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The 7 Best Open Source Test Automation Frameworks

The 7 Best Open Source Test Automation Frameworks

Nowadays, we have many open-source test automation frameworks to choose from that we have created this list of the top 7 open-source test automation frameworks to use. But back in the day, test automation frameworks had to be developed using commercial test automation tools. Before the emergence of such open-source automation testing tools, many proprietary tools had the below-listed limitations.

  • Only a few limited programming/scripting languages were supported.
  • The scripts could be executed only on IE browsers.
  • Separate licenses had to be purchased for script executions.
  • Only limited Reporting Features were available.
  • Third-party test management tools integration was not possible.
  • There was a lack of documentation.
  • The annual tool support fee was huge.

Even now, some of the commercial’s test automation tools have these limitations. In the earlier days, the Excel-driven test automation framework was very popular. The claim was that testers didn’t have to open the tool to write the automated test scripts. Stakeholders thought that filling the excel sheet to create an automated script was simple and a game-changer. So if any change was required in the framework, it would be done by the test automation architect. That is when the open-source automation frameworks slowly started to emerge in the market.

Selenium brought the capability to automate both Firefox and IE. This was in a time period when even many of the popular commercials automation testing tools didn’t have the feature to automate any other browser apart from IE. It is important to remember that Selenium is a browser automation library; it is not a test automation framework. You have to use Selenium to build the framework.

Why do we need a test automation framework?

With the help of a test automation framework, we will be able to

  • Organize automated test scripts
  • Avoid duplication of scripts
  • Reduce the effort required for maintenance
  • Troubleshoot failures quickly with the help of test reports
  • Integrate with test management tools
  • Manage test data that are required for test execution
  • Follow common scripting guidelines
  • Ease portability & adaptability

Now that we have seen why we need an automation framework, let’s move over to our top 7 list of open-source test automation frameworks which can be used right away instead of having to build an in-house framework. As a leading QA company, we get projects requests from our clients to work with ready to use framework. Given our expertise in the domain, we believe that this blog article will help you to choose a suitable open-source automation testing framework to kick start script development from day one.


First up, we have Serenity BDD which is a ready-made automation testing framework. It has many built-in methods for both Selenium and API automation which will ease the script development process. The Serenity test reporting feature will be very helpful in understanding what tests have been executed, and what requirements have been tested.

We know for a fact that Serenity is a popular open-source test automation framework. Let’s take a look at what makes it so popular.

  • Serenity introduces one more layer between the Step Definitions and page objects. ‘Steps’ is the new layer that represents actors or personas who interact with the application. This layer makes your test scripts more readable and maintainable.
  • You can mention environment-specific configurations in serenity.conf file.
  • Built-in methods and test reporting system for REST API automation testing using REST Assured is a great value-add.
  • Serenity supports the Screenplay pattern which helps to produce readable test code.
  • It introduces a new Ensure class to write readable assertions.
  • You can also run Serenity tests on a Zalenium server to achieve parallel execution.

Robot Framework

Robot Framework is an open-source automation testing framework that has many built-in keywords and libraries. The robot framework’s core is developed using Python. It was developed by Nokia Networks and open-sourced in 2008.

The various standout Robot framework features are:

  • It is a keyword-driven framework.
  • You can write test scenarios in the Gherkin format.
  • It produces both HTML and XML reports.
  • You can tag tests to categorize them.
  • Robot Framework has standard and external libraries. Standard libraries come along with the installation. Whereas, you can install the external libraries which are required for the project.
  • It has plugins for all popular IDEs like (Eclipse, Intellij, PyCharm, SubLime, TextMate, Vim, Emacs, Brackets, Atom, etc…).
  • Execution can be scheduled in Jenkins.
  • You can use Robot Framework for Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD).
  • Desktop App test cases can be automated using WhiteLibrary.
  • You can also automate JavaSwing GUI.
  • Video recording and screenshots can be captured during execution.
  • It supports IBM Mainframe automation testing.

Robot Framework is very vast, and so you will be able to automate any application or API. So even if you don’t find any library for your requirements, you won’t be in trouble as Robot Framework lets you write your own library.


