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Why Software Testing is Critical?

Why Software Testing is Critical?

Software testing / QA testing is meant to assure the end user about the completeness and accuracy of the software in question. The quintessence of software testing is simply to ensure a bug free application. Software testers check compatibility – they apply a test environment to surf website, mobile devices, and platform – the end result must be a responsive and easy to use application.

Why Software Testing is Critical

Even the minutest bug can make software vulnerable to hackers, putting highly sensitive data and a company’s reputation at risk. A reputed QA company using the latest tools and methodologies is your best partner and safest bet against all software related issues. A good software testing company would be able to proactively identify bugs and errors in the system right from the start. This means as and when testing becomes possible, feasible, and has the ability to resolve existing bugs. With an error free base, there would be significant and noticeable improvement in the quality of the product, placing more confidence in the testers, developers, and product managers. We list down why every product / software must undergo testing:

Cost Saving

Today a QA company that can offer the top of the line service while being cost effective. Ensuring software testing of your project may seem like an unnecessary expense, but in the long run will prove to be one of the best investments your business can make. In the several stages of development, software is likely to have errors and bugs, and the cost to fix them would be extremely low if detected early on. Technically qualified and highly skilled testers are the kind of investment that must never be overlooked or undermined. Bigger problems and errors would be a lot costlier and could cause extensive damage to your business.


With hackers and phishers becoming increasingly malevolent and vicious, they are wreaking havoc on data and software. The attacks are increasing and progressively harder to combat and untested software is an easy target. Customers provide personal information and data and expect that a business would keep it private, and use it only for the intended purpose. There is a sad history of companies who have faced some serious allegations and have had to pay huge sums as litigation settlement to customers for data leaks and misuse. Software testing ensures that the user gets a trustworthy and safe product, which would ensure the privacy of their data. In addition, in time software and QA testing will eliminate bugs and risks before the product goes to market. Even the smallest software security issues can prove to be the downfall of a great company.

Ensures Top Notch Product Quality

A business works hard to conceive and bring to life its vision in the form of a product, hence if it fails all the investment proves to be a colossal waste. The main purpose of a product is value to the users and consistently great customer experiences. Software testing is thus never conclusive or one time – even if initial issues are resolved, there are chances of unexpected issues to arise in a different part, and with a skilled team of software testers your business can be sure of delivering a high quality product. Such a product would be compatible on all devices, operating systems, and platforms. A top line QA company would always have a range of tools, devices, and methodologies that would cover the maximum testing scenarios.

User Satisfaction

Any business is only as successful as its customers choose it to be. Smooth and consistently great user experiences would lead to high satisfaction levels, which in turn would increase usage of a product. Software testing is a sure shot way to ensure user satisfaction. In a shrinking and saturated market, only the best and most consistent products stand a chance to sustain user attention. Happy customers prove to be the best advertisements and brand ambassadors, spreading good feedback to their friends, family and associates. In a business scenario where customer loyalty and trust are almost impossible to earn, glitches and poorly working products can sound the death knell on a business. Investing in software / QA testing can save your business and make it sustainably successful.

In Conclusion:

A developer might use one browser, while the user may actually use the product in varied browsers – software testing ensures that a product is usable across browsers, and with complete ease. The growth of a business, as mentioned, depends on the perspective of its customers, and software testing plays a critical role in ensuring that this happens consistently for a business. Connect with our specialized and highly skilled team to raise the bar on customer satisfaction and product quality.

Enhance Software Testing with the Power of Artificial Intelligence

Enhance Software Testing with the Power of Artificial Intelligence

The competition today in every industry and business is mind-boggling and unprecedented, which is why staying at the top of your game, and using every opportunity to outrun your competitors has become critical. In the realm of mobile app testing getting your app to the market early is quintessential to getting noticed and garnering success.

Power of Artificial Intelligence

However, with so many processes and myriad things to be managed by developers, this is easier said than done. We at Codoid believe in the power of Artificial Intelligence to enhance mobile app testing. We stand by testing early and often, and as a go-to mobile app testing company, we take our responsibility very seriously.

Today with an expanding market and shrinking resources, companies are facing real problems with regard to creation of automated tests, and the critical need to ‘shift left’ seems insurmountable. It is necessary to use multiple automated testing tools to keep abreast with the pace of development, but it is important to keep costs down as well. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) play an important role. While Agile, DevOps, and Test Early and often have changed the face of QA Services and Software Testing Services, AI and ML have raised the bar of expectations of businesses from Software Testing Companies. The possibility of significantly enhancing speed, accuracy, and efficiency of mobile apps and software is exhilarating.

AI and Software Development

While maintaining the practices for testing and delivery, testers can leverage the power of AI and add more value in the software development process. AI can be implemented in parts, all through the process of software development using automated software testing tools. Tools and platforms enabled by AI can ensure that the code gains optimal test coverage, while prioritizing testing needs. This not only allows the testing teams to run tests in shorter intervals, but serves to significantly enhance efficiency. The good news is that the application of AI can be used in any industry to enhance the speed and accuracy of projects.

With ML being at the core of AI, machines are now able to develop, monitor, and analyze content required for myriad platforms to deliver ad campaigns and content for user consumption. Collecting and collating data from various platforms, forming patterns and relevant connections is required to build algorithms for deriving outcomes – this is where Artificial Intelligence helps.

Power of Artificial Intelligence

AI bots are trained and used for complex and repetitive tasks in the software testing realm, and they not only enhance accuracy and efficiency, but also save a lot of time. With higher precision and effectiveness, the rate of failure and costs are lowered, with productivity for all testing activities is boosted. The gaps that may exist are ‘bridged’ early on, resulting in a superior product.

AI and Software Testing Process

Software development is incomplete without software testing, and hence software testing is irrefutably crucial for a seamless and superior application. Even if there is a lack of effort on the part of developers and testers to perform tests, AI with its myriad features would add value by making the process robust, speedier, and a lot simpler. By leveraging the power of AI, software development and repetitive pattern testing processes, become ‘intelligent’ and superior.

With the pace of everything becoming faster, businesses are in dire need of swifter developments in their existing and somewhat lacking infrastructures. With AI, these issues can be done way with, allowing the testing and development to be exactly as deemed.

Power of Artificial Intelligence

In addition, AI can help combat cyber risks and security threats – these require a high level of automation, and using AI does provide top scale results. Testers constantly seek unique testing environments to test applications, and AI provides these conditions. Such testing environments are critical to success today, since applications would most certainly have some bugs / errors or there could be some unforeseen problem, and being able to test them in myriad environments would help sort the problems early on. Manual testing does not afford this opportunity, given the amount of time and maintenance required.

With AI, the process is completely automated and maintenance is negligible, given that the data to get results and impact testing and development, is machine generated. Is it any wonder then that AI enabled automation is the most preferred by testers and developