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An All-Inclusive Guide to Run Selenium WebDriver in Multiple Browsers

An All-Inclusive Guide to Run Selenium WebDriver in Multiple Browsers

When you are testing a web-based application, it is pivotal to ensure that they work without any issues in the browsers that are predominantly used by the world. Selenium WebDriver is a great tool that allows QA professionals to automate their test cases in their desired browser by using its library and a language-specific framework. As a leading QA company, we believe the ability to run Selenium WebDriver in different browsers is a basic skill every automation tester must possess. So we have written this blog to provide a comprehensive guide to the ones looking to learn how to run Selenium WebDriver in browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Edge. So let’s get started with a few basics of Selenium and move forward from there.


Selenium is a popular test automation tool that was developed by Jason Huggins in 2004 at Thought Works. It is an open-source automated testing framework for web applications that works with different languages such as JavaScript (Node.js), Python, Ruby, Java, or C#.

Different Types of Selenium:
  • Selenium IDE
  • Selenium RC
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Selenium Grid

Selenium WebDriver:

We have already established how Selenium WebDriver can be instrumental in testing a web application across different browsers. But before you can get started with your browser automation, you should make sure to download the browser-specific drivers. Also ensure that the driver is compatible with your OS (Windows, Mac, or Linux).

Though we will be guiding you to run Selenium WebDriver in Safari that runs only on macOS, we will be focusing on how you can run Selenium WebDriver in the other browsers on Windows.

Different types of WebDriver:

1. Firefox

2. Opera

3. Chrome

4. Edge

5. Safari

Both developers and QAs have the liberty to choose the programming language of their choice all thanks to the wide range of language bindings that the Selenium developers have developed.

Now, let’s see a list of software that you will have to download onto your system to successfully automate your browsers. Make sure you download the most recent and stable releases.

1. Selenium Java Stable 4.0.0

2. JDK

3. IntelliJ IDEA

Environment setup:

Setting up an environment for testing is one of the very first actions we would be doing. So let’s see how to do that in Java.

  • Open ‘Edit the System Environment Variables’ options by searching for it in the Search Box.
  • Click on ‘Environment Variables’ -> Click the ‘New’ Button
  • Enter the variable name as ‘CLASSPATH’, and enter the following variable value ‘C:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk-17.0.1\lib\*.jar’.
  • Click the ‘New’ button again.
  • Enter Variable name ‘JAVA_HOME’ and Variable value ‘C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1’.

Once it has been downloaded, verify it in your system without fail. You can do that by opening command prompt and typing java–version and clicking Enter. If there are no issues, you will see the details of the Java & JDK versions.

IntelliJ IDEA

  • Open IntelliJ. Click File -> New -> Project -> Click Java -> Select Project SDK -> Next -> Select the “Checkbox” to Create project from template, Click ‘Next’ -> Give a name for the Project, and click on Finish.
  • Click on ‘File’ -> Project Structure -> Platform Settings ->SDKs to Add Classpath ‘+’.
  • Open the Selenium file and navigate to the Lib folder, select ‘All Jar Files’ and click on ‘Apply’.
  • Make you sure downloading Selenium Webdriver in any compatible browser on your windows . Click the URL and go to navigate the Platforms Supported by Selenium and click the browser then you can the webdriver then download the documentation.
  • Must you verify the browser version of the webdriver is here , then you can download and use it .
The syntax for the WebDriver
//System.setProperty (""," Enter the driver path with driver name.exe "); //

Keywords for Selenium:

In order to understand the sample codes that we have written, you have to know a few basic keywords that are used to perform certain actions in the automation process. We have just mentioned a few basic keywords, if you are looking to get a better understanding, make sure to check out our blog that will help you with it.


We can use these keywords to open a particular website, reload it, close it, and such other actions.

driver.get ("URL");
driver.navigate ().to ("URL");
driver.navigate ().refresh ();
driver.navigate ().forward ();
driver.navigate ().back ();
driver. Close ();

These keywords are used to locate the elements using Selenium. Each keyword uses a different method and it can be easily understood by their names.


Code to Run Selenium WebDriver in Multiple Browsers:

We have written sample programs that will help you understand the changes you’ll have to make when using each browser. So let’s take a look at each of them one by one.

