by admin | Aug 25, 2019 | Software Testing, Fixed, Blog |
In the modern-day Software Engineering arena, Continuous Testing is a key mechanism for enabling the delivery of quality software at speed. With the help of the Continuous Testing process, executed through automated tests, an organization can get instant feedback on the business risks linked to its newest software release candidate.
From the perspective of a business, any top software testing company must be equipped to convey the benefits of Continuous Testing to the management of an organization. Towards that end, testers should learn the art of explaining the Continuous Testing process to the management in an effective manner.
Accentuate the Goals and Priorities of the Organization
With an organization chiefly focused on its goals and priorities, testers can heighten the need for Continuous Testing to the management by elucidating the alignment of testing and software quality efforts with business expectations. It should clearly be pointed out that the Continuous Testing helps create a prioritized list of tasks. The different teams can focus their efforts on the quality tasks that are consistent with the objectives of the organization. The fact is that the workforce of a company would need to focus on the core business, and it makes business sense to outsource QA and Software testing to a renowned and highly expert company.
Talk about the Advantages of a Test-first Approach
It is pertinent that testers talk about a test-first approach when they explain Continuous Testing to the management. A test-first approach can increase test coverage, enabling the testing team to ensure the working of the features of an application as expected. Continuous Testing also enables testers to quickly discover whether any change breaks the existing automated checks or whether some other unanticipated conditions need to be addressed. Hence, testers can focus on delivering a quality product.
Emphasize the Possibility of Speedy/Frequent Delivery of Quality Software
Software testing companies generally espouse Continuous Testing by emphasizing on the ability of the process to deliver quality software quickly and continually. Since quality software can meet expectations for an acceptable risk level, testers should communicate to the management the heightened gains in terms of reduced time and effort in finding and fixing bugs. This can enable developers to prevent the progression of bugs to a subsequent stage in the software development lifecycle (SLDC). Thus, Continuous Testing ensures that no major issues exist within the software at any stage of development.
Emphasize the Possibility of Speedy/Frequent Delivery of Quality Software
Software testing companies generally espouse Continuous Testing by emphasizing on the ability of the process to deliver quality software quickly and continually. Since quality software can meet expectations for an acceptable risk level, testers should communicate to the management the heightened gains in terms of reduced time and effort in finding and fixing bugs. This can enable developers to prevent the progression of bugs to a subsequent stage in the software development lifecycle (SLDC). Thus, Continuous Testing ensures that no major issues exist within the software at any stage of development.
Highlight the Benefits of Optimizing the Testing Process
With Agile and DevOps methodologies pivoting around continuous improvements, testers should put the spotlight the need for regular assessment and tight feedback loops for optimizing the testing process. The management should be apprised about the importance of metrics amassed because of the constant execution of a broad set of continuous tests all through the SDLC. The amassed metrics can be re-assessed for increasing the effectiveness of the tests. The repeated review and optimization of the test suite is also beneficial for eliminating redundancy and maximizing business risk coverage.
Stress on the Significance of Actionable Feedback at Different Delivery Stages
Continuous Testing holds immense significance with regard to delivering actionable feedback. This aspect should be emphasized when addressing the management and highlighted against the backdrop of the productive impact of feedback at various stages of the delivery pipeline. The management should have adequate knowledge about the role of Continuous Testing in enhancing code quality because of the potential improvements resulting from regular feedback. In addition, extensive automated testing can realistically determine the end-user experience across the associated front-end and back-end technologies.
Draw Attention to Early Detection of Risks
Testers need to ensure that the management understands the importance of Continuous Testing by underscoring the significance of designing tests for detection or prevention of risks associated with the release of the software. With Continuous Testing, functional requirements can be tested by using API testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and System Testing. Further, non-functional testing techniques like Static Code Analysis, Security Testing, and load Testing can determine whether an application meets the performance and security expectations.
Underline the Cost-saving Benefits of Continuous Testing
It is imperative for testers to highlight the cost-saving benefits of Continuous Testing. The management would be more inclined to take a favorable view of software testing services if the testing process would be timesaving and cost-effective endeavor for the organization. The comprehensive scope of Continuous Testing can enable testers to detect errors early in the development process. Therefore, leveraging Continuous Testing can yield substantial savings in cost, accelerate the software’s time to market, and generate sustainable revenue for the organization.
In Conclusion:
An expert software testing company must master the art of explaining the crucial Continuous Testing technique to the management from various perspectives. The management must be aware of the advantage of testing the software continuously to ensure a strong feedback system can be created for controlling business risks. In general, given the rapid pace and increasing complexity of software delivery, it is vital for an organization focused on releasing quality software on a continuous basis to endorse Continuous Testing. To work with experts in this realm and more – connect with us.
by admin | Aug 24, 2019 | Software Testing, Fixed, Blog |
Generating random test data during test automation execution is an easier job than retrieving from Excel Sheet/JSON/YML file. If you start maintaining dummy test data in an external file, it will increase test data feeding time before you begin the automated regression test suite.
You can generate random test data using Silly Python library if you have Selenium automated test suite in Python. Let’s see how to use it.
pip install silly
How to use
import silly
name =
print("my name is {}".format(name))
# my name is colonel beefheart
print("you should not contact me at {}".format(
# you should not contact me at [email protected]
number = silly.number()
# 7
number_in_words = silly.numberwang()
# Eighty Eight
# Youssef Chiffon needs a cluster of white dances, badly.
# Cabinet Management Systems is the best company in Bagsberg.
# Armourshire is in North Testonia. Fear space!
# oh no! that was the length in SENTENCES!
# what have we done!
# oh well
# let's do this anyways:
# Cheekshop is the best company in Birmingplace.
# Cornelius Slabmove will braise a heart, seventy-two rum staffs,
# and one hundred and thirty-two plans. Mysteriousshire Plumbing
# is the best company in Coasttown. Your mom can't wait to punch
# one hundred and thirty-seven brown socks in Jerkhall....
by admin | Aug 23, 2019 | Software Testing, Fixed, Blog |
Communication is a crucial soft skill that software testers must possess in order to complete a software testing project successfully. Proactive communication is the hallmark of a proficient test team because it enables the team members to correspond effectively with one another, avoid misinterpretation of information, and report defects efficiently to improve the quality of the software under testing. The competence and commitment of a QA company are generally evident from its well-equipped team of testers and a robust communication channel between them for delivering relevant solutions.
Communication Enables the Test Team to Work as a Cohesive Unit
Communication promotes a shared understanding of the objectives of the testing project among the testers working on the project. A Test Manager with good communication skills can clearly convey the roles and responsibilities of the members of the test team at different stages of the project – from test planning to product delivery. In a properly coordinated team, any issues affecting the testing process can be quickly resolved. Testers complement each other to work together as a cohesive unit and ensure the rapid delivery of a quality software product.
Communication Lets Testers Put Across Their Ideas Clearly
Interpersonal skills are extremely important for QA professionals especially in Agile and DevOps environments that focus on continuous development, continuous integration, and continuous delivery. Since it is the job of testers to examine the code thoroughly and log identified defects or errors, it is imperative for them to communicate their ideas from time to time. Adequate communication between the development and testing teams reassures the testers that their efforts are in line with the test requirements and performance needs. In addition, the sharing of ideas and suggestions can give everyone an opportunity to progress.
Communication Helps New Testers Easily Come Aboard a Testing Project
For the enhancement of the testing project, QA companies may sometimes make changes amid the testing lifecycle due to which new testers may join the project. In such an event, the past communication between the test team members can be very useful for the new entrants to the team. The transparency in team interactions allows new testers to assume prompt charge of their responsibility. Hence, communication is an excellent mechanism that helps new testers come aboard an ongoing project.
Communication Reinforces Vital Messages between Various Testing Teams
When various test teams undertake a testing project, communication is the most effective tool at the disposal of the Test Manager, to reinforce critical messages frequently. This enables the testers to focus on important guidelines and adjust to the changing requirements and changing schedules. Thus, reinforcement of critical messages fortifies the collaborative efforts and prioritizes the testing tasks. In particular, it gives the testers a clear understanding of the tasks and objectives as well as the perception of the client.
Communication Allows the Testing Company to Correspond with the Stakeholders
The best QA companies always strive to keep all the stakeholders in the software development process involved and informed when the software is under testing. Towards this end, regular communication with the stakeholders is essential for apprising them of the status of the testing project at any given point of time. Due to the fast-paced nature of the testing process, it is mandatory for the testing company to put a communication procedure in place to report the progress of the process to all stakeholders, thereby enabling them to know whether the process is yielding the expected outcomes or needs altering.
Communication Paves the Way for a Suitable Meeting Policy
A proper communication channel can facilitate a testing company to lay down a suitable meeting policy. With Agile and DevOps changing the software development scenario in recent times, a meeting policy is necessary for streamlining the process of communication between teams working from different geographical locations. As face-to-face meetings may not always be possible, top QA companies generally conduct meetings between different teams with the help of video conferencing tools like Skype and Google Hangouts.
