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Selenium Grid 4 – Distributed Execution

Selenium Grid 4 – Distributed Execution

As we all are aware of the fact that, Selenium 4 has not been released yet. However, three alpha versions have been released. Selenium Grid has only two components Hub and Node. On the other hand in Selenium Grid 4, we have four components namely – Router, Sessions Map, Distributor, and Node. Selenium 4 has introduced new architecture for Grid. Let’s understand how Selenium Grid 4 works with the three new processes.

Step #1-Start Sessions Map

Download selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-2.jar & Chrome Driver in a folder and run the below command to start Sessions Map process.

	java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-2.jar sessions

What is Sessions Map? Session Map is one of the Selenium Grid Processes. Whenever a node/session is created, Node URI/Session ID gets stored in Sessions Map. Why it is getting stored here is another question. You will understand this at the last step.

selenium grid 4

Step #2-Start Distributor

Run the below command to start the distributor process.

	java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-2.jar distributor --sessions http://localhost:5556

All Selenium Grid nodes get attached under the Distributor process. If Selenium client code sends a create session request, then Distributor is responsible for assigning a node.

Selenium Grid 4 Distributor

Step #3-Router Process

All the client requests will be received by Router. If the request is for creating a new session, then it will be redirected to the Distributor process. All other requests will be sent to the node associated with the request after querying the node URI from Sessions Map using the Session ID. Use the below command to start the router process.

	java -jar selenium-server.jar router --sessions http://localhost:5556 --distributor http://localhost:5553

Selenium Grid 4 Router

Step #4-Create a node

While creating a node, you do need to pass all the driver details. Drivers will get auto-detected if the exe/binary files are available in the folder where you have saved the Selenium Server jar file. Once the node is created under the distributor, the node details along with Node URI are updated in Session Map. For a thorough understanding, Please refer to the below diagram.

	java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-alpha-2.jar node --detect-drivers

Selenium Grid 4 Node

Step #5-Start a remote session

Invoke the remote webdriver which will send the creation request to router. Please note – Use http://localhost:4444. Not http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.

	DesiredCapabilities capability = new DesiredCapabilities();

	RemoteWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL("http://localhost:4444"),capability);

Grid 4 Session Creation

Once the session is created under the node, the session ID gets updated in the Session map for the node. So that Router can easily identify the node to send the other client requests directly.

Step #6-Router sends command to node

Apart from the session creation call, all other requests will be forwarded to Node from Router directly. Each client request has a Session ID. Using the session ID, the Router queries the Node URI
and finds the node which holds the session.

Selenium Grid Commands

In the older version of Selenium Grid, these processes occur inside the Hub process. Hence we are not aware of the process which happens at the backdrop. Though the setup is complex. Modernization will help us to troubleshoot failures and we can set up our own distributed execution elegantly.

Must do checks before your ELearning course launch

Must do checks before your ELearning course launch

Education is essential, and it should be open to everybody. As innovation pushes ahead, individuals are attempting to build the right platform for online training. During offline training sessions, you can visually connect with educators. It’s getting simpler to convey, pose inquiries, and collaborate, and so on. With a pandemic in its full rage, employers are increasingly opting for online channels. It appears to be that eLearning platforms attempt their best to give quality learning experience. Yet, it seems something is deficient in an informative online session. Consequently, there is still space for advancements in eLearning apps.

E-learning testing is essential and could be done quickly by yourself or using E-learning testing services. Regardless of whether you have spent endless hours building up every segment, it’s consistently advantageous to give it a careful tweak before you roll it out for your employees or students. Here are 14 things to double-check before launching your e-Learning course.

1. Incorporation of Learning Objectives and Goals

It’s smart to go over your whole eLearning course and ask yourself whether each component you’ve included, from the content to the illustrations, serves your learning objectives and goals. Everything ought to be meaningful. It must help your students in grasping the topic, instead of diverting them from the eLearning experience.

2. Each learning Unit is Independent

Each learning unit you’ve made (which is an exercise or module that can uphold its learning objectives and goals) should provide your students with insights towards a given theme. Along these lines, ensure that your learning units’ entirety is independent and that they fit into the master plan of your general eLearning course.

3. Syntax, Punctuation, and Spelling

Triple check your eLearning course to guarantee that your commas, periods, and marks are in their legitimate spot. Additionally, check the spelling of each text as even those that are important for a video or a picture, to ensure that everything is right on target. Keep in mind, spelling and language errors may appear to be unimportant, but have the potential to decrease the general nature of your eLearning course by causing it to appear to be less tenable and composed.

4. Brand Joining

Is your eLearning course in-accordance with the brand picture of your customer or your eLearning firm? Is it intelligent of the topic you’re attempting to make, and does each segment help create a powerful and vital learning condition for your audience? Answer these questions for yourself before proceeding further.

5. Course Diagram/Progress Markers

Are your students ready to keep tabs on their development while partaking in the eLearning course? Incorporated markers that they can use to rapidly and advantageously perceive how far they’ve come, what subject they’ve discovered, and what different exercises they will explore soon. It will give them that additional increase in inspiration and will push them to work more.

6. Correct and Clear Navigation

The route of your eLearning course ought to be as transparent as it could reasonably be expected. It should incorporate forward and in reverse route symbols, a home catch, and a connection to take students to the eLearning course diagram screen. Additionally, ensure that each button is dynamic and show up in a similar spot on each page to dodge confusion.

7. Valuable Content

Each bit of content should reflect practical applications and the necessity of the topic. If not, your students won’t see the genuine benefit of finishing the eLearning course and, like this, are not prone to participate in the learning cycle.

