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Preventing Automated Test Scripts Ordeals

Preventing Automated Test Scripts Ordeals

Unnecessary and obsolete tests can prove to be a major hindrance if not managed. This is one of the top challenges in test coverage – system verification test suites must not be ‘overburdened’ by ‘old tests’. Such automated tests tend to get bundled up in the system, becoming inconspicuous but existing in the system.

Automated Test Scripts

In manual test operations, continuous review of testers from automation testing companies quickly discards old test cases. Test script mistakes and problems are bound to happen, and it is necessary for businesses to accept and learn from them. A top automation testing company can help make quality a culture and a team effort, and ensure that the right amount of planning goes in before making a decision with regard to test scripts.

Automation testing and test automation tools, responsible for generating test scripts by recording GUI action and processes, seem to have heightened the problem with test script management. Even though these are touted as mechanisms for quick and accurate test script generation, the code actually requires changes prior any suitable and helpful testing can happen. This actually uses up maintenance sources that should have been freed up and if this process is consistently used, test script and recording persons can actually create inflexible and practically useless test scripts that can accumulate / bundle up in a short timeframe. It becomes even more necessary to use a reputed test automation company, who will honestly guide your business towards profitability.

What the non-experts of Test Automation will Say/Do

The inexperienced personnel managing test automation will usually make the same blunders. Using the output of an auto-generating test tool, they would combine it with test scripts developed by code developers, and to this they would add test scripts by QA engineers and functional changes from bug fixes – leading to test scripts that quickly move from being uncontrollable to obsolete.

What should be done for Automated Test Scripts?

The experts will tell you that the maintenance of automated test scripts is not only necessary but absolutely critical. Test automation scripts that are written for stable code are usually not reviewed, and if reviewed, it is very rare. This leaves the test scripts ‘vulnerable’ and open to unseen and unexpected issues, especially when the code function is changed, which modifies the operation of a tested feature.

With the change of code, but no change to the test scripts, there will be false positives. A deal of consideration is therefore necessary to know which tests need automation and which must absolutely not be automated. Automation runs well with functions and features least likely to change, but still need maintenance and a ‘watchful eye’. When erroneous signals begin, they obstruct the results review process, making consistent examination necessary to ascertain that the ‘flags’ are actually from false tests.

Test automation scripts

The experts will tell you that these so called errors if left unattended could actually bring down the entire automated test process. When companies invest money and their resources, test automation should make sense for them, and a clogged system rife with useless tests is certainly not what they require. Automation is a highly effective and useful verification tool, and hence businesses must trust only the very best QA companies, with a sound reputation.

When you partner with an experienced test automation services company, they would include test script maintenance in the initial stages of the plans formulated for any test automation project. This would mean including the cost in terms of resources required, and the amount of time required – clearly mentioned in the plan. This plan for the test scripts maintenance must be agreed and accepted by all the stakeholders, including the company management, the developers of the product, the QA persons, and others – this keeps the process transparent and informative.

An effective automated test script maintenance strategy is one that keeps the validity and novelty of the range of test scripts. This is possible when there is meticulous documentation, with entry and exit criteria clearly mentioned for both automated and manual tests. Structured reporting and documentation will keep the process disciplined, streamlined, and specific. The review of automated scripts will be thorough, whilst managing a parallel review of the manual tests.

The creation of tests must have a sound basis for why they are required, and when they would be implemented. This should include the criteria for ‘retiring’ tests – given the emphasis on creation of tests, doing away with unrequired ones is also a critical function since it would ensure that ‘retired’ test suites do not become unwieldy and out of control.

Automated Test scripts

Another important and fast growing set of test suites are regression tests. The experts will know that culling obsolete test scripts will keep regression suites under check. While some may say that regression testing everything is a good idea, test automation experts will tell you that this is not scalable and will undermine the efforts of automated testing.

In Conclusion:

The fact is that test script maintenance saves time and depending on the outlook of a company this could be the responsibility of the product developers – but requires team effort. Rather than spending time, effort, and human resources internally, it is better to outsource the critical task of QA automation to a reliable and reputed firm, dedicated to such services. This would deliver stability, quality, and timeliness to all projects and products. Such a company will ensure targeting tests that would offer the maximum value for the product. Connect with us to gain a lot more for your products and business – we drive the strategies of what to automate, and choosing the top most testing solutions your product would require.

Focused and Intelligent Automation – The Way Forward

Focused and Intelligent Automation – The Way Forward

With so much competition and so many aspects to contend with, companies are now dramatically changing the way they manage and support business processes. Disruptive technologies, intelligent automation, and AI are making complex processes across industries faster, easier, and cost-effective. Automation testing companies are realizing the importance and benefits of intelligent automation – meaning automation with a purpose, and not automation for the sake of it. Companies are taking note of the possible benefits of using these transformative technologies to elevate their business. An expert in automation testing services would be refined and smarter than others, understanding how to proactively use the technology curve and help companies become future ready now.

Focused and Intelligent Automation

Intelligent or focused automation incorporates several systems, job functions, and holistically provides benefits across industries. It also means applying automation selectively and not instinctively to everything that can be automated. With the rise of expert test automation companies, businesses can safely outsource this important function in the knowledge that automation will be applied only where it can achieve the highest and sustainable positive affect on the processes. This is also a more efficient and cost effective method and constitutes intelligent automation.

What does Intelligent Automation mean?

By definition intelligent and focused automation is automation of targeted processes and tasks (within the scope of a larger framework of processes) that will most and immediately benefit from automation. Additionally this means that the ‘chosen’ processes and activities when automated will add the most value and will maximize the improvement of the overall process, in several areas such as efficiency, cost, speed, user experience, and more.

An expert software testing company will tell you that automating everything is a poor way to manage processes and business operations. Additionally, such a company would use specific automation techniques to ensure that your business sees the maximum positive impact, the number of problems are reduced and you gain the highest ROI on all the resources expended. With every business stretched for time and faced with an increasing number of competitors, it would help to have an experienced partner with in-depth knowledge of automation testing services and a lot more.

As mentioned, the only way to increase time is to do more in the amount available and hence faster turnaround with round the clock support have become premium services. Choosing the right automation testing company will ensure a complete transformation of your business processes, in the shortest possible time and with optimized efficiency.

Best Test Automation Companies 2019

Even measurable and sustainable gains in productivity and revenue should not be cumbersome and long-winded tasks, and only an expert will ensure demonstrated gains with the least possible effort on the part of the client. As you seek to uplift your business through transforming the operations, a value added partner in the automation testing services realm could be the best investment you make.

Real and sustainable change is what businesses need and should be able to see through focused and intelligent automation. Disruptive and demonstrable change is what you need for your business today, complemented by real time and expert support. A high quality automation testing company will match up to your expectations through proactive service and using intelligent automation. This would mean the ability to provide information, insights, and offer best practices in order to help your business to make informed decisions that will help you forge ahead of present competitors. Intelligent automation therefore, encompasses the efficacy, efficiency, knowledge, and know-how that your automation testing services partner would ensure consistently. The journey of automation must be intelligent and focused – meaning one that is a shared vision by the company and the partner. An effective automation testing company will seek to understand the value and place that the client aims to be at, and will then orchestrate automation to match.

In Conclusion:

Time is precious – we reiterate this fact – and it makes sense to go up the scale of value through sensible and purpose driven automation. Automation must not be guesswork or an experiment – it needs to be focused, meticulously thought out, and intelligent in order for it to open up endless opportunities and possibilities for a business. Connecting with us will get you all these benefits and more – we will be happy to undertake with you – your journey towards perfection.

Preventing Automated Test Scripts Ordeals

How Automated Software Testing Can Benefit

Utilizing the power of technology is something most businesses do on a daily basis. Often times, a business will have a number of software programs and apps they use to stay connected to customers.

If your company develops this type of software, finding a way to make the development process easier and more productive should be one of your main concerns. Putting together the right team is one of the main things you need to focus on. Over 44 percent of the software development businesses polled in a recent survey said that a willingness to learn was the number one thing they looked for in a new employee.

How Automated Software Testing Can Benefit Your Company

Once you have the right team in place, your next focus should be on incorporating the right tools and methodologies. If you are using the Agile methodology to structure and carry out software development projects, then using automated software testing programs is a must. Are you on the fence about whether or not to use automated testing for your software development projects? If so, check out the helpful information below about the benefits of this type of automation.

Receiving Faster Feedback is Always a Good Thing

As any successful software developer knows, receiving feedback throughout the development process is crucial. If you wait until a piece of software is completely built to test it, you will find it difficult to truly alter it to fit the needs of consumers or stakeholders in your company. Instead of dealing with the headaches this can cause, you can use automated testing to get instantaneous feedback throughout the development process.

