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Writing Automated Tests Using lemoncheesecake

Writing Automated Tests Using lemoncheesecake

In this blog article, you will get to know how to write automated tests using lemoncheesecake framework & Selenium WebDriver. lemoncheesecake is a python framework for functional testing. It has good reporting system, fixtures and matchers to create readable automated test scripts using Python. As a test automation company, we would like to show an example for lemoncheesecake framework using Selenium snippets.

Writing Automated Tests Using lemoncheesecake

How to install?

pip install lemoncheesecake

Create Default Project Once you execute the below, it will create a project (myproject) which contains fixtures folder, suites folder, & file.

lcc bootstrap myproject

Create Test Suite Create a python file inside the suites folder with the below snippets. The code will launch Codoid website and verify the home page title using check_that method.

from selenium import webdriver
import time

import lemoncheesecake.api as lcc
from lemoncheesecake.matching import *

URL  = ""

"description": "My suite"

@lcc.test("Test 1")
def my_test():
    lcc.set_step("Launch URL")
    lcc.log_info("URL %s" % URL)

    driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='driverschromedriver.exe')



    lcc.set_step("Verify page title")

    check_that("value",driver.title,starts_with("One of the best QA Companies"))

    lcc.log_info("Page Tile: %s" % driver.title)


Run The Test Suite Go to the suites folder and run the below command, it will run the test suite.

lcc run

View Test Result You can see the html test result under reports folder.

lemoncheesecake test report

In Conclusion:

In lemoncheesecake framework, you can send the automated reports to Slack & Report Portal as well. Executing scripts in parallel is also possible.

Test Data Generation Using Faker

Test Data Generation Using Faker

Feeding test data in automated test suite is an additional effort. However, having all the dummy test data in Excel Sheet, XML, and JSON increases maintenance effort a little bit. For example: Consider you have mentioned a phone number in Excel sheet instead of creating random phone number on fly. If you take copy of the test data sheet to execute on different environment, then you are duplicating the static phone number and it will increase the test data maintenance effort. Our suggestion is Never have your random/dummy data in test data file.

In this blog article, you will learn how to use test data generation in Python using Faker package. Nowadays, Selenium automation testing using Python is gaining more popularity. Python packages which are useful for test automation ease script development.


pip install Faker

Basic Usage

from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
# 'Lucy Cechtelar'

# '426 Jordy Lodge
#  Cartwrightshire, SC 88120-6700'

# 'Sint velit eveniet. Rerum atque repellat voluptatem quia rerum. Numquam excepturi
#  beatae sint laudantium consequatur. Magni occaecati itaque sint et sit tempore. Nesciunt
#  amet quidem. Iusto deleniti cum autem ad quia aperiam.
#  A consectetur quos aliquam. In iste aliquid et aut similique suscipit. Consequatur qui
#  quaerat iste minus hic expedita. Consequuntur error magni et laboriosam. Aut aspernatur
#  voluptatem sit aliquam. Dolores voluptatum est.
#  Aut molestias et maxime. Fugit autem facilis quos vero. Eius quibusdam possimus est.
#  Ea quaerat et quisquam. Deleniti sunt quam. Adipisci consequatur id in occaecati.
#  Et sint et. Ut ducimus quod nemo ab voluptatum.'
Does Your UI Test Automation Strategy Have These Gaps?

Does Your UI Test Automation Strategy Have These Gaps?

Automation in software testing represents an evolutionary step in this technical domain. Leaders of testing profess such that evolution is in process and the assertion stems from a deficit in the skills required for building automated tests that provide higher levels of value for client organizations. Therefore, an awareness of potential gaps and lacunae in test automation frameworks is necessary to ensure the perfect test automation strategy.

Expending Excess Time Maintaining Test Scripts

Heavy investments of time, effort, and energy in creating test scripts indicate sub-par practices in a UI test automation strategy. The root cause is usually improper planning and poor structuring of testing frameworks. Therefore, testing engineers working with an automation testing company can breakdown tests into smaller test cases to promote efficiency in testing services. Smaller test cases offer the benefit of easy integration of user flow changes and promote reusability of fully functional test cases in new testing scenarios.

UI Test Automation Strategy

Negligible Mobile Browser Testing

Mobile browsers generate incrementally higher volumes of Internet traffic. This fact in the digital domain should encourage testers of a test automation company to focus testing on mobile devices, systems, browsers, and services. Further, the multiplicity of portable connected devices should prompt a greater focus on testing different brands of mobile browsers such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Firefox. This would enable testers to partner with clients in building their businesses while ensuring quality control for mobile applications. Additionally, professional testing offered by a test automation company helps identify issues before potential customers face a ruined mobile experience.

