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A performance testing and load testing plan is a document that serves as a roadmap that ensures testing remains organized and on track. Testers and project managers must make such a document to ensure that they do not miss any important updates, results, and can monitor every aspect of performance of the software under normal and stress conditions. An intelligent and meticulously thought out plan is crucial for smooth performance testing and later analysis of the stages of the process.
A good test plan would include aspects to cover every phase in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It would help to ensure compliance with the prescribed standards, and verify the design – post this it is necessary to create production and regression test plans to ensure the seamless working of the product. The user acceptance test plan would manage the stage when the product is handed over to the client.
Identifying the Plan
This portion accurately categorizes and ascertains the project and could have some types of test plans included. These could be a master test plan – the high level plan encompassing all other plans, level pertinent test plans, and a plan for the major tests such as security and performance testing.
Enlisting Objectives of the Performance Test Plan
Objectives would be got from performance requirements, possible workload, changes required, and other such aspects, and would be true for each module, application, and each business process – and would be listed as part of this portion. It would also include the possible number of transactions, users, and the response times for both normal and peak load periods.
The Extent of the Test / Test Items
This portion would contain a breakdown of the various processes of the business, the different types of loads, the processes that may not fall under the purview of the performance test, and each module of the project that would be tested.
Test Methodology
This portion of the document would layout the timelines, testing environments, test scripts, the process, testing location for each performance test including stress and integrated tests. This portion would enlist the hardware in use, the various testing tools, stages and processes of monitoring, the methods to handle bugs, defects, and errors. It would also include data on errors found and resolved, and the results of the test.
Testing Schedule
In order for testing to be completed within the stipulated deadline, it is necessary to assign dates and timelines for each testing activity. This is a crucial portion in order to make a practical and achievable test plan.
Criteria for Performing and Suspending Testing
This portion of the document would list out the activities necessary for implementing the test, and the activities necessary in order for the performance test to be considered complete. The names of persons responsible for / managing each activity would also be enlisted in this portion. In addition, it is important to mention criteria due to which testing activities could be or may need to be suspended, and under what circumstances the testing process could recommence. All the planned deliverables and key persons responsible for completing each process would also need to be mentioned here.
Risks, Issues and Mitigation
This portion would clearly state any limitations, possible issues, and any related risks and the possible methods to mitigate.
Equipment and Material Requirements
This section enlists the hardware, tools, software, and the other environmental conditions to support testing. The kind of test equipment required would also feature here – this would include the equipment already available, and the ones required.
Lastly, approvals
This is the last but critical portion – signature of those approving the project and the testing is necessary to make the document valid. Ensure that signatures of all stakeholders are present.
In Conclusion
Given that the performance test plan is a guide, it is essential to ensure that it is clear, concise, and effective such that the entire testing process is smooth and remains on track. A top quality performance testing company would be able to prepare such a document and ensure that the testing produces superlative results – connect with us to get all this and more.