In Conclusion:
Effective communication is the key to the successful completion of a software testing project. A systematic communication method used by a testing company unfolds a transparent and flexible approach which can augment the planning and execution of the project, encouraging the testers to perform their tasks efficiently. In addition, communication also enables the testing company to keep the stakeholders informed about how the project is advancing. Overall, communication lays the foundation for the growth of the test team, accomplishment of project objectives, and overall client satisfaction resulting from the delivery of a high-quality software product. Transparent communication is a culture we follow – connect with us to know more.
by admin | Aug 25, 2019 | Software Testing, Fixed, Blog |
In this blog article, we will list open source test case management tools. To unearth new bugs, you need to update your test cases periodically. If you are a test manager and would like to host your own test case management, then this article will be helpful for you.
Nitrate is a new test plan, test run and test case management system, which is written in Python and Django web framework. It has a lot of great features, such as:
- Easy to use to create and manage testing life cycle with plans, cases and runs.
- Multiple and configurable authentication backend, e.g. Bugzilla and Kerberos.
- Fast search for plans, cases and runs.
- Powerful access control for each plan, run and case
- Ready-to-use and extensible issue tracker that allows to track external issues with test cases and test case runs.
- Accessible with XMLRPC APIs.
Test case management system, with lots of great features, such as workflow wizards, automation plugins, 3rd party integrations, release reports and external API.
- Transform the testing process within your team
- Be more organized, transparent & accountable
- Boost engineering productivity & participation
Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database. Redmine is open source and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 (GPL).
Bugzilla is free and open source web-based bug-tracking software that is developed by an active group of volunteers in the Mozilla community, and used by thousands of projects and companies around the world. It can be installed on Linux and other flavors of Unix, Windows or Mac OS X.
Test Storage
Test Storage – test case management system. Currently in early alpha development and currently not available via npm.
by admin | Aug 27, 2019 | Software Testing, Fixed, Blog |
Quality control mechanisms and quality assurance systems represent critical components of modern business technology. These mechanisms and systems comprise the essence of quality management practices that seek to fulfil quality requirements directed by clients and customers. QA testing represents quality control in software development frameworks and processes, these professionals, therefore, play a central role in driving quality assurance systems. These QA systems reinforce customer confidence in the ability of a QA company to deliver on its promises. Given the criticality of the function QA Testers essay, it becomes imperative for companies to understand the reasons why these professionals would quit and then find ways to retain their top-notch QA testers.
Professional Motivation
The real-time creative and technical contributions of QA testing personnel are gaining the spotlight. This implies the role of such personnel is no longer confined to finding glitches in software after completion of the development cycle. Increasingly, QA testers are participating at multiple levels, thereby elevating the quality and scope of their interventions in the software development cycle. However, such testers remain subject to uncertainty in terms of their professional growth and the quantum of impact they exert on software development. When such queries remain unanswered, they often trigger insecurity and discontent leading to attrition within the ranks of QA testers. Managers and leaders must essay a positive role by reinforcing self-belief, the usefulness of the skills of the testers, and show them a clear path for professional growth.
Tough Job Market
Employment opportunities remain subject to fluctuation in uncertain economies. The scope of employment for QA testing engineers is currently restricted, which incites insecurity in the mind of such personnel. As mentioned, such insecurities can have a serious impact on their job performance leading to potentially degraded performance and strife with co-workers. Such work environments should encourage a QA Company to offer additional training opportunities to testers as part of talent retention programs. There are several other non-financial retention strategies designed to complement good salary packages aimed at retaining the services of the top QA testing professionals.
Accelerated Professional Growth
A failing career curve could prove to a tough challenge to the highly proficient QA testing professionals. A keen awareness of and interest in new technologies (such as automation), which are indispensable for the software testing domain, are necessary to keep job insecurity at bay. Intelligent interventions from the management group of a QA Company would help stem the tide of attrition and boost the talent retention metrics. It makes business sense for industry operators to offer meaningful opportunities for professional growth to QA testing personnel. Promotions, new learning opportunities, top-notch projects, regular dialogues with superiors, and regular performance-based bonus could effectively counter the flagging enthusiasm of QA testers. The outcomes would be happier professionals, higher levels of employee engagement in the workplace, and faster attainment of business targets.
