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Reducing App Development Cost Without Quality Compromise

Reducing App Development Cost Without Quality Compromise

Several factors go into the development and design process of a mobile application, like making use of the best app testing services. One of the crucial beginning parts of this is the budget. For the most part, this is a non-issue for organizations on a larger scale since they can afford to hire full-time developers. Smaller startups, on the other hand, usually can end up with low-quality work as they outsource the job to developers with a less-than-stellar portfolio.

Read on for tips on reducing app development cost without quality compromise:

Have the Ideal Team for You

Ideas are just that until they are acted upon. If you want to make your mark in the industry, having the ideal team will do wonders. It can change things and bring your app to new heights. Moreover, these people will have a desire to pull the job off to the best of their abilities. That means they will devote effort, skills, and time to do just that.

That includes the mobile app testing companies you look into down the line. Don’t make the mistake of hiring people that aren’t a good fit for the project because that will end up costing more resources overall.

Plan Carefully

While this may go without saying, it’s worth mentioning anyway. Planning is the cornerstone to success for practically anything. It’s vital when working to considerably reduce app development costs. Audience responses are what will make your app succeed. This is why you have to plan researching your targeted audience well.

Hand-in-hand with this, your competitors should be researched as well. Make sure to check on the following factors:

  • Included features
  • Issues
  • Target audience
  • UX/UI

That way, you can make a proper assessment as to whether or not your customers are actually getting something unique. Make sure your app is able to offer people something that’s unique or close to it. It will play a key role in helping to cut through the competition.

When a strong plan is in place, costs will certainly decrease with no quality being sacrificed.

Make the App Cross-Platform

Targeting both Android and iPhone users can be a smart move in terms of reach and word-of-mouth marketing. However, that tends to be a costly route to take. You can’t afford to lose the iPhone crowd or the Android crowd, though. Easy solution: build an app that is already cross-platform. All this takes is the right amount of experience and know-how for technology. In order to save on not just costs but time as well, more and more businesses are making use of this.

Frameworks that can help with cross-platform app building worth looking into include:

  • Ionic
  • PhoneGap
  • React Native
  • Xamarin


Developing and designing an app takes a lot of resources like time, effort, and funds. If you’re a start-up, the latter is likely something you don’t have an abundance of the way big corporations do. Reduce costs without sacrificing the quality of the app by having the ideal team for you, making the app cross-platform, and planning carefully. 

Looking for mobile app testing services? Contact Codoid today! We are an industry leader in mobile app quality assurance (QA).

App Development: How to Improve Your App’s User Experience

App Development: How to Improve Your App’s User Experience

Mobile apps are designed to be easy-to-use and straightforward since they have more restricting interfaces, unlike desktop applications. For this reason, good User Experience (UX) design can be more challenging if you’re working under limitations. Since UX is a significant component in judging an app’s success, your app development process should avoid making unintentional critical mistakes.

The dangers of poor User Experience (UX) design

Your app’s UX design plays a crucial role in making it a successful component of your business’s revenue stream. Many companies use apps as an effective way to service customers, from customer help desk interactions to official product and service purchases. Any inefficiencies in these processes can lead to a decrement in productivity and customer retention, mainly due to a poorly designed app. For this reason, it’s vital to identify how you can improve your app’s UX design by focusing on the right features.

If you want to make a user-friendly app, here are three features you should improve on:

Better navigation options

People who use mobile apps expect a simplistic user experience. If you try to cram in too much information on one screen, you can unintentionally overwhelm your users.

Mobile layouts put you on limited screens that can only contain so much information. For this reason, it’s best to avoid too many visual and textual elements within one screen. Additionally, you should avoid multiple menu options that contain too many extra links. Going for a minimalistic approach with fewer buttons and more white spaces allows you to trim down the journey of jumping from one screen to another.

Highlight your call-to-action

Simpler navigation options depend on proper layout and design. The easier you can highlight your call-to-action (CTA) buttons, the less likely your app users will have difficulty moving from one step to the next. There are numerous ways to integrate CTAs in desktop interfaces. You can design it in creative ways, from pop-up banners to highlighted buttons. However, mobile app users expect as few taps or clicks necessary when going from one screen to another.