Gauge is an open-source test automation framework developed by the Thoughtworks team that eases automated acceptance tests. You can write the test scenarios in the .spec or .md file format. The implementation codes can be written in JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, C#, & Python languages. Gauge allows you to focus only on tests instead of spending time on utilities & keywords development.

If you want to share data from one test scenario to another, you can use the Gauge data store factory. There are three types of data stores (ScenarioStore, SpecStore, & SuiteStore).

If a test execution has any failures, you will be able to rerun only the failed scripts using the below command.

gauge run --failed

You can run these specs in parallel, but you must be able to write the thread-safe test code. Gauge is a simple and flexible test automation framework that avoids complex test code layers.


Atata is an open-source C# based Web App Automation Testing framework. It provides a rich set of libraries to automate web-related test cases and uses Page Object Pattern to define the UI elements & actions to be performed on web pages. Atata is supported in all major C# based unit & BDD testing frameworks (NUnit, Xunit, MSTest, & Specflow). Atata even integrates ExtentReports for test report generation.


Carina is a Java-based open-source automation testing framework that can be used to automate Web Apps, Mobile Apps, REST Services, Windows apps, and even DB-related test cases. Carina has one very unique and resourceful feature for mobile app automation testing. It allows you to have common automated snippets for both iOS and Android platforms.

WebDriver.IO uses the Selenium, Appium, and DevTools protocol to automate Web apps, mobile apps, and Electron-based Desktop Apps. The DevTools capability was introduced in Selenium 4. However, the framework has already implemented DevTools without relying on the WebDriver protocol.

Some notable features of are:

  • It is suitable for automating all modern web, mobile, and desktop apps.
  • It supports all major reporting libraries (Allure, Concise, Dot, Junit, Spec, Sumologic, etc).
  • You can embed video recording in test reports.
  • Execution can be triggered based on GitHub actions.
  • has built-in commands. You can also add custom methods if you need any.
  • You can schedule executions in Jenkins and Bamboo CI tools.
  • You can also migrate the existing Protractor automated scripts to


Citrus is an open-source test automation framework best suited for integration testing. You can send, receive messages, and also specify control messages for validation. Citrus allows you to test complex messaging scenarios with a step-by-step sequence of operations.


You need experts such as us by your side to provide the best automation testing services. Yes, choosing the right framework is a critical choice. But your team should be capable to create a custom test automation framework, explore, and even suggest the ready-to-use framework for a project.

Measuring the Value of Automation Testing : How to Get it Right?

Measuring the Value of Automation Testing : How to Get it Right?

DevOps and Agile primarily focus on how to add value to both the product and the business, and test automation is considered an important activity in the delivery pipeline. In the past, test automation metrics and ROI were used to determine the benefits of automation testing. Let’s say an automated test suite runs perfectly for 6 months without any changes and refer to the metrics from the executions, it will show positive outcomes. But the underlying problem here is that the automated test scripts which are untouched and not improved don’t provide any value at all. So in this blog, we will be going through how to effectively measure the value of automation testing.

Measuring the value of test automation in DevOps & Agile is totally different. Let’s take a look at some of the more traditional value measuring techniques and explore why they are no longer effective.

Total Duration

Let’s start off with one of the most basic metrics, the time is taken to perform the tests using automated test suites. In most cases, automation test execution will be faster than manual test execution. But isn’t it more important to see what is being tested instead of how quickly it is tested in the initial phase? We understand that providing quick QA feedbacks to a team is a paramount task, and are not denying it. You can employ multiple Docker containers and run the scripts in parallel to achieve speed. But make sure you don’t compare the execution time between manual and automation testing for each test case. It does not help you to measure the value of your automation tests.

Percentage of Pass & Fail

False Positives & Negatives is one of the major productivity killers for automation testing that requires you to script well to avoid them. Just because all your tests have passed, you cannot assume that your scripts are doing well. You need to ensure that your automated test suites are constantly improved by adding new test scenarios, updating the existing scenarios when functionalities change, and also fixing the false positives & negatives. There is no doubt that the percentage of pass & fail is a good metric, but you need additional supporting data to measure the value of your automation testing more precisely.

In DevOps, you need to improve your automated test suites continuously. Only stable test scripts are qualified to fit in the delivery pipeline. As a leading QA Company, we use automated testing reporting dashboards to view all the collected metrics to measure their value. So based on our vast experience, we recommend you collect the below metrics to measure the value of automation testing.