8. Constructive Feedback

When students complete a branching situation, recreation, or appraisal, would you say you are furnishing them with viable criticism so that they are benefitting from their experience? In a perfect world, your students need to be assessed consistently so that they can learn from their mistakes. Guarantee that you are utilizing efficient criticism tools and strategies to give your students the help they need.

9. All Programs must uphold Media (videos, images, and audios) Components

Students will be getting to your eLearning seminar on a wide range of devices. It is why it’s essential to confirm that your multimedia components can be seen on an assortment of devices. Are your sound and video advanced for web seeing? Will they, despite everything, be successful learning apparatuses on the off chance that they are seen on various devices?

11. Is it Mobile-Friendly?

View your eLearning seminar on various sorts of cell phones, if conceivable, to confirm that you can get to the content entirely. Likewise, guarantee that it, despite everything, your application holds its responsiveness and tasteful intrigue when it’s seen on a little screen.

12. Comprehensive Assessments

Have you made exams, tests, and quizzes that are genuinely going to ascertain student intellect? Have you utilized the correct inquiry design (numerous decision, valid or bogus, etc.) in light of the topic? Do your inquiries offer the perfect measure of a challenge for your students, or would they say they are excessively difficult or easy? Therefore, while gauging your students’ comprehension, ensure that you keep the questions mentioned above in mind.

13. Lesson Synopses

Make sure to incorporate recaps or synopses toward the end of every module. Also include brief outlines toward the start, with the goal that your students know about the essential thoughts or standards they will gain from every exercise.

14. E-learning Course Testing after the Launch

Once your course is delivered, it is essential to verify the working by genuine clients. Have them test the application and give their criticism. It will permit you to distinguish any errors or features that would require improvement.

To Wrap

Utilize this list to remember everything to double-check before launching your eLearning course, to guarantee that your eLearning course is holistic and perfect. Keep in mind that while this cycle may require time and exertion, it will spare you the cerebral pain of rolling out these essential improvements after the course’s launch.

How to Design an Agile Friendly Automation Testing Framework

How to Design an Agile Friendly Automation Testing Framework

Agile is test first model, this defines how to kick start testing in parallel with the development. The main agenda of this blog is to relate the automation testing to this model. The discussion is mainly on how to develop the test pack model so that it best suites the agile velocity and with the sprint level expectations. We, as an automation testing company, create a concrete plan while bringing automation into Agile, conduct proper analysis then understands the feasible fashion of test script development.

Design Automation Testing Framework

Designing Automation Testing Framework Given the expectation that the testing has to go hand in hand with automation we must have a proper plan of developing scripts. Whether n-sprint approach or n-1 sprint approach to be followed? Let’s quickly look at how those sprints work.


In this model, we will have to consider all user stories that are listed must be automated.

n-1 sprint

In this model we likely trail by a sprint, whatever the stories those were developed in previous sprint are automated in current sprint. Despite the model, we should always make sure that the regression pack is kept up to the date in the same fashion we have to maintain the sanity pack too.

Types of Automation testing When in agile, we build the system in many iterations and we call them as sprints. It is obvious that we will have only smaller chunks built in linear fashion. The question here is – how do we accommodate the space for test automation when UI and the whole system is not available? Because when automation testing is said, 90% of the spectators talk about automating at UI layer as that has ROI which is better.

If we think automation testing is best deployed to test UI, not others we are missing greatly the ideology. What we are meaning to say here is that we should think of automating at different layers such as API & DB validations to ensure that the system is doing the right thing. If we can ensure that at the initial stage our job would be lot easier, also it helps the business greatly as we are uncovering the bugs early in lifecycle and which are not that expensive to fix.

For an illustration let’s consider that the development approach is a TDD one, we will not have the complete system to test, rather we will have smaller modules/micro services would be developed in an incremental fashion. To support the quick testing at that level we should consider designing a automation testing framework that can have tests based on module wise. We also need to understand what are the services offered by the component and accordingly write type of tests.

Write powerful integrated API tests in order to verify the micro service – micro service communication. Perform some data base table’s validation to see the business logic has been processed successfully and information stored at right table. We will apparently not have UI developed initially so as soon as that gets ready we should be ready in testing the flows that starts from UI.


Test Automation industry has taken a big leap from documenting the manually tested functionality as scripts for future execution to the purpose of serving the need for in sprint automation due to the agile parallel test execution expectation. With following the discussed practices and understanding the strategy of development and testing need, we can design a matching automation testing framework that serves the need of the hour. There is no standard or hard coded practice as such, rather it fully depends on the context of a specific project.

Prerequisite of setting up Automation CoE

Prerequisite of setting up Automation CoE

The decision of setting up Automation CoE has to come from QA head of a software testing company and he/she should have a compelling need to setup this Organization.

Discussion with different Business Units to understand the landscape of Applications, life span of Application in-scope, different technologies involved, current QA tool stacks, how much of automation is achieved till date and how much it is benefiting to them in the current state and future benefits prediction has to be analyzed.

If we have this details in place, it would help us to quantify the amount and nature of work involved and help in analyzing the ACoE (Automation Center of Excellence) team size.

The above requirement would be for Product based companies. If it is a service-based company, below are the requirement to setup ACoE team.

1. Collate the history of at-least 1 year on overall Automation requirements from Customer

2. Nature of Customer and their maturity level in Automation

3. Level of interest in Automation and Automation investment criteria

4. Nature of projects like Staff Aug,

5. Type of requirements they have

Could be identifying opportunity within Customer Organization

Tool and Framework assessment

Training activities

This will give us an insight on how to start an ACoE team from the service companies perspective.


Since we are in the world of digitalization, there is always a great demand for Automation in the future beyond traditional Automation. We should prepare ourselves for such changes that the industry is undergoing and flow with the tide. The expectation from such Center of Excellence is also growing and we should prepare ourselves for these changes.