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Page Object Pattern in Python

Page Object Pattern in Python

Page objects are commonly used for testing, but should not make assertions themselves. Their responsibility is to provide access to the state of the underlying page. It’s up to test clients to carry out the assertion logic.

Martin Fowler

In this blog article, you will learn how to implement Page Object Pattern using PyPOM package.


pip install PyPOM


Sample Code

from pypom import Page
from selenium import webdriver
from import By

driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='driverschromedriver.exe')

class Home(Page):
    _contact_us_locator = (By.ID, 'menu-item-54')

    def fill_contact_us_form(self):

base_url = ''

home_page = Home(driver, base_url).open()



In Conclusion:

We have other page object model packages in Python. We will review them in our subsequent articles. Please feel free to contact us if you face any issues with PyPOM implementation.

How to Scale QA Testing to Match the Growth of Your Software Company

How to Scale QA Testing to Match the Growth of Your Software Company

Developing various QA strategies is a pre-requisite for the best QA companies, with these strategies and processes remaining focused on delivering value to the customer. However, QA outsourcing companies, leading in this realm, manage to scale such strategies in response to expanding volumes of testing assignments, higher levels of quality commitments demanded by clients, and to compete with emerging providers of software testing services. There are several techniques that such top companies follow:

Growth of Your Software Company

Acknowledge Complexity

Engineers working at software testing companies must remain aware of the forces that mold the shape and design of QA systems and processes. These include the specific demands of a particular client, emerging trends in software testing services, and the perspectives and interests of end-users of a software product. In response, engineers and managers may custom-develop QA testing processes that support the goals and objectives of different projects.

Limits of In-House Teams

QA testing strategies that depend on hiring a host of in-house testing professionals invariably boost the costs of business. Training costs, staff salaries, various tools and technologies, real estate, and office consumables represent some of these costs, and must be managed (and balanced) by the revenues generated through software testing services. However, certain limitations invariably appear when such organizations seek to scale their QA testing offerings, and it would make more business sense to hire the services of a top rated QA outsourcing company with years of diverse industry experience.

Outsourcing QA Testing

Offshore teams with specific experience in terms of designing and navigating software testing services represent the best approach to scaling QA testing assignments. When organizations consider enrolling the services of a QA outsourcing company, they would be able to work with a large customer based spread across time zones. This technique enables organizations to leverage the expertise and insights of veterans and experts employed by software testing vendors.

Outsourcing QA Testing

Latest Tools and Technologies

A software development organization must select the latest tools and technology to power their testing frameworks. In this context, the services of an outsourced QA Company enable the organization, seeking to develop an app or software, to evaluate the testing requirements of a project, refine existing resources, engage with upcoming testing tools and technologies, and drive swift turnaround times.

Lower Costs from Outsourcing

The best QA companies offer their clients lower costs in terms of executing and delivering QA testing services, and such providers also ensure optimum product quality, achieved through modern QA testing systems and processes. Additionally, the choice to outsource software testing services entails lower expenditure in terms of staffing expenses and overhead costs for the client organization. The savings from such an exercise enables the software company to use the money to scale and or employ better and contemporary resources.

Quality Ownership

The providers of software testing services are better placed to provide a guarantee of higher quality QA testing services since they would ‘own’ the execution and delivery of such services. Additionally, since such ownership is driven by responsible testing and coding practices offered by the outsourced vendor, businesses would be free from the worries associated with the work, effort, and issues of such testing. Typically, top QA Companies encourage testing engineers to communicate with developers, thereby ensuring that clients are able to effectively scale their QA testing services.

Outsourcing Allows Developers More Time to Focus

Business collaborations with a software testing company enable software developers to focus on the functionalities of the core product. Developers have more time and thus able to invest energies into innovation, which leads to the improvement of quality and performance of the software product. The decision to outsource QA testing, guarantees that the experts of the QA Company will conduct product testing and deliver detailed test reports.