Lack of Options in Test Environments

A test environment simulates a production environment (or a real environment) thereby enabling testers to plan and execute testing activities with conditions and factors of the real environment. The intent is to evaluate the working of a software product in the real world. Different test environments render computer code in different ways and therefore an ideal UI test automation strategy must include a maximum number of test environments. These may replicate the working of different devices and browsers, enabling test engineers to unearth bugs and remediate these before the software product reaches the market to customers.

Ignoring Parallel Testing

Parallel testing techniques are necessary when a company seeks to widen test coverage inside constrained timelines. This testing technique implies testing multiple applications or sub-components of an application concurrently to reduce testing times. Parallel tests typically consist of two or more parts that check different parts or functional characteristics of an application. Further, parallel testing allows testers to significantly reduce the hours it would normally take to run one test after another. By testing multiple configurations simultaneously, testers can condense 30 hours of testing to 10 hours, on three different machines. Parallel testing therefore helps reduce the time spent on running tests, resulting in significant cost and time savings.

In Conclusion

Addressing these gaps can drive higher levels of efficiency in a modern UI test automation strategy. It is critical for test engineers to improve their performance on the job and deliver client satisfaction at a higher level, to remain relevant in a highly competitive market. It is best to work with experts and highly experienced testers to get the maximum ROI – connect with us for all this and more.

Automation Testing in CI CD Pipeline

Automation Testing in CI CD Pipeline

The prime motive of the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) paradigm is to enable software development teams to release a constant stream of software updates into production. This approach seeks to speed up the software release cycles, lower the costs of development and testing, and reduce the risks that ‘afflict’ modern software development systems and processes. The said paradigm also aims to spur the software release process by empowering teams to find and fix glitches in software early in the development cycle; an effective implementation of the CI/CD paradigm also encourages stronger collaboration between developers and testers, making it a crucial practice for Agile teams.

Time Efficiency

The deployment of test automation and QA automation in the CI/CD pipeline essentially accelerates the build-and-deploy cycle in favor of software developers and testers. Experts in this realm affirm that automation testing, checks codes and executes tests on a continuous basis on a corpus of modern software. This approach offers the clear benefit of providing feedback within minutes, thereby allowing agile developers to effect corrections in computer code. Bearing this in mind, testing veterans advocate the widespread use of automation in unit tests, system tests, and environment provisioning.

Faster Integrations

The modern software testing company should encourage QA automation keeping in mind the business requirements of clients and customers. Therefore, such organizations should undertake to test computer code on a regular and sustained basis to promote faster integrations between computer code and corrections instituted by automated testing mechanisms. This clearly marks a radical departure from traditional test paradigms wherein wait periods extended from days to weeks, thereby elongating development cycles much to the detriment of customer interests.

Managing Test Environments

Ideally, test automation should first be applied to software testing environments that mimic the production environment desired by the client. The modern QA company must appreciate the fact that digital technology changes at a fast pace; therefore, an automated management of the test environment will translate into faster upgrades inside new operating systems, browser versions, and system performance. The ensuing client delight can work in favor of a software testing company by contributing to the commercial bottom line. These actions reinforce the idea that the scope for automation testing should be expansive in the interests of over-delivering on client expectations.

Fewer Tear Downs

QA automation in the CI/CD pipeline works by eliminating the scope for errors in software applications and packages. Fewer errors result in this approach, thereby nullifying scenarios wherein software development teams and test professionals are forced to tear down an environment only to begin anew. The benefits of automation also include better management of test environments, thereby placing testing professionals in an optimal position to defeat unforeseen events that may impact the client experience. The reduced scope of uncertainty reinforces the business case for deploying automated testing in the CI/CD pipeline.

Boost for Shift Left Testing

Shift Left testing promotes the practice of detecting (or unearthing) glitches in software in the requirements gathering phase of the software development life cycle. Automation testing complements such efforts in the CI/CD pipeline. This early discovery of bugs has a significant impact, since the action helps to reduce the costs and resource bandwidth that would otherwise address late discovery (and the subsequent remediation) of software glitches. Therefore, every QA company should systematically undertake Shift Left testing practices in alliance with the core concepts that underlie test automation.

Faster DevOps

The seamless integration of QA automation into CI/CD pipelines allows software development teams to reap the full benefit of the DevOps paradigm. This culture connotes heightened collaboration between software development and operations teams in the mission to deploy flawless computer code. Further, test automation ensures that quality assurance activities remain continuous, reliable, and agile, in tune with other sections of the DevOps paradigm. We may state that automation testing strengthens the promise of competent testing resulting in quality computer code in short bursts of code development.

Smoother Software Delivery

A QA company that endorses the use of automated testing is positioned better to release software updates than its commercial competitors. Automated testing promotes the consistent and speedy efforts of testing professionals that participate in the CI/CD pipeline. In addition, QA automation cuts delays in production cycles and the implementation of updates inside such cycles. These facts translate into definitive gains for the QA Company in terms of guaranteeing client satisfaction and streamlining the various processes that underlie software delivery systems.

Faster CI/CD Pipeline

Automation testing is uniquely positioned to drive the CI/CD pipeline owing to the sheer speed of executing code testing operations. Modern QA automation runs in diverse spheres that includes unit testing, component integration testing, user interface testing, middleware testing, functional software testing, and regression testing. This thorough approach to software testing empowers a software testing company to offer secure, value-added services that ensure client delight by driving an exact adherence to client specifications. The alternative is manual testing which, according to experts, falls woefully short of the robust demands imposed by said pipeline.

In Conclusion

It is significantly simpler to understand, analyze, and appreciate the innate value proposition that resides in automation testing processes when these are applied to the CI/CD pipeline. In time, software testing professionals may work to expand the scope of such automation to accelerate newer paradigms designed to spur software development processes. As frontrunners in the realm of automation testing in the CI/CD pipeline, we offer more value to our clients. Connect with us to see the difference!

Key Benefits of Automation Testing For a Successful Release

Key Benefits of Automation Testing For a Successful Release

As a software testing technique, automation testing eliminates the human component in software testing practices. Such testing systems hinge on writing test scripts and applying these inside the automation framework. In modern times, testing professionals rely on test automation to automate repetitive tasks and other testing actions that are difficult to perform in manual mode.

Clear Reports

The framework of modern automation testing includes powerful dashboards that promote visibility into the progress registered by various test processes. These dashboards empower all stakeholders in the testing process to access test information in real time. Such visibility (and reporting) also allows test engineers to drive the various planks that ensure a successful software release.

Reusability of Test Scripts

The best QA companies can derive distinct benefits by implementing automation testing in their systems and processes. Experts say that part of the benefits arise out the reusability of test scripts compiled through significant investments of time and effort. The re-application of such scripts in new testing ventures allows an automation testing company to save time when executing software tests in future projects.

Automation Testing For a Successful Release

Better Shift-Left Testing

Automation testing allows test professionals to initiate testing in step with the commencement of a software development cycle. This stance allows the early discovery of glitches in software code and applications, thereby promoting the creation of robust and error-free software packages. Once implemented as part of regular testing processes, automation testing raises the proverbial bar for software testing frameworks.

Less is more

Experts recommend the use of automation testing in view of the fact that such testing entails the minimum use of code and improves the testing structure. In addition, the best QA companies often deploy non-technical personnel to drive such testing techniques and processes. Further, automation testing allows training periods during which testers receiving short term yet robust training. These facts promote better and successful releases of new software applications and packages.

Shorter Cycles

Shorter time cycles represent an interesting aspect that issues from widespread implementation of automation testing. The use of automation empowers software testers to detect a higher percentage of defects, shorter release cycles, minimal time consumed in the run-up to a release, higher levels of customer satisfaction, and more. In line with these facts, software testing companies must consider a deeper implementation of automation testing across the enterprise.

Automation Testing For a Successful Release

Lower Costs, Manpower used Better

A crop of software testing companies is earnestly investing in automation testing since this framework reduces the cost of doing business in the long term. When systematically implemented, automation testing exhibits high potential for effective resource utilization, which is a critical requirement in the world of software development and testing. The best QA companies also endorse this form of testing because it promotes prompt troubleshooting of testing errors and script failures. These attributes combine to promote a successful release of new software packages.

Boosting the Quality of Manual Tests

The leaders of an automation testing company can devote resources to the promotion of automation testing in light of its obvious advantages. However, such testing systems and practices also cast a positive effect on manual testing processes by liberating testers from tedious work such as repeated testing. Such time savings can be invested – especially in formulating improved (and more diverse) test scenarios and test cases as an extended part of manual testing activities.

Regular Smoke Testing

This form of testing is best complemented by the extensive use of automation testing systems and practices. Some common misconceptions in terms of smoke testing convey that such testing reduce can reduce the bandwidth of a tester. However, testers can defeat such misconceptions by creating automated test builds and combining these with random smoke test scenarios. Such actions, when regularly implemented, allow for robust releases of flawless software packages in the public domain.

Regular Smoke Testing

Distributed Test Execution

One of the key benefits of automation testing resides in its ability to efficiently drive distributed test executions. Such distribution can cover multiple machines, operating systems, and browsers working in tandem to yield favorable test results. In line with this, software testing companies that are keen to achieve smooth releases of software packages can invest in the many dimensions of automation testing.

Demolishing Complexity

Software testing companies that undertake complex, time-consuming, and lengthy testing processes must consider the benefits of automation testing. These testing techniques cut the inherent risks that attend complex and lengthy test scenarios, thereby generating greater returns on investment for testing organizations. Automation testing also allows developers to rely on the services of a robust test script that can be applied to multiple test cases that populate certain sections of a software package.