  • Keep track of the number of scripts that are up and running in the pipeline.
  • Collect data on the number of scripts that are getting added.
  • Monitor how many scripts are updated & removed.
  • Check how many new test cases are identified for automation testing from your Exploratory Testing Sessions.


  • We know that unstable scripts have to be quarantined, so find out how many scripts have been quarantined. Make sure that you bring them into the delivery pipeline only after stabilizing them.
  • Keep track of the frequently failing tests.
  • Your tests don’t just have to work, they have to be fast as well. So, collect data on the slowest tests as this metric will expose if any page is loading slowly or if it has any scripting issues.
  • Monitor common exception messages. Since Selenium and Appium have an exception list, you can improve your automated tests by fixing the common exceptions.
  • Track the Success Rate when you retry. Sometimes, running the failures again might get them to pass. But if you notice any script which is passing only after retry, it needs your attention.

Number of defects and other issues

  • Keep track of the number of defects you find in testing
  • Monitor the number of script issues
  • Check the number of issues in the test data
  • Collect data on the number of infrastructure-related issues


Being the best company for automation testing, we at Codoid have switched our test automation value measuring strategy from the traditional approach. We have seen great results and you will also be to witness the same when you try our approach. You will be able to capture the above-mentioned metrics during test execution, and from the framework & the test management tool to measure test automation value.

How Automation QA Testing Ensures Product Release Success

How Automation QA Testing Ensures Product Release Success

Speed in marketing products is crucial for businesses in all industries. Digital technology is advancing at such a rapid pace; often, first movers have a significant advantage. With automation testing, you can stay ahead of the curve. 

Quality assurance managers and QA automation services rely on automation to reduce repetitive, tedious tasks while speeding up release cycles and enhancing the quality of their products. Here are things to keep in mind about maximizing QA testing for your releases.

Test Areas with the Most Changes

You cannot test your entire product with each release, and you don’t have to—create focus areas based on what your development team worked on the most. You can automate these smaller areas in the release plan. If a feature worked in the last release, you wouldn’t need to spend resources on re-testing it.

Prioritize Fixing Bugs Related to Usage

All releases involve two types of updates—new features and bug fixes. There are various types of software bugs, but if you’re conducting a continuous testing cycle, it’s better to focus on ones related to usage. No development team wants end-users to experience issues in usability. When you know which tests to automate, it becomes easier to divide tests.

Invest in Data Management Tools

Having tools and resources for collecting and interpreting data enables organizations to complete tests more efficiently. With the right data, you can speed up the QA process. 

Besides making the release cycle shorter, you can reduce costs, mitigate liabilities, and enable your developers to follow regulatory requirements better. Data management tools help you do a better job at quality assurance. Test automation service providers will have the correct data management tools to help you conduct successful QA tests.

Ensure Clear Communication in Your Team

Teams do not succeed at product releases by accident. Empower product managers, developers, QA engineers, and scrum masters by encouraging open and frequent communication across various channels. Today, there are different modes of communication available to distributed teams. You can use tools that encourage real-time interactions like video conferencing software or email, which allow for delays. You could even use a combination of various channels.

Whatever modes you choose should keep your team members on the same page so they can realign goals when necessary. Conduct short but frequent status meetings; instead of blocking off entire hours to get the entire team together, you can work on bottlenecks as they occur. Furthermore, get QA involved at the start of your release planning, so they know your release requirements and can spot discrepancies right away.

Finally, take advantage of having a distributed workforce. For example, suppose you are based in California, but your QA team is in Ireland, eight hours ahead of the U.S. West Coast. You can leverage that time difference—you can work on the product during regular office hours, then send it to your QA team for testing after hours. 

Providing detailed notes will help your QA engineers pick up where you left off. If you’d like to discuss things through a call or video conference, you have several hours in the early morning and at the end of the workday that overlaps with Irish office hours. Here, you can conduct longer meetings and check-ins.


Automation testing is not a silver bullet—not all projects yield the ROI that managers want. Even with automation, engineers or development teams often have to deal with budget constraints and limited resources even while they are in a continuous product release environment. To maximize QA testing, you need to have a good idea of your priorities and ensure that all teams involved communicate effectively with each other.

Codoid helps companies stay ahead of the game with high-quality test automation services. We are a premier automation service provider; our team embeds testing throughout our clients’ production timelines, eliminating bottlenecks and making releases simply better. Tell us about your project; contact us today for inquiries!

Selenium vs Cypress: Listing out the Key Differences

Selenium vs Cypress: Listing out the Key Differences

Cypress has been gaining popularity in the testing community despite Selenium still being the favorite choice. During the initial days, Cypress had features only for Unit testing, and it was also supported only by a few browsers. However, Cypress has now extended its capabilities for End-to-end Testing, Integration Testing, and Unit Testing. So choosing between these two options isn’t as easy as it once was. So in this blog article, we will be pitting Selenium vs Cypress and list out the key differences between the two to find out which will be better for your needs.


Cypress is not an open-source tool only its test runner is open-source. Many modern test automation frameworks are built on top of Selenium. Whereas Cypress has its own architecture to interact with browsers. Selenium performs the actions on a browser through the browser API. Cypress has a node process that runs behind the scenes and controls the web application to perform the set of scenarios we have listed below.

  • Stub the functions of your browser or application to force them to behave as per the requirements in your test case.
  • It enables us to programmatically alter the state of your application directly from your test code by exposing data stores (Like in Redux).
  • You can force your server to send empty responses and test edge cases like ‘empty views’.
  • You have the option to test how your application responds to errors on your server by modifying the response status codes to be 500.
  • Direct modification of DOM elements like forcing hidden elements to be shown can be done.
  • It is possible to prevent Google Analytics from loading before any of your application code is executed while testing.
  • Stay in the loop with the synchronous notifications you get whenever your application transitions to a new page or when it begins to unload.
  • Move forward or backward to control time and allow the timers or polls to automatically fire without having to wait for the required time in your tests.
  • You can also add your own event listeners for responding to your application. You could also update your application code so that it behaves differently when under tests in Cypress.

Source – Cypress Documentation


Selenium WebDriver can be used to control your browser either locally or remotely.

Local – First up, the client binding sends the WebDriver commands to the driver. Following this, the driver sends the command to the browser. Once a command is executed on the browser, the outcome of the command execution will be sent back from the same channel.

Remote – Let’s say you have the automation codebase in Windows, but want to run your scripts on the Chrome & Linux combination. You can start the Selenium Remote WebDriver on the Linux machine. After which, the client binding from Windows will send the commands to the remote WebDriver. From there the remote WebDriver sends the commands to Chrome Driver, and finally, the commands reach the browser via the Chrome Driver.

Advantages of Selenium

As stated earlier, Selenium is the crowd favorite. So let’s take a look at the advantages that make Selenium so popular.

  • Selenium WebDriver supports multiple programming languages.
  • Selenium can be integrated into any test automation framework.
  • It supports multiple browsers.
  • In Selenium 4, you can get the DevTools instance using CDP.
  • Selenium also has a strong online community.

We have seen a glimpse of both Cypress and Selenium separately. Now let’s take the Selenium vs Cypress a notch higher and compare both on a point-to-point basis to see which one will be useful for you.

Selenium vs Cypress Comparison

S. No Features Selenium Cypress
1 Programming Languages Selenium Has Client Bindings For Following Languages C#, Python, Ruby, Java, JavaScript And Etc. JavaScript
2 Pricing Free Free For Up To 3 Users & 75 USD Per Month For 10 Users
3 Browsers Supported Chrome Edge IE Firefox Safari Opera Headless Edge Chrome Firefox Electron
4 Video Recording Selenium Is A Web Browser Automation Tool. You Can Bring Execution Recording Using Your Test Automation Framework, But Not Using Selenium. Cypress Has An In-Built Feature For Video Recording.
5 Screenshots Page-Level And Element-Level Screenshots Can Be Captured Using The TakeScreenshot Method. By Default, Screenshots Are Taken For Failures And Embedded Into Test Results. If You Want To Take Inside The Script At Any Point, You Can Use Cy.Screenshot() Command.
6 Jira & Slack Integration No. You Need To Write Your Own Utilities To Integrate Jira & Slack. Yes
7 Testing Libraries You Can Use Any Testing Libraries Based On Client Bindings Support. Cypress Supports Only The Following JavaScript Testing Libraries – Mocha, Chai, Chai-JQuery, And Sinon-Chai.
8 Reporting Selenium Does Not Have In-Built Reporting Libraries. You Need To Integrate Some External Reporting Tools Like ReportPortal Or Allure Reporting. Cypress Has A Comprehensive Reporting Dashboard That Can Make The Test Results Visible To The Entire Team.
9 Open-Source/Freeware/Commerical Open-Source Cypress Dashboard Is A Commercial Tool. Test Runner Is Open-Source
10 Load Balancing No Cypress Will Automatically Balance Your Spec Files Across The Available Machines In Your CI Provider.