In Conclusion

Scaling QA testing of your software company is necessary, but may not be easy to do without professional help. Software development organizations that wish to speedily improve the quality of their product, reduce operational expenses, and drive product delivery in line with client expectations, need to look at creative options. Connect with us to drive growth in terms of organizational expansion and achieve the ability to scale your QA testing systems and processes to ensure sustainable growth.

Troubleshoot Cucumber Failures with More Details

Troubleshoot Cucumber Failures with More Details

After automated regression test suite execution, troubleshooting failures is an important post execution task. However, it needs more error details to make sure whether the failure is test data issue or script issue or an actual application bug. Default Cucumber reporting does not provide step definition information. If you want to add the failed step definition information in Cucumber HTML Report, you can use Scott Test Reporter.

How to install? Add the below plugin and dependency in POM.xml



Cukes Test

package cukes;

import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.testng.AbstractTestNGCucumberTests;

@CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/resources/Sample.feature", monochrome = true, plugin = {
        "pretty", "hu.advancedweb.scott.runtime.ScottCucumberHTMLFormatter:target/cucumber",
        glue = {"step_definitions"})
public class Runner1 extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests {



Troubleshoot Cucumber Failures

In Conclusion:

Using this library, you can troubleshoot failures without revisiting or executing your code again. To provide quick feedback after test automation execution, you need to troubleshoot the failures quickly.

API Automation Testing using Apiritif Framework

API Automation Testing using Apiritif Framework

Writing automated API tests can be done using any Python HTTP client library & assertions packages. If we get all the API testing capabilities in one framework, it would minimize script creation & maintenance time. In this article, you will learn how to automate API testing using Apiritif framework.

Apiritif is a Python based API testing framework which eases automated API tests creation and maintenance. It is developed by Blazemeter and has all necessary utilities and assertions methods for API testing.

HTTP Requests

from apiritif import http

response = http.get("")
response.assert_ok()  # will raise AssertionError if request wasn't successful


response = http.get("")

# assert that request succeeded (status code is 2xx or 3xx)
# assert that request has failed

# status code based assertions

# content-based assertions

# assert that response body contains a string

# assert that response body doesn't contain a string

# search (or match) response body with a regex
response.assert_regex_in_body(regex, match=False)
response.assert_regex_not_in_body(regex, match=False)

# assert that response has header

# assert that response has header with given value
response.assert_header_value(header, value)

# assert that response's headers contains a string

# search (or match) response body with a regex

# assert that response body matches JSONPath query
response.assert_jsonpath(jsonpath_query, expected_value=None)

# assert that response body matches XPath query
response.assert_xpath(xpath_query, parser_type='html', validate=False)
response.assert_not_xpath(xpath_query, parser_type='html', validate=False)
Open Source Test Case Management Tools

Open Source Test Case Management Tools

In this blog article, we will list open source test case management tools. To unearth new bugs, you need to update your test cases periodically. If you are a test manager and would like to host your own test case management, then this article will be helpful for you.


Nitrate is a new test plan, test run and test case management system, which is written in Python and Django web framework. It has a lot of great features, such as:

  • Easy to use to create and manage testing life cycle with plans, cases and runs.
  • Multiple and configurable authentication backend, e.g. Bugzilla and Kerberos.
  • Fast search for plans, cases and runs.
  • Powerful access control for each plan, run and case
  • Ready-to-use and extensible issue tracker that allows to track external issues with test cases and test case runs.
  • Accessible with XMLRPC APIs.


Test case management system, with lots of great features, such as workflow wizards, automation plugins, 3rd party integrations, release reports and external API.

  • Transform the testing process within your team
  • Be more organized, transparent & accountable
  • Boost engineering productivity & participation


Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using the Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database. Redmine is open source and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 (GPL).