Sample Program for Chrome:

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;

public class Main {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       System.setProperty("","D:\\Webdriver\\chromedriver_win32 (2)\\chromedriver.exe");
       WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver();
       WebElement element =driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("ul[class='nav smallNav']>li[navindex='4']"));
       Actions action  = new Actions(driver);;
       WebElement element2 =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[text()='Keyboards']"));
       Actions actions = new Actions(driver);

Sample Program for Firefox:

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class Main {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       WebDriver driver=new FirefoxDriver();
       driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS);
       Select  Select_training_program_using_Index1 = new Select( driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@id='dropdown1']")));

       Select  Select_training_program_using_Index2 = new Select( driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='dropdown2']")));

       Select  Select_training_program_using_Index3 = new Select( driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@id='dropdown3']")));

       Select Get_the_number_of_dropdown_options = new Select( driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@class='dropdown']")));


Sample Program for Microsoft Edge:

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.edge.EdgeDriver;

public class Main{

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       WebDriver driver= new EdgeDriver();
       driver.manage ().window().maximize();
driver.get(" ");


Sample Program for Opera:

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.opera.OperaDriver;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

class Main{

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       System.setProperty("webdriver.opera.driver","C:\\Users\\Admin\\Downloads\\operadriver_win64 (1)\\operadriver_win64\\operadriver.exe");
       WebDriver driver=new OperaDriver();
       driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS);

Run the WebDriver in the Safari browser

So as promised, now we are going to explore the two processes you’ll need to do to run Selenium WebDriver in Safari. Following this, we have a test script for the Safari driver to run. It is worth noting that we’d have to run an automation test in the Safari browser to enable this option.

Process 1

Step 1: Open the Safari browser and navigate to the Preferences.

Step 2: Enable the ‘Show Develop Menu’ on the Menu bar.

Step 3: Now you’ll see the new Develop option popup on your safari menu bar.

Step 4: Click on ‘Allow remote automation’.

Step 5: Once that is done, you’ll be able to run the web driver successfully.


Webdriver driver = new Safari Webdriver ();

//Since this Safari WebDriver there is no need to set the path of the driver for the respective browser, instead you would have to do it for the system.

For example,


//Apple developed a Safari WebDriver that is compatible with all the safari browsers.

//If you can’t run a Safari WebDriver, you can activate the WebDriver by following Process 1.

Sample program for Safari:
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.safari.SafariDriver;

public class Main{

  public static void main(String[] args) {
       WebDriver driver=new SafariDriver();

        driver.get(" ");
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We hope you found this blog informative as a majority of software testers use Selenium WebDriver to automate their tests in different browsers. As one of the prominent automation testing service providers in the arena, we ourselves have been ardent users of Selenium WebDriver to automate our tests.

The Selenium Grid Setup to Execute Tests on a Remote Machine

The Selenium Grid Setup to Execute Tests on a Remote Machine

Selenium Grid is a concept that was introduced by the Selenium team to run Tests in remote machines by executing the tests across different Operating Systems, browsers, machines. As one of the best software QA companies, we always focus on ways to make our testing process more efficient. Selenium Grid is a great option to do just that as it helps to reduce the test execution time. So in this blog article, you will be learning about the Selenium Grid setup and tell you how you can use it.

Selenium Grid is an enhancement to the Selenium Web driver. The grid uses the Web driver’s code for executing the test scripts. The Grid contains a single Hub and one or more nodes.

We use Selenium Grid to run all the test scripts, present in the framework on a remote computer. In Selenium Grid, there are two types of systems, the first is HUB, and the other is a NODE.

Firstly, we will look into what a HUB is, and a few important points you should know.

  • It is a centralized place to which all the other nodes are connected.
  • There will be only one Hub.
  • Tests will be loaded and executed in the Hub.

Now, let’s take a few important points about NODE.

  • A node is a device that has been connected with the Hub. A node may be a Mobile, Tablet, Laptop, or Computer with different Operating Systems and browsers.
  • The number of nodes will vary depending upon the testing requirements.
  • Execution of tests will be displayed in the nodes.

Now that we have seen the basics, let’s explore the 3 main steps to use Selenium Grid, provided you have Selenium in your system. If you don’t, you can visit their official website to download the .jar file and place it in your desired drive before you proceed.