The results of the automated tests will be shared with programmers, designers and the owner of the product in question. Once they see where the project is headed, they will be able to offer feedback. Taking this feedback and using it to optimize the piece of software in question can help you increase the overall success rate your projects have.

How Automated Software Testing Can Benefit Your Company

Reduce the Amount of Time and Effort You Invest in Testing

Building and deploying a new piece of software can be extremely difficult. If you are like most developers, finding a way to reduce the amount of time and effort you spend on testing a new program is a priority. The only way to truly do this is by embracing the power of testing automation.

With an automated testing system, you can carry out repeated testing of your software without having to watch over it. As time goes by, you will start to learn how to use this software more efficiently. This means that you can focus on other parts of the software development project without neglecting to adequately test the program in question.

Automated Testing Can Save You Money

Staying on budget is something you need to be passionate about as a business owner. Going over budget on software development projects can affect your business in a very negative way. If you are looking for a way to reduce man hours without sacrificing the overall quality of your software builds, using automated testing is essential.

Since you won’t have to pay team members to set up and carry out these tests, you can save money in the long run. Using other tools, like Papertrail can help you keep track of problems with your software. This program puts all of your error logs in one easy to use dashboard, which means you can find and fix problems in no time at all.

Detect Software Defects Early On

Being successful in the world of software development will require lots of hard work. Consistently providing clients with functional and easy to use software is a step in the right direction. If you are using automated testing during the development of new software, you should be able to catch problems and defects early on.

This means you can avoid the headache of having to tear a piece of software down to fix an issue found right before launch. Early error detection can also help you alter your software to ensure these problems are a thing of the past. While there is a learning curve when it comes to using automated testing, it is worth the time and energy you invest.

Deploy Your Software Faster

Meeting and exceeding your client’s expectations can help you achieve the success you are after. If you are constantly under-promising and over-delivering, it will be easy to keep clients loyal and happy. By automating the testing of your software, you can get to market faster.

Take Your Time When Choosing Automated Software

Getting impatient during the automated software selection process can be disastrous. This is why taking the time to weigh all of your options is a must. Reaching out to an IT professional for help is vital when trying to make this decision quickly and correctly.

How to integrate Jira with Serenity BDD

How to integrate Jira with Serenity BDD

JIRA is a popular issue tracking system that is also often used for Agile project and requirements management. Many teams using JIRA store their requirements electronically in the form of story cards and epics in JIRA. Updating executed automation BDD scenarios status in Jira story is an essential feature. We will see how to integrate Jira with with Serenity BDD.

Step-1: Add Maven Dependency

Add the below Maven dependencies in POM.XML



Step-2: Add jira Credentials in

Please note that the above mentioned jira.project value is Jira Project Key.

Step-3: Add Issue Tag in Feature file

Scenario: Sample Scenario for Jira reporting
Given I login into the application
When I add a product in the cart
Then I should see the added product in the cart

Note: In the feature file, you need to tag the scenarios to be reported in Jira in the following format @issue:#<Jira Ticket Number>. You have already mentioned your Jira project key in Serenity properties file. Just provide the ticket number as shown in the above BDD scenario and don’t prefix the project key.

The Dos and Don’ts of Automation Testing

The Dos and Don’ts of Automation Testing

Testing complicated software is a serious matter, not only from ensuring premium quality products to customers but also to maintain the existing products remain stable and free from errors. When beginning with test automation, it is necessary to focus on efficiency and frequent checks and these should be your major goals.

Dos and Don'ts of Automation Testing

Still, several test automation efforts varies from remaining efficient. Automation testing is a bonus for the IT industry since it affords a number of opportunities to developers and software testers. When performed right, it is possible for test automation to take software projects to a completely new level that bring more profit and respect for a company.

If testing is not implemented right or if a business fails to make use of the entire benefits of test automation, it would prove worthless to meet your requirement. We have listed some important do and don’ts that must remain foremost when planning test automation. In addition, these tips would provide more confidence to begin your test processes, even with an outsourced partner.

The Do’s of Test Automation

Breakdown the tests into independent and shorter scenariosIt would be simpler to find issues if you have a plan that has more specific and shorter scenarios. It is not recommended to test everything in the first test scenario. If you do so, troubleshooting becomes tough.