As a leading test automation company, we use Selenium extensively for delivering the best-in-class automation testing services. After a lot of R&D, we did try Cypress out in a couple of our projects. We found Cypress to be a good choice for web applications developed using only JavaScript technologies in both the client-side and server-side.

The Fundamentals of Automation Testing To Build Your Success On

The Fundamentals of Automation Testing To Build Your Success On

If you are assuming that achieving successful test automation is a cakewalk, you can’t be more wrong. You need a highly skilled team, a proper automation framework, healthy support from the management, the right tools, and proper training. Apart from that, we should always be on the lookout for ways to improve the automation testing process & scripts. But you need not be overwhelmed by the long list of requirements as we will be exploring the fundamentals of automation testing in this blog. So let’s get started.

Automation Testing Team

You can bring a good automation testing tool to automate web applications, mobile apps, and APIs. But you can’t bring a tool to write automated test scripts by itself as you need human intelligence to create reliable test automation scripts. That is what makes your team one of the fundamentals of automation testing.

So let’s take a look at a few pointers to understand why we need automation testers to create and maintain automation test scripts.

  • Only an automation tester who has good domain & system knowledge can write proper test automation workflows for the given end-to-end tests.
  • No application is static in the modern world. Your application GUI will be based on the test data, geolocation, language, user roles, and color themes. The automation testing tool needs two inputs. One is the information about the element to interact, and the other is the test data to be fed. Only an automation tester can provide the necessary inputs to the tool while automating a test workflow.
  • Test Automation Tools can tell you how many times a test script is failing. However, it can’t tell you why it is failing. Automation testers will troubleshoot the failures and understand the reason for the failures. So if there is any issue in the script, it will be fixed immediately.
The Required Skills

Now that we have seen why we need the team, let’s check what skills an automation testing team should possess.

1. The team should know how to make the automated test reports visible to everyone.

2. They should have a thorough knowledge of the tools they use.

3. Boilerplate codes are killers during maintenance. So your team should know how to implement the code design patterns to avoid boilerplate codes.

4. Knowledge sharing within the team and following the best practices for test automation are vital aspects.
So when you have talented people on board, you can see success in test automation from the very beginning.

System Knowledge & Thinking

As an experienced automation testing company, we have mitigated several failed automation testing projects. Our observations make it clear that System Knowledge & Thinking are also the fundamentals of automation testing as the lack of technical skills was the major concern in many projects. However, in some cases, the projects had failed due to the lack of domain knowledge. The teams had thought only about the test automation tasks and lacked the system thinking (i.e.), the type of thinking that analyses if your automated test scripts will add value to the system and not to the team or your department. Your team should in no way be working for your departmental goals. So the question has to be asked, how can we make a team focus on the system? Here are a few basics you can follow.

  • Don’t isolate the automation testing team.
  • Include them in all the process improvement meetings.
  • Include a high-level and real-time automation testing report in the system development dashboard.
  • Enable effective collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Make sure everyone in the team is well aware of the system goals.
  • Encourage them to participate in pair testing and exploratory testing sessions.

Designing automated test workflows requires in-depth knowledge in the application domain

Acceptance Test-Driven Automation (ATDA)

Times were different a decade ago, automation testing teams usually spent a lot of time developing test automation frameworks. Which meant that the script development process started only after the entire framework development process was done. But it goes without saying that automated script development should not wait for the completion of the framework development.

But you might ask how it is possible to start script development without a framework.

