive Checklist for Final QA Process in eLearning

Quality Assurance is an inevitable process in eLearning course development. After the course production, the QA team needs to ensure that myriad elements of the incumbent course work properly while providing proper functionality.

A Comprehensive Checklist for Final QA Process in eLearning

Once a software developer has formulated a product and has gone through sufficient code reviews, post-production quality checks will occur. It will involve assessing various e-learning course elements, which will be further examined in this article.

Quality Assurance is an inevitable process in eLearning course development. After the course production, the QA team needs to ensure that myriad elements of the incumbent course work properly while providing proper functionality. Given below is an eLearning quality assurance checklist that will help you understand the checkboxes you need to cross before you roll out your course in the market.

Title Check

Course developers must ensure that the primary title in the browser title bar of the course window and the launch window is uniform. The title in the storyboard should match with the displays of the bookmark page, screen title, and course menu. It is necessary because the students or targeted demographic will access your course through various devices. Therefore, a sense of uniformity across all devices is imperative for functional operation and aesthetic display.

Content Inspection

Every course’s objective is to teach students concepts that could be translated into daily life and entail practical viability. Therefore, the course content should fulfill this primary criterion. Ensure that your content is comprehensible and entails clear instructions. However, we have also enlisted a few steps or standards based on which you can test the quality of your eLearning course:

  • Verify that the on-screen text is as specified in the storyboard (SB).
  • Assess whether the audio script’s content has been placed in the transcript area, of course, without the instructions.
  • Test whether the audio is in sync with the textual animation, as illustrated in the storyboard.
  • Proofread your content and guarantee that there are no spelling errors in the course content. Even trivial grammatical errors can through your audience off. However, most eLearning course developers overlook this delicate detail.
  • Inspect that the images are placed as per the instructions prescribed in the storyboard.
  • Ensure that the bullets are aligned with the course content, and the text font is legible and easily understandable.
  • Examine whether the course developer has provided or at least left a window for mentioning appropriate instructions for interactivity slides and screen restrictions.

With all these points in mind, your course’s content can prove to be highly optimized. However, if you are in the production team, ensure that the quality assurance contingent does not slack in their work. Testing a product’s viability in an enclosed and correctional facility can reduce your losses and increase the chances of your course’s success in the competitive market.

Interface Functionality Scrutinization

Interface functionality is imperative to ensure the smooth functioning of the course dashboard. It is critical for comprehensive learning. Given below are some objects that you need to verify to guarantee that your interface is off the charts, and you are one step closer to rolling your product out in the market.

  • Operational effectiveness of the interface buttons (like Next, Previous, Help, Exit)
  • Progress bar status
  • Navigational features of the menu
  • Page navigation restrictions
  • Audio overlaps in pop-ups or inter-slide transitions
  • Tick marks or checkboxes in the menu
  • Functionality of interactivity slides (like Click on tabs/ images, drop-down, click on hot spots, etc.)

Course developers must guarantee that their interface exhibits no potential problems. Any flaws in interface operations can discourage viewers since nobody wants to enroll in a course that will eventually pose problems.

Quiz Checks

In an eLearning course, a quiz is a critical element. A quiz may contain various types of questions. These questions could be single/multiple select, drag and drop, drop-down, match the following, true/false, and so on. However, the functionality of quiz questions and their various categories needs to be assessed and verified. Course developers must examine that the instructions for each question are clear and correct. There must also be a provision for start button functionality on the welcome page if the need arises. Quiz checks are essential as once learners complete with the course, you will be required to test their knowledge using comprehensive tests.

Result Page Verification and Loading Checks

The result page displays the pass and fails criteria details along with the score that a learner has acquired in a test. Summary tests are conducted upon the conclusion of the course. Other buttons like review quiz, finish, or retry, enable individuals to check their scores, complete the test, or give it a try again. ELearning course teams must verify that all the required buttons are present and are linked correctly to their relevant screens.

Also, all conventional courses have a pre-loading feature for Interface and Page. Therefore, ensure that your eLearning module has background loading to load the pages before screening it.

Compliance Testing

The Quality Assurance team should verify the features with the compliance standards in both SCORM and AICC versions of the eLearning course. These standardized versions include verifying bookmark features, course completion criteria, and whether the resulting score is updated in the LMS.

Online Version

The QA team must ensure that all the course links are operational and should direct to their relevant pages. If you plan to roll out an online version of the course, you need to assess whether all pages and images are being loaded without any hiccups.

AQL (Acceptable Quality Level)

AQL alludes to the standard where the number of errors in a random test is calculated, and a maximum error acceptability criterion is set. Based on the number of bugs found, the testing level is categorized into critical, high, medium, and low. Every organization is different and, therefore, prescribes its AQL standard.

To wrap up

It is essential to adhere to the eLearning quality assurance checklist since your product is important and deserves to do well in the market. Every quality assurance team follows an eLearning quality assurance checklist, but how far is that list up to the standard? Compare and contrast it with this article to find out.


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