Cutting down unnecessary steps is an excellent way to make your CTA easier to spot and use. For example, eCommerce apps always have conveniently placed “add to cart” and “checkout” buttons visible on almost all their screens. This allows the user to shop comfortably without jumping through several screens.

Focus on inclusivity

Good UX design knows how to cater to its audience by being accessible to people in different demographics. This includes people who have disabilities or who could have difficulties in navigating through your app’s interface. You can make your app more accessible through something simple like making palette options that are easier for people with visual impairments. Having a language select option is also a great way to cater to non-English speaking users, especially if your business is operating internationally.


It can be more difficult to spot your app’s weaknesses by using and viewing it as the developer. Some processes and functional decisions can seem intuitive to you but alienate others who are new to the app. This is why it’s necessary to get a professional app developer to give you a second opinion. Allowing app experts to point out your output’s strengths and weaknesses lets you be a step closer to making your app ready for use to the public.

At Codoid, we provide business owners with the best app testing services to ensure they’re launching a product ready for public use. Our performance testing team can account for data analytics testing, web service testing, VR support, and more! Subscribe to our services today to receive expert care for your software!

The Importance of QA and Testing in Mobile App Development

The Importance of QA and Testing in Mobile App Development

Although technology has rapidly evolved to make application building more accessible and efficient, it doesn’t mean that it’s possible to create one without ever encountering bugs or errors. Apart from technical malfunctions, unexpected circumstances, and classic human error, anything can go wrong while developing your mobile app. 

Ironing out all kinks and squashing bugs is essential to your app’s success. Getting rid of them before they interrupt your users’ experience of your app will ensure a smooth launch and increase your chances of earning high ratings and positive reviews. Fortunately, by making your app undergo rigorous quality assurance and testing while it’s in the development stage, you can detect any bugs early on and resolve them right away.

Why You Should Test Your App Before Its Release

Having full faith in your app is essential, but putting it through the wringer under mobile app testing companies’ experienced hands will identify glaring errors and bugs that can interfere with your plans to succeed. Early detection also means you have enough time to find a solution before launching the app.

With quality assurance and mobile testing, you can guarantee that the app functions as intended on multiple devices and operating systems, ensuring compatibility. You can also make sure that the app uses UI/UX design that your audience will appreciate, encouraging them to use the app more. Testing the app and its user experience is also possible, allowing you to determine the navigation’s usability. By subjecting your mobile app to testing and quality assurance, your app will be ready to hit the store and be downloaded by millions of users worldwide. 

Not All Mobile Developers Offer Testing and Quality Assurance

While mobile app developers ultimately bring your vision to life, they don’t always know how to test your app and make sure it performs well. Some developers skip this crucial stage entirely to move on to their next project and save time, making it essential to seek performance testing services.

Unfortunately, you usually don’t find out that your mobile app developer doesn’t offer this service until your app is ready to launch, which means you’ll have to backpedal and resolve a possibly long list of maintenance issues. Finding this out when you’re ready to debut your app is incredibly frustrating, so make sure you ask your developer to perform thorough testing and quality assurance while they’re developing your app. If they decline, it’s best to seek the best app testing services instead. 

The Different Types of Mobile App Testing

Your app has several different aspects, requiring a special kind of testing to make sure everything is working as it should. There’s the functionality testing, which makes sure that the user can successfully install the app and confirm that it can handle many different circumstances like updates, interruptions, and other similar scenarios. There’s also performance testing, which determines how well your app reacts to requests, its loading time, its stability over time, how it handles increased traffic and a sudden increase in users.

Usability testing allows designers to study the app’s various functions and the kind of experience the user will receive by using the app. This type of testing will experiment with how well the colors, text, layout, navigation, and the ability to reopen the app after closing it will perform. Next is the compatibility testing, which checks the app’s compatibility with different operating systems, devices, and other aspects. It will also look at network compatibility.

Security testing considers two aspects: the users’ security and the app data’s security. This kind of testing will restrict the threat of data breaches and unauthorized access. Lastly, localization testing is vital for making sure your mobile app comfortably presents in different languages and cultures.


Every app needs quality assurance and testing to survive. Without it, it will have gaping holes that will leave users and data vulnerable, be full of glitches, and have many bugs and errors that will render it unusable. By prioritizing QA and testing, you’ll polish your app and make sure it lives up to your expectations and ideals of success.