Assessing the Costs of High Turnover
Employee retention is crucial from the perspective of any organization, and the same applies to the realm of QA testing. High turnover of such professionals could impact the ability of a QA Company to deliver on client commitments. In cognizance of this, management teams must work to quantify the costs of employee turnover and initiate actions to retain their best performers. They must reinforce the professional sense of self-worth by promoting their contributions in the workplace, and ensure that employee retention strategies are refined continually. These actions must be tied to the overarching goal of sustaining the levels of the success of an organization and enhancing its reputation to deliver on the increasing and stringent demands of clients.
Revisit the Mundane
One of the reasons for the attrition of top professionals is the feeling of being stuck in a rut in the workplace. The leaders of a QA Company need to devise strategies and develop opportunities that engage the mind and creative talents of QA testing professionals at different levels. This is quintessential to employee retention in an industry where the best talent tends to migrate from one employer to the next, given the demand for their skills in a stretched industry. It becomes necessary to drive the intellectual capital to yield a multi-spectrum of results, which would provide the much-needed boost to self-esteem and morale of such professionals. By ensuring this consistently, QA companies would see a marked improvement in work performance and a much lower rate of attrition.
In Conclusion
It is important to retain their best QA testers if a QA Company expects to retain a leading edge. With long term and engaged employees, any company can elevate the quality of its services, thereby gaining the winning edge over their competitors. In an already stretched and demanding market, it becomes critical for a QA company to retain its top testers for the long term. We pride ourselves in the fact that we have the best team of testers who have been with us since the inception of the company. Connect with us to work with a highly energized and expert QA Company.
by admin | Sep 1, 2019 | Software Testing, Fixed, Blog |
Test management refers to the activity of managing software testing process using test management tools. The purpose of test management is to meet customer expectations, develop a new software product within shorter timeframes, and achieve project goals. In this context, testing managers act as agents who provide tips, tools, and procedures to testers with the aim of guiding a project to successful completion. In an ideal scenario, test teams would collaborate with software development teams to develop high-quality software and hardware products.
Managing Software Testing Teams
The effective management of testing teams must proceed together with the use of automated test management tools. These tools are recommended since they promote a collaborative work environment, drive best practices in software testing services, and offer detailed reporting functionality. Further, such tools assist managers in writing test scripts, executing tests, and managing several teams from a remote location. Managing software testing processes increases the productivity of testing teams, and a sharp focus on test management processes increases customer satisfaction leading to the smoother execution of testing projects.
Test Management Processes
Four phases distinguish the typical test management process offered by software testing companies. These include test analysis, test planning and preparation, test execution, and test closure. The first phase analyzes and establishes the functional and non-functional requirements of a testing project. In the second phase, testers set up the testing environment along with everything required for the preparation of test planning, test data, and test cases. Actual testing begins during test execution – this phase also detects glitches within the software application undergoing testing. During test closure, testing engineers prepare test reports to record all test activities and results. The test management process must include incident management and test project evaluation based on certain metrics.
Test Management Tasks and Activities
Activities for the preparation, organization, and execution of test cases take precedence in test management tasks and activities. The organization of test cases must ensure that all the features (or functionality) within an application are thoroughly tested. Testing engineers offering software testing services must use actual test data during test case execution activities and report the results to development teams. Further, test execution processes must be monitored to improve the process and flow of test execution processes. In terms of reporting and analysis, test engineers must gather and compile all useful information to drive improvements in testing processes.
Negative Impacts on Test Management
Inadequate testing time, a lack of testing resources, spatially distributed testing teams, and a blurred view of requirements – these represent factors that can negatively impact test management activities. In response, software testing companies must carefully plan project timelines, allocate the right quality and quantum of testing resources, and outsource testing efforts effectively – in an effort to reduce the costs of testing. Additionally, testing engineers and their managers must validate business and technical requirements before the commencement of testing activities. This is crucial because a lack of clear and complete requirements may spell disaster leading to enormous waste in terms of time and money.
Challenges to Test Management
Test managers may face challenges when they seek to deliver projects on time and within budget. Awareness of testing situations and progress in testing projects represent the best defenses against such challenges. Further, managers must share the nature of emerging risks with team personnel and clients, seek insights into possible solutions, and drive interventions underlined by timely decisions. They may also try a variety of testing approaches and technical frameworks in tune with project budgets.
In Conclusion
The rising of commercial competition and complexity in testing practices exert pressure on testing organizations to develop and launch products within finite timelines. In response, software testing companies must appreciate, refine, and implement the techniques and protocols that underlie software test management. A software testing company with a team of experts would be adept at helping businesses outrace the competition – connect with us to become a frontrunner in your industry.