1) Start the Hub

2) Start the Node

3) Execute our Framework using remote WebDriver

1. Start the HUB

Open the command prompt on the exact location where you have kept the selenium-server jar file and type the following command:-

java -jar ./selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar -role hub

It should show the following message-

Nodes should register to
Clients should connect to

Selenium Grid hub is up and running

Selenium Grid Running

The default port number for the HUB is 4444.

2. Start the NODE

Since the hub is up and running now, copy the Selenium-server jar file and paste it into the desired drive of the remote computer where you want to run the test script. Once again open the command prompt on the exact location where you have that selenium-server jar file and type the following command.

java -jar ./selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar -role node –hub

Note: Copy the hub URL from your HUB system.

Selenium Jar file command

It should show the following message-

Registering the node to the hub:

Now the node is registered to the hub and ready to use.

Registering Node into the hub

Also, you will get the following message on your HUB system.

Registered a node

Hub Register - Selenium Grid Setup

The default port no for a node is 25409.

3. Execute the Framework using the remote WebDriver

Now that both the main components of the Selenium Grid Setup are ready, it is time to execute the test scripts on a remote computer. We have to use the remote web driver class in order to specify which browser should be opened on the remote computer. We should use the desired capability class.

package Blog;
 import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
 import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities;
 import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver;
 import org.testng.annotations.*;
 public class Blog_Demo
     WebDriver driver;
     public void Beforemethod(@Optional("chrome") String browserName)
if(browserName.equalsIgnoreCase("firefox")) {
             driver= new RemoteWebDriver(DesiredCapabilities.firefox()); }
         else if(browserName.equalsIgnoreCase("chrome")) {
             driver= new RemoteWebDriver(; }
driver.get(""); }
     public void Sample1()
     public void Aftermethod()

For executing test scripts in the NODE system, simply execute the test script from the HUB system.

Once you run the script in the Hub System, you will get the following message in the hub system.

Hub System message - Selenium Grid Setup

You will get the following message in the node.

Selenium Node register - Selenium Grid setup

If at all you want to check whether the server is running or not, you can type the following command in the browser.



We hope you have found this Selenium Grid Setup blog of ours informative. Selenium Grid is a very resourceful tool that every tester has to know about. This is a very basic blog that introduces you to Selenium Grid. Explore our other blogs to learn more about it as it can be instrumental in reducing a lot of batch execution time. Its cross-platform capabilities have always come in handy to deliver the best agile test automation services.

The Must-Know Basics of Selenium for Automation Testing

The Must-Know Basics of Selenium for Automation Testing

Selenium is a web browser automation testing library that has evolved to become one of the most popular automation testing tools over the years all thanks to the various tools and libraries associated with it. If you are an experienced automation tester, you will be very familiar with Selenium and you can refer to our more advanced blog articles around Selenium. On the other hand, if you are a novice automation tester who isn’t very familiar with Selenium, we highly recommend you to read this blog and get to know the basics of Selenium. It is not a how-to guide, rather, it will help you understand how Selenium works. To become a master of any tool, it is always pivotal to understand how it works first. Let’s begin from Selenium RC and move forward to where we are now and help you understand how much Selenium has evolved.

Selenium RC

Selenium remote control (RC) was the first version of Selenium that is no longer in use. It had all the features we have in Selenium WebDriver except for the way it interacts with the browser & the webpage.

How did the Selenium RC work?

  • The Client code (Test Code) sends a Selenese command to the Selenium server using an HTTP request.
  • The server receives and finds the suitable Selenium-Core JavaScript command for the request.
  • Then the server interprets and injects a JavaScript snippet into the browser’s built-in JavaScript interpreter.

Selenium Remote Control

There were a few major downsides to Selenium remote control as well,

  • It cannot mimic how a user performs actions on a browser since the server injects JavaScripts and manipulates the DOM. Let’s take the Chrome browser as an example. Chrome browser has pointer-events to listen to the user inputs from a touch screen, pen, or mouse. Here, the pointer-events are APIs of Chrome. Selenium RC will only manipulate the DOM using JavaScript and not access the browser API to execute the commands. That’s why Selenium RC does not have the capacity to emulate user actions.
  • The full strength of the Object-Oriented Programming was not adopted to Selenium RC.

Selenium WebDriver

WebDriver was developed by Simon Stewart at ThoughtWorks. WebDriver uses the Browser API instead of injecting JavaScript to perform the required actions. So Selenium and WebDriver were merged and released as Selenium 2.0. Local and Remote are two methods that are also few basics of Selenium that one must know. So let’s take a look at that now.