It is possible if you are familiar with Test Driven Development (TDD) as you can easily understand Acceptance Test-Driven Automation (ATDA) as well. ATDA allows you to develop the test automation framework while writing automated test scripts.

In TDD, the developers first write Unit tests and then develop the application features until the captured unit tests are passed. In the same way, when it comes to test automation, you start writing test scripts using Cucumber, Selenium, and Appium tools. So if a script needs the test data from an Excel or a YAML file, you must add the test data utility in the framework before moving to the next test script.

But when using ATDA, you will make the test automation framework evolve by developing the test scripts in parallel. In the traditional automation approach, you will spend a hell of lot of time developing a framework and its utilities. Moreover, it is impossible to gather all the requirements for developing the framework without commencing the script development.

Test Data Management

Automation Test Script executions need a fresh dataset. Most of the execution failures happen due to the below three reasons.

1. Missing test data or the data which are fed for execution are already consumed.

2. Application Issues

3. Script Issues (Incorrect object locator details, UI or Functionality Change)

Test data issues need to be avoided at any cost and automation testers should not spend time to feed test data in automated test suites every time before starting the execution.

Use or create a test data management tool to keep as much as the required test data ready. So make sure your test automation scripts don’t starve for test data.

Reporting & Logging

Since Reporting & Logging is one of the fundamentals of automation testing, you have to make sure that any and all automation testing frameworks you choose have the below capabilities.

  • The reports should be real-time as your team should be able to view which test case is being executed now and the test step which was just executed.
  • All the framework & utilities-related exceptions and log information should go in a separate log file.
  • The reporting tool should track how many times a script has failed.
  • It should also collect the report data for metrics.
  • Reports should be accessible and understandable to everyone.
  • Screenshots and Video recordings should be embedded.

There are many test automation reporting tools available in the market that can come in handy. Make sure the tool takes care of everything once you ingest the reporting data into the tool database. Never try to build a reporting tool on your own unless you have a special requirement. Maintaining a tool is an overhead, and your focus should be on the Framework & script development.


So these are the fundamentals of automation testing that one has to know. As one of the best companies for automation testing, we always improve our test automation process and train our teams for continuous improvement. We have seen many instances where the frameworks which were used were not updated with the latest libraries and test automation techniques. So it is evident that when you have a proper team that always focuses to improve and collaborate effectively, you will see success in test automation.

The Top 10 Automation Testing Tools Every Tester Must Know About

The Top 10 Automation Testing Tools Every Tester Must Know About

Going all hands on deck for every project to reach the market early is not always a great choice. We have to use the resources efficiently by using automation to eliminate the need for human intervention or supervision in as many tasks as possible. Not all project are alike and so the need for automation tools also vary on a project-to-project basis. As a leading QA Company, we focus on providing the best software test automation services using the aptest tools for the specific needs of our clients. So with that expertise to back us up, we have curated this specialized list of the top 10 automation testing tools you would need for various needs.


When it comes to web application testing, Selenium is hands down the best option out there. There will be no Top 10 automation testing tools list without Selenium as well. But what makes Selenium so good? Selenium is so widely supported that you can use it to perform testing across numerous browsers on different platforms like Windows, Mac, and Linux as well. Selenium is also compatible with a vast number of programming languages like Java, Python, C#, Groovy, and the list keeps going. Now we know what makes Selenium good, so let’s see what makes Selenium undeniably great.

Selenium makes it possible to perform parallel test execution, which in turn will reduce the test execution times greatly. Apart from saving invaluable time, it is also helpful in creating the most complex and advanced automation scripts to meet your demand. In addition to having such benefits of its own, Selenium integrates well with other software testing tools to make the experience even smoother. We started this list with Selenium as it is also a base for many other testing tools that are available.


Like how Selenium is for web application testing, Appium is for mobile automation testing. Be it hybrid or native mobile applications developed for iOS & Android, Appium’s ease of use and high compatibility make the process automation testing a breeze. If you’re wondering how then the answer is that Appium doesn’t require SDK or recompilation of the app to test native apps. So you can use the test practices, frameworks, and tools of your choice and be in full control of the entire process.