Codoid is the industry leader in quality assurance and testing, making it one of the best QA companies around. Our app and performance testing services will guarantee that your app is bug-free and ready to hit the app store. It’s always best to test with us, so contact us today to find out what we can do for your app!

How does Big Data help in Mobile App Development

How does Big Data help in Mobile App Development

Big Data is an emerging trend in technology that can enable businesses to customize their products/services in accordance with customer needs, which in turn would support sustainable growth. Several mobile app development companies are adopting the practice of using Big Data to enhance their apps and create meaningful strategies to improve their growth prospects, and contribute to the success of their clients.

With mobile phones currently being used by around 4.57 billion people worldwide, it is apparent that the use of Big Data technology can be exceedingly beneficial for a mobile app development company in present times. Big Data can make a significant contribution to the mobile app development process in the following ways:

Mobile App Development

Powering Digital Transformation

Big Data is an efficient technology that can be used by app development companies to power digital transformation. These companies would be better enabled to cater to the needs of their customers, by extracting genuine data from a massive sea of unstructured data. By using Big Data analytics, app development companies can gauge the value of their own business data and prepare effective strategies for accelerated growth.

Providing Insight into Customer Preferences

With the help of Big Data, mobile app development companies can effectively assess the preferences of their customers. By allowing data to drive their business decisions, app development companies can keep pace with ever-changing market trends, technological advancements, and customer requirements. They can uncover hidden patterns and create apps suited to the needs and preferences of modern-day mobile users.

Providing Insight into Customer Preferences

Supporting Creation of Futuristic Mobile Apps

Big Data can enable app development companies to build state-of-the-art apps that boast excellent performance and stimulate user engagement. With the mobile app market expected to touch $189 billion in 2020, Big Data can help app development companies create apps that offer personalized user experiences. By creating futuristic mobile apps that meet the emerging needs of customers, a company can gain and sustain a leading edge over competitors.

Improving the Current State of App Development

Mobile app development companies can utilize Big Data analytics for improving their present state of development. They can prepare effective strategies aimed at transforming customer experience, retaining clients, enhancing workflow, boosting productivity, reducing development costs, and increasing sales. Moreover, by using mobile application testing services, app development companies can utilize Big Data gainfully for organizing their database and improving app functionality.

Enabling an Analysis of User Experience

App development companies can gain a comprehensive understanding of the actual use of their apps by customers by employing Big Data technology. It would be simpler to carry out an all-encompassing analysis of user experience by evaluating user engagement for different features. As a result, they can identify the most useful and in demand features as suggested by customers, as well as make an in-depth analysis of the problem areas in an app. Based on this information, they can change the app design to augment user experience.

Providing Access to Real-time Data

Big Data gives app development companies the advantage of gaining access to real-time data related to the usage of their apps by customers. Therefore, Big Data technology helps companies assess the inclination of customers towards certain app features. Companies can fine-tune their apps by adding new features and deleting redundant ones, to improve overall customer satisfaction linked to the use of the apps. It is advisable to seek the help of a specialist QA outsourcing company to ensure the quality of their app from time to time.

Contributing to Advanced Marketing Campaign Designs

Big Data holds immense potential for the creation of successful marketing campaigns by mobile app development companies. It provides pertinent information to companies about content strategy, enabling them to forecast industry trends. Additionally, it also affords companies the ability to track the app performance data, learn about customer behaviour and design marketing campaigns that convey the right message about their apps to the customers.

Driving Increased Returns on Investment (ROI)

Big Data can facilitate mobile app development companies in modifying their marketing plans in order to increase their sales. Hence, Big Data analytics can lead to higher ROI for app development companies because they can evaluate their sales strategies by gathering large amounts of data on customers and employees. Companies can also get an insight into customer activities in their target markets and even expand their operations to new markets.

In Conclusion:

Big Data can steer the future of digital development by enabling app development companies to build avant-garde apps for mobile users. An effective use of Big Data can give app development companies the ability to manage the volatility of mobile apps in a proficient manner. They can analyse enormous amounts of unstructured data to interpret and identify the most sought-after app features and strive for user-experience perfection with their mobile apps for the future. Connect with us to fast track to the future.