Select the tests that require automatingRemember each test is unique. Some tests remain challenging because of technology constraints and certain tests do not need frequent running. Therefore, select the test for which you need automating. Make sure to consider the ROI through the test automation process.

Start small and slowly develop test suites when you proceedWhen you start think carefully about what you need and what should go with the workflow of the project. Frequent changes are a given in any project, and hence it is not wise to waste time, money, and energy on developing things which would not be used or cannot be altered in the future. Think about developing the suite slowly as you go. Set priorities to get it right.

Make use of appropriate tools and employ professionalsEstablishing knowledge and skills within one’s own business remains important for accomplishing long term success. Therefore, only software testing professionals must be engaged for any kind of software testing.

The Don’ts of Test Automation

Do not begin to automate on the first dayEach project requires a certain amount of time for its requirements and design to stabilize. You must consider the effort put to develop the tests since the requirements change frequently – an important balance to focus on. Remain cautious in deciding whether is cost-effective to develop automated tests. A top class software testing company would be able to help and guide you appropriately.

Do not try to run everything at all timesRunning well is the clear goal of the test. When something is working fine, do not test it right at the beginning. It is recommended to test only the functionalities, since testing everything, would not be useful and would result in wasting time, money, effort, and other resources. If you are continuously running checks, make sure that their objectives are clear.

Do not automate entire manual testsManual testing occupies an important part in the software testing world even today. It helps in finding issues which would not be expected to persist. Ensure not to replace manual trials with the automated tests. Test automation is an addition, complementing manual testing.

Do not automate everythingWhen automating a specific test scenario, there must be a clear purpose and reason. It should offer some value to your existing software project. Start with the regular and repetitive tasks performed daily.

Do not ignore further developmentIt is necessary to prepare and develop test cases continuously for updated requirements. This helps to ensure that the software performs smoothly and there is maximum risk coverage.

In Conclusion

The mentioned tips are simple suggestions, which would help to strengthen the approach to conducting test automation. When performing automation testing, ensure it is implemented perfectly since an inefficient and unplanned process would not only be a waste of resources and time, but could also leave you vulnerable to risks and costly errors. Connect with us for all this and more.

Java Excel Libraries

Java Excel Libraries

Choosing a Java library for automation testing is a simple task. There are many Java excel libraries available in the market. However, choosing the right library is important. For example: if you want to color a cell, then Apache POI should be the ideal choice. If you want to query an excel sheet, go for Fillo library. So your choice should ideally be based on the requirement. As a test automation services company, we have used Excel Libraries for various project. Today we would like to take you through all Java Excel libraries and its features.

Apache POI

Apache POI is a widely used Java Excel library. If you are automating a Financial Application, then all the financial calculations can be handled by retrieving data from formulated Excel Cells instead of writing a complex automation utility. Using Apache POI, you can update the value which you have retrieved from AUT and refresh the formula cells to perform the expected calculations.

Excel Reporting – Formatting excel cell is another notable feature of Apache POI. Every testing team has its own customized test automation framework.

Emailing PDF and Excel report after automated suite execution is a common practice. Generating an excel reporting can be done very easily using Apache POI formatting properties and methods.


Fillo is one of Codoid‘s brainchild freeware products. As a software testing company, creating/exploring new automation testing tool/utility is our primary objective. Contributing something very niche and useful to the test automation community gives us immense pleasure and an overall sense of accomplishment.

Why did we create Fillo? When we were busy setting up a test automation framework for one of our customers, the thought provoking idea of creating a unique product was born. The test data spreadsheets for the scripts had multiple rows and every time the scripts picked up the test data based on the conditions and the environment. Writing a filter condition for an Excel utility using Apache POI was found to be a cumbersome activity. The framework implementation kept on growing. So we thought an Excel query utility would fill the void. That’s when Fillo was born. It is a simple library to query an excel spreadsheet.


Jxls is a small Java library to make generation of Excel reports easy. Jxls uses a special markup in Excel templates to define output formatting and data layout. Jxls provides some built-in markup processors which can be used to parse an excel template and extract control commands.

JExcel API

Java Excel API is a mature, open source java API enabling developers to read, write, and modifiy Excel spreadsheets dynamically. Now java developers can read Excel spreadsheets, modify them with a convenient and simple API, and write the changes to any output stream.

Apache Commons CSV

If you want to read/write CSV files, you can also go for Apache Commons CSV.