The primary advantage of using Cypress is that it paves the path for efficient end-to-end testing and therefore increasing its scope from being just a tool for automation. Debuggability is the standout feature of Cypress due to its many unique features like,

1. Cypress provides us with human-readable errors and makes stack traces easily accessible.

2. Cypress has the ability to take snapshots of the tests as they run. So you will be able to use the command log to see what exactly happened at every step along the way.

3. Never go out of sync as Cypress neither sleeps your tests nor adds unnecessary waits.

4. Finally, its real-time reloads enable easier implementation of changes to the tests as Cypress will reload automatically whenever any change is made.


FlaUI is a UI-based automation library that can help test applications that run on Windows OS. It has a large library that covers almost every single library used in the Microsoft UI Automation Test Library. FlaUI is the tool look to go with if you are looking to automate win32, WinForms, WPF, and even Windows Store apps by capitalizing on the available libraries. If you feel this tool would be useful to you and unsure of how to use it. We have a great blog that clearly explains how we can make full use of the tool.


In this Top 10 automation testing tools list, we have seen tools for specific tasks thus far. Likewise, let’s take a look at a couple of options for testing APIs which is always not an easy job to do. Postman’s API testing tool helps you set up automated tests without breaking a sweat. But the benefits don’t end there as they can also be used to aggregate the tests and requests that you have created into one automated test sequence. Postman even has common JavaScript snippets that can come in handy to test without writing any code for general use cases. By creating test suites we will be able to organize a set of our requests in Postman Collections, which in turn helps you run and automate a series of those requests. So Postman makes it very simple to run and manage your test workflow.


SoapUI is a headless functional testing application that is best suited for testing API and services. Even if you’re just starting out with API testing SoapUI makes it easy for you as it has a resource center to guide you. It supports various protocols and collections like REST, SOAP, GraphQL, JMS, and so on. Its drag and drop feature is a great way to accelerate script development. So with the rising need for API testing, SoapUI becomes an integral part of your CI/CD pipeline and delivers software as fast as possible.


One of the primary objectives of automation testing is to reduce the effort spent on repetitive tasks. Testing across different device and software combinations is one such scenario, and this cloud-based solution is a tool we can’t afford to miss. First of all, with BrowserStack in the picture, you need not worry about having all the hardware to pull off large-scale testing. But most importantly, you can use the ‘automate’ feature in BrowserStack to run tests in parallel across so many devices with various combinations at lightning speeds. There is no room for any compromise as we can even simulate network conditions, IP geology, and GPS geolocation.


Ranorex Studio is a great all-in-one option as it can be used in almost all use cases as it can be used to test desktop, web, and mobile apps. It is very apt for beginners due to its codeless click-and-go interface that makes things so simple. But with a full IDE, it is powerful enough even for the experts of the trade. It has a shareable object repository, it enables highly reliable object identification even in the case of web elements with dynamic IDs. Apart from that, Ranorex also has the various features we have seen in the previous tools like recording and playing the tests, easy integration with other testing tools, code reusability, and so on.


Just as the name suggests, TestComplete is another all-in-one solution that offers great value by having the ability to test desktop, mobile, and web applications. Similar to Ranorex, we will be able to use it without writing even a single line of code. It can even be used to write complex automated test scripts in the same fashion. Using TestComplete we can run functional UI tests in parallel either using the cloud or your local machine. Since it can blend seamlessly with other tools you might use, TestComplete would make for a great asset to have to achieve continuous testing. That is why TestComplete makes its way to this list of the Top 10 automation testing tools.


With the primary focus on the end-user experience, Cucumber is a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) tool that has a lot of pros on its side. CucumberStudio promises a living document as your BDD documentation always stays up to date with seamless Git integration. It boosts collaboration with highly refined and readable executable specifications that everybody can understand easily. An added advantage that comes along with it is the higher visibility of the testing activities for the stakeholders. Another area where enhanced collaboration has a visible advantage is in drafting test scripts as a collective effort of testers and developers.


As stated earlier, the need for automation tools does vary with each project. But at the same time, these 10 automation testing tools cover some of the most common use cases as we have seen tools that have their own specialty. We hope we have covered a wide range of tools that would benefit you in the future. As a forerunner in the industry who provides test automation as a service, we will continue on a journey of continuous learning & improvement by exploring many more tools.