Selenium WebDriver has drivers for each browser as every browser has its own engine. So the API implementation differs. When you want to automate a browser in the same machine where the test code is located, you wouldn’t need the Selenium Remote Server. Instead, your test code has to know where the browser driver is located. Once the driver location has been identified, it will start sending commands to the driver and the driver will begin interacting with the browser.

Selenium Webdriver local- Basics of Selenium


But at the same time, if you want to execute your test code on a Windows machine and launch Safari browser in Mac. You can start the Selenium Remote server in Mac and start the script execution from Windows. In this scenario, the test code and the browser are not in the same location. That’s why the remote server is coming into the picture.

Selenium Webdriver Remote

Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE is widely used to record test scripts. The Selenium IDE Legacy version is supported only on Firefox. The newer version of Selenium IDE does have plugins for Chrome & Firefox. Now let’s take a look at a few use cases and understand where Selenium IDE can be used.


  • If you are a beginner, you can use Selenium IDE to learn the Selenium commands.
  • You can also use it to quickly check whether you are able to automate a webpage or not without writing any snippets.

Selenium Grid

If you have multiple machines for test execution, you would have to start the remote server on all the machines. In addition to that, your test code needs to take the overhead to orchestrate IPs and Port numbers of all remote machines. This is where Selenium Grid comes into play and becomes one of the must-know basics of Selenium as it allows you to have a hub to which the nodes can be attached. Now your test code has to just send the commands to the hub and the hub will redirect the command to the appropriate nodes.

Basically, Hub takes the overhead of managing nodes and routing the command requests. So the Selenium Grid makes it easy to achieve parallel execution.

Selenium 4

If you have been following the topic, you will know that Selenium 4 has brought some notable features to the table. Selenium WebDriver has 60 plus endpoints to send and receive commands using the HTTP Protocol. So the Selenium client and server communicate with each other using the HTTP Protocol. But in order to implement the Chrome DevTools Protocol, Selenium 4 needs the Bi-directional protocol.

We, as one of the leading software test automation services providers, have used the browser console listener for a project. We wanted to capture all the JavaScript errors which are triggered on the browser. Yes, the Selenium 3 server does have the capability to receive the requests and send the responses. But when the browser sends a series of messages to the client via the server, the HTTP protocol isn’t enough to handle it. If you’re interested in finding out how we handled the bidirectional protocol, read our blog where to explain everything step-by-step.

Selenium 4 - Basics of Selenium


As stated earlier, this is not a how-to guide, and we hope that our approach of covering the basics of Selenium helped you get a crystal clear understanding of Selenium works. If you like what you have read, make sure to follow us on social media to get all the latest blog updates that happen over the week. QA Automation Testing Services is our core and in order to deliver the best service to our clients, we are on a path of continuous development. We have an R&D team to explore the new tool features, techniques, and so on. So it goes without saying that more informative articles are on the way.

Selenium WebDriver becomes W3C Compliant : The Biggest Takeaway

Selenium WebDriver becomes W3C Compliant : The Biggest Takeaway

Have you ever noticed the inconsistencies between different Selenium browser drivers before Selenium’s W3C recommendation? If so, you would have a clear idea of what we are going to explore in this blog. But, if you are a novice automation tester, then the chances of you experiencing that are very low. So to clear things up, before Selenium WebDriver’s W3C recommendation, it was tough to bring uniform implementation. You will get a better picture once we go through an example.

Let’s say you want to run your scripts on Chrome, IE, Safari, and Firefox. Executing the scripts on IE and Safari browsers was a challenge as the IEDriver and Safari Driver are maintained by Microsoft & Apple. This meant that if any changes were needed in these drivers, then it should be done only by the browser vendors. So the issues would be raised and fixed only after the Selenium contributors notify the browser vendors.

Most of the modern browsers are W3C compliant. This means that HTML, CSS, and JavaScript should be interpreted as recommended by W3C across all the browsers. So there should not be any case where a particular HTML tag is rendered differently in a browser for all the websites.

Selenium WebDriver is a browser controlling library that is used globally and it is also supported by the major browsers. That is why Selenium WebDriver becomes a valid candidate to become W3C compliant. So the browser vendors adhere to the WebDriver’s W3C recommendations when developing the browser drivers.

The W3C

If you are not that aware of W3C, then you need to know what W3C is and what it does before we could proceed any further. Tim Berners-Lee and Michael Dertouzos met in Zurich and discussed forming the W3C, and eventually formed the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in October 1994.

  • W3C’s Mission – Web for all, and Web on Everything.
  • W3C’s Vision – Web for Rich Interaction, Web of Data and Services, & Web of Trust
W3C Browser Testing and Tools Working Group

W3C defines the international web standards and helps to make sure that the web is accessible from any hardware, browser, and geo-location. There are 42 open working groups to get the job done, and Browser Testing and Tools Working Group is one among the 42. The mission of the group is to produce technologies that can be used in testing, debugging, and troubleshooting Web applications running in Web browsers. So naturally, this is also the group that takes care of the Selenium WebDriver’s W3C standards.

A working group is approved and formed once the recommendations, sample code, and technical reports are submitted. WebDriver’s W3C recommendation was submitted on 5th June 2018 to inform the world to follow the recommended standards when developing Selenium drivers.

There are 38 participants from 9 organizations in the Browser Testing and Tools Working Group.

S. No Name Company
1 David Burns W3C Invited Experts
2 Michael[Tm] Smith W3C
3 Patrick Angle Apple, Inc.
4 Christian Bromann Sauce Labs
5 Brian Burg Apple, Inc.
6 Rick Byers Google LLC
7 John Chen Google LLC
8 Karl Dubost Mozilla Foundation
9 Jim Evans W3C Invited Experts
10 Jim Evans Salesforce
11 Titus Fortner Sauce Labs
12 Maja Frydrychowicz Mozilla Foundation
13 Shuotao Gao Google LLC
14 Zoher Ghadyali Microsoft Corporation
15 James Graham James Graham
16 Peter Hedenskog Wikimedia Foundation
17 Philip Jägenstedt Google LLC
18 John Jansen Microsoft Corporation
19 Wilhelm Joys Andersen W3C Invited Experts
20 Joon Lee Google LLC
21 Jason Leyba Google LLC
22 Shengfa Lin Google LLC
23 Karin Lundberg Google LLC
24 Clayton Martin Salesforce
25 Marcus Merrell Sauce Labs
26 Diego Molina Sauce Labs
27 Theresa O’Connor Apple, Inc.
28 Jan Odvarko Mozilla Foundation
29 Michael Pennisi Bocoup
30 Devin Rousso Apple, Inc.
31 Maksim Sadym Google LLC
32 David Singer Apple, Inc.
33 Henrik Skupin Mozilla Foundation
34 Sam Sneddon Apple, Inc.
35 Andy Sterland Microsoft Corporation
36 Simon Stewart Apple, Inc.
37 Brandon Walderman Microsoft Corporation
38 Luke Zielinski Google LLC

Browser Drivers

The below-listed browser drivers are W3C compliant.

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Apple Safari
  • WebKit GTK Port
  • Selenium IEDriverServer
  • Chrome

If any browser produces the driver for Selenium WebDriver, it needs to follow the W3C specifications.


There is speculation that only Selenium 4 is W3C compliant, but that is incorrect. The older version of the drivers supports W3C, and even if any of the old drivers don’t support W3C, it will use the JSON wire protocol. We, as one of the automated software testing companies, have faced many driver-related issues before the W3C WebDriver protocol. After embracing the uniformity, the Selenium Browser Drivers have now been stabilized. So there are no longer any issues where an automated test suite runs fine on one browser and fails to do so on another.

An Introductory Guide to the WebDriver BiDi Protocol

An Introductory Guide to the WebDriver BiDi Protocol

In Selenium 4, the WebDriver bidirectional (BiDi) protocol has been implemented. First of all, you should know why WebDriver needs the BiDi protocol. First, the Selenium WebDriver client library sends HTTP command requests to a server. The received requests are then processed by the server. Once the server is ready with the response, it will send the response to the client.

So the Selenium WebDriver Remote server does not send any HTTP response or message to the client until it receives an HTTP request.

WebDriver BiDi Protocol

In the above diagram, the client sends a request and the server responds. The client does not kill the connection with the server until the response for a command request is received. Selenium WebDriver has more than 60 endpoints to communicate with a remote server.

Why BiDi Protocol?

The WebDriver Bi-Directional protocol allows both the client and the server to send & receive requests and responses. But we have enough HTTP commands to send requests to the server. Then why do we need the BiDi protocol? To understand this, you need to know some features which are available in Selenium 4.

  • Listening DOM events
  • Capture & send JS Errors and Console messages to client
  • Record Traffic
  • Access to native devtools protocol

Let’s take sending console messages to the client as an example. If a webpage has 100 console log messages, then the server needs to establish 100 HTTP connections and moreover, the server cannot send a response without a valid request from the client.

Even if the selenium developers tried to implement this feature with an HTTP connection, the server wouldn’t be able to handle multiple requests simultaneously. That is the reason why the BiDi protocol has come into the picture.

What is BiDi Protocol?

BiDi is a web-socket protocol. Websocket is an event-driven protocol. Let’s say the Selenium client wants JavaScript error messages from the browser. Whenever JavaScript errors are notified by the browser to the server, the error messages will be sent to the client. So the server will send the error message only when there is an error. This is called the event-driven protocol.

In the below diagram, you can see that server is sending the WebSocket URL to the client in the new session endpoint response. So any commands other than HTTP server endpoints will be communicated using the WebSocket URL.

WebDriver BiDi Protocol

When the client needs the JavaScript console error logs, then it should subscribe to the server so that the Selenium Server will send the error messages to the client from the browser.

Refer to the below snippet. The client subscribes to the Browser Log messages. So whenever any log message is added in DevTools, the server will send the message.

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.DevTools;
import org.openqa.selenium.devtools.Log;
import org.slf4j.*;
public class Selenium4Devtools {
    final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Selenium4Devtools.class);
    public static void main(String args[]){
        System.setProperty("", "drivers/chromedriver.exe");
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
            DevTools devTools = ((ChromeDriver)driver).getDevTools();
            devTools.addListener(Log.entryAdded(), entry -> logger.error(entry.asSeleniumLogEntry().getMessage()));
        catch(Exception e){
        finally {


As a leading automated functional testing services company, we have explored many Selenium 4 features, and the WebDriver BiDi protocol is certainly an interesting topic. It is pivotal for every automation tester to be familiar with the internal processes of Selenium.

A Step-by-Step Jenkins Integration with Selenium Guide

A Step-by-Step Jenkins Integration with Selenium Guide

Jenkins has become the go-to solution for integrating Selenium with Maven as Jenkins enables quicker deployment and more efficient monitoring. The adoption of the CI/CD pipeline has become more prevalent in the software arena. In addition to being a resourceful DevOps tool, Jenkins is also very effective when it comes to building the CI/CD pipeline. As one of the best QA companies, we have used Jenkins as it helps to check the latest build that can be deployed to the production environment. It also makes the process of Selenium test automation much easier with the help of Maven. So in this Jenkins integration with Selenium guide, we will be going through the step-by-step process on how to do it. Before we proceed further, let’s take a look at a few basics.

An Introduction to Selenium and Jenkins:

Selenium is an open-source automation tool that is widely used for testing web applications across various browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, & Safari. Selenium will be able to automate these browsers using Selenium WebDriver. Test scripts can be written in any programming language like Ruby, Java, NodeJS, PHP, Perl, Python, etc.

As stated earlier, we all know Jenkins is an open-source automation tool that allows continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) and that it is a java based application. Jenkins is mainly used to build and test any software project, making it easy for developers to continuously work and integrate changes to the project.

Installation of Selenium and Jenkins

Before heading over to the Jenkins integration with Selenium, let’s take a look at how to install and set up both Jenkins and Selenium.

Steps to Download Jenkins

1. Download Jenkins from their official website.

2. Unzip the file and open the Jenkins exe file.

3. Click ‘Next’ to start the installation.

Jenkins Integration with Selenium Setup

Jenkins Integration Destination Folder

Port Selection in Jenkins Integration

Installation of Jenkins

Java Home Directory - Setup

Setup Completion of Jenkins Integration with Selenium

4. Click the Finish button to complete the installation process.

5. You will be redirected automatically to a local Jenkins page, and the port number would be 8080 by default. We can also launch a browser and navigate to the mentioned URL http://localhost:8080

Creating an admin account to access Jenkins

1. You can obtain and enter the secret password by navigating to the mentioned path as shown in the below image. Once you have entered the password, click on Continue.

To Unlock Jenkins Integration with Selenium

2. After entering the secret password, you will be asked to install plugins. Click on the required plugins option so that the recommended plugins could be downloaded and installed.

To Customize Jenkins Integration with Selenium

3. After the successful installation, you will be asked to create an administrator account with the following details that are mentioned in the screenshot.

Creating Admin User

4. Once you have successfully installed Jenkins, the default Jenkins dashboard can be seen as shown below.

Jenkins Integration with Selenium Dashboard

Jenkins integration with Selenium

The Jenkins integration with Selenium can be achieved in various ways and we will be focusing on how it can be established using Maven in this guide. Let us quickly introduce what is Maven, why we have chosen Maven, and go through the installation process as well.

What Is Maven?

Maven is a software project management & build management tool which allows us to add and manage all the dependencies in a single pom.xml file.

Why Maven for Jenkins integration with Selenium?

1. It can act as the central repository to get dependencies

2. Maven helps to maintain a common structure across the organization

3. It makes integration with CI tools easier.

How to Install Maven?

1. Download Maven from their official site.

2. Then add MAVEN_HOME under system variables as shown below

Install Maven in Jenkins Integration

3. Now, set up the path for the bin directory of the maven directory.

Maven Setup

4. To verify if maven has been installed successfully, type the following command in the command prompt.

mvn --v

Maven Installing Checking

5. Post the verification, you can go ahead and create a maven project and add the maven dependencies in the pom.xml file that will be used to achieve Jenkins Integration with Selenium.

POM.xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""

Using the Java class ‘’, we create a WebDriver script. Jenkins Integration with Selenium

package Demo;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class Sample {
  public void demo() {
    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
    String baseTitle = driver.getTitle();
    System.out.println("title =" + baseTitle);
TestNG.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="TestSuite">
<test name="demo">
        <class name="Demo.Sample">

How To Integrate Selenium Tests In Maven With Jenkins?

So the next aspect that we are going to cover in this Jenkins Integration with Selenium guide is to see how to integrate Jenkins with Selenium WebDriver and how Maven is instrumental in the integration of Jenkins with Selenium test scripts. For a crystal clear understanding, we have also added screenshots of all the important steps.

Start the Jenkins server and launch the browser and navigate to the localhost using the mentioned URL http://localhost:8080.


1. The first and foremost step would be to create a new project by choosing the ‘New Item’ option from the Jenkins dashboard.

New Project in Jenkins

2. Obviously, the next step would be to give the new project that we have created a name. In this case, we have used “DemoProject” as the name of the project for explanation purposes. It goes without saying that you can name the project as per your wish. Once the name has been entered, we have to select ‘Maven project’ as the option from the given list and then click on OK.

Project Creation

3. The created project file can be seen in the Jenkins dashboard, and so we would have to select the project from the list to proceed further.


4. From the many options that appear on the left, click on ‘Configure’.


5. Automatically Jenkins takes us to the project configuration view where we can configure the project-related details under the General tab. As shown in the image, this section includes the name and description of the project.

Project Configuration

6. The next section is the Source Code Management, under which we have to select the ‘None’ option.

The Git Option:

Here, we select ‘None’ in the Source Code Management section as we just need a build.
If you select Git, you would need to commit to the repository and enter the credentials by clicking on ‘Add’. In this Jenkins Integration with Selenium guide, we will be only focusing on the aspects and features needed to make the integration possible.

Source Code Management

7. So we can head straight to the Build section next, and it would require two important steps to load the POM.xml file. Under the Root POM, you have to enter the complete path of the pom.xml that you have created. Under the Goals and options, you would have to enter the following command

clean test

Jenkins Integration with Selenium Build Section

8. Once these crucial pieces of information have been filled in, we can scroll down and click on ‘Apply’ and then finally ‘Save’.

9. Once the above step is completed, we head back to the project where we have to click the ‘Build Now’ option.

Build Now

10. Now that we have manually triggered the build in Jenkins, the job will run after the completion of the build.

Status of the Build

Console output

11. The results can be viewed in the console output as shown below.

Jenkins Integration with Selenium Console Output


We hope this step-by-step Jenkins integration with Selenium has been helpful to you. Using this integration, we have been able to build and test our software projects efficiently and achieve the goal of continuous integration. Using Jenkins, we have been able to provide the best Selenium testing services to our clients. Beyond the benefits that we have already seen, Jenkins allows us to schedule jobs to run at any time, and it also supports a wide range of selenium plugins that will come in handy to achieve a variety of project needs.