In Conclusion:

These represent only some of the key benefits arising from business decisions to deploy automation testing in the modern software development and testing industry. Cumulatively, these suggestions can propel the successful release of a software application, while ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction. Work with experts with relevant and extensive experience in this realm to remove all your automation testing worries – connect with us for this and more.

Why Automation Testing is Critical at Any Scale?

Why Automation Testing is Critical at Any Scale?

The digital domain has cast an all-pervasive shadow on human existence, with such trends gaining momentum even as attempts are made to bridge the gap between the realms of analog and the digital. Test Automation represents one of the core ideas molding the domain of modern software testing. This ties closely with the considerable abilities of the digital domain, in that Test Automation confers greater flexibility on software testers that choose to test at any time. This implies testing engineers can schedule test case execution at any hour of the day, thereby matching client preferences and meeting urgent deadlines and business goals. Managing automated testing with super efficiency is critical at any scale and at any stage.

Smooth Release Cycles

The use of Automated Test schedules help to ease the task of regression testing. This stems from the fact automated test casing represents a one-time effort that can be applied repeatedly in a variety of test scenarios. Therefore, Automation Testing defeats the time constraints that are usually associated with software development and release cycles. In addition, this form of testing ensures uniformity in the execution of testing practices and procedures; it removes the element of variability that perpetually emerges in the course of manual testing activities.

Reusability is Key

Why Automation Testing is Critical

Automation Testing empowers test professionals with the ability to reuse their testing scripts. This form of testing, therefore, amplifies the outcomes of deploying meticulously constructed testing scripts in a variety of contexts that center on software testing activities. This fact encourages testing organizations to deploy QA Automation systems for the benefit of the client or customer. It is apparent that Test Automation allows considerable savings in terms of time and costs, while ensuring steady outcomes.

Review Testing Reports

Automation Testing bestows significant benefits when we consider the fine details generated by software testing activities. This form of software testing allows QA Automation personnel to review the work of other engineers, assess the quality of testing scripts already in use, the range and scope of software testing, review lists of glitches and flaws unearthed and remedied, and several other activities. This surfeit of information allows for a richer testing experience and ultimately leads to the creation of a competent digital product./p>

Maximize Return on Investment

Most experts in the software testing domain agree a roadmap is crucial to ensure positive outcomes for any Automation Testing exercise. Such a map allows organizations and Test Automation professionals to achieve clarity in terms of the goals and objectives. Once these are defined, QA Automation allows developers and testers to cut the scope for confusion in testing schedules and testing activities. The downstream effects of such activities may include a higher return on investment for the testing organization.

Efficient Use of Time and Resources

Automation Testing takes the proverbial grunt work out of software testing activities, allowing testing professionals and Automated Test engineers to focus on creating expansive test cases that generate a positive impact on the performance of the software application or package. In addition, this form of testing empowers test professionals to register high levels of productivity in the workplace and speed up the software testing process. These factors are crucial inputs in the work performance of a QA Automation organization. They also help generate client delight and add substance to the bottom line of said organization.

Why Automation Testing is Critical

Complementary Test Strategies

Test Automation frameworks register a crucial departure from the limitations imposed by manual software testing processes. An Automated Test strategy allows testers to execute parallel testing and cloud-based testing in the interests of conducting comprehensive testing exercises. This is significant because cloud technologies are gaining significance in the realms of software development and testing. In addition, testers can deploy Test Automation strategies to execute testing in different environments, which may include variations in Web traffic.

Quality of Software

Veteran testers corroborate the fact that Automation Testing enforces quality standards in the software development and testing processes. This implies significant benefits for downstream users because they gain the benefit of using (or reviewing) a bug-free software product. In addition, Automation Testing confers business benefits in terms of enabling software developers create and include new features within a new software application. Automation also leads to shorter development cycles, thereby enforcing the integrity of a body of computer code in all stages of the testing cycle.

Faster Feedback

QA Automation methods often enable faster feedback mechanisms, which help to arrest the incidence of bugs and glitches inside an application or product. This holds true for different phases of a software development project, thereby creating real benefits for all stakeholders. Further, Automated Test mechanisms offer definitive time savings, which translates into commercial benefits even for mission-critical development projects. This form of testing also helps reduce business expenses for any organization that offers QA Automation services.

In Conclusion

These insights and analyses allow the appreciation of the significance of automated testing in multiple scenarios. The ongoing evolution of digital technologies may reinforce these benefits in the future, while creating potentially greater scope for new testing methods and applications. We are future ready and are consistently helping our clients to get there too – ahead of the crowd. Connect with us to gain all these benefits and more.