Bugzilla is free and open source web-based bug-tracking software that is developed by an active group of volunteers in the Mozilla community, and used by thousands of projects and companies around the world. It can be installed on Linux and other flavors of Unix, Windows or Mac OS X.

Test Case Management Tools

Test Storage

Test Storage – test case management system. Currently in early alpha development and currently not available via npm.

Quintessential Soft Skills for Every Mobile Tester

Quintessential Soft Skills for Every Mobile Tester

Soft skills are quintessential to the success of all people, and software/mobile testers are no different. The best mobile testing companies place huge emphasis on soft skills since these elevate the effectiveness of individual and teams of testers. Soft skills also complement the hard-core technical skillsets of test engineers, allowing them to add value to their performance on the job. When learned and practiced over time, these skills can contribute significantly to the work output of mobile testing personnel.


Reading, writing, and communicating lucidly is important to the success of any testing project. A software testing company that supports clear and open communication enables testers to organize and convey their thoughts with clarity. The audiences for such communication would include both technical and non-technical personnel. Therefore, the best mobile app testing companies need to understand the experience and usage of soft skills skillsets of mobile tester before hiring them. Additionally, software testing companies must organize training programs to help inculcate and sustain the soft skills of their personnel.

Quintessential Soft Skills for Every Mobile Tester

Problem Solvers

Robust soft skills enable test engineers to explore testing ideas and present these to development and testing teams. This role of a tester is akin to an educator who communicates with an audience and elicits reactions to further the cause of testing projects. Such communication could extend to testers assuming the persona of an end-user and communicating the expectations of the existing and potential customers to the testing teams. In addition, soft skills can empower testers to navigate roadblocks within testing projects, motivate teams to devise fixes and remedy the application, and communicate product improvements to software developers and end-users.

Understanding of Business Strategy

Mobile testers must develop empathy for the end-user to appreciate their point of view – leading to a speedier and successful software testing project. Empathy allows testers to assess the performance of an application from multiple perspectives, which in turn drives the development of a quality digital product. Listening and understanding carefully, enables testers to understand the nuances of the client’s business strategy and devise testing strategies accordingly.


Change remains constant in the business climate and testers working with mobile testing companies must adapt their strategies to manage and keep pace with the change. Testers must remain adaptable to changes requested by clients, manage the alterations in technical parameters of a product, adjust to new requirements, and other such modifications. Such adaptability enables testers to remain competitive in their realm of work with mobile app testing and more, and emerge as better team players.

Quintessential Soft Skills for Every Mobile Tester

Willingness to Learn

Testers must remain stay abreast of the latest developments and evolving technologies in their chosen domain – including new tools, programming languages, testing methods and implementation strategies. Testers would be able to elevate the quality of their contribution and develop in their chosen realm when they remain open to new ideas. A willingness to learn also equips average testers with the ability to recommend novel testing strategies and drive better outcomes for their clients.


Technical abilities must be complemented by tenacity to withstand changes and volatility that exists with customer demands and the business environment. This attribute is critical considering the nature of the job of a mobile tester. Detecting glitches in software packages and remediating these to the satisfaction of the client, ensuring that bugs and defects do not occur again, and consistently ensuring the highest quality in software products. The best mobile testing companies must encourage such practices in the interests of delivering quality software to clients and customers.


Mobile testers have a creative approach to their work. Major mobile app testing companies, value creativity in testers since this attribute empowers techniques that test myriad hardware and software combinations. A creative bent of mind also enables testers to fully grasp the possibilities of a software application, and explore the potential to expand functionality in these applications. Additionally, testers can use their creative ability to create new testing approaches and techniques, resulting in a world-class product and delighted end-users.

In Conclusion

Soft skills are significant contributors to the overall work of software/mobile testers, enabling them to become significantly more competitive and better at job assigned to them. Such skills, when cultivated over time, can add definitive value to testing processes, and elevate testers at par with software developers. Connect with our team to work with some of the best and experienced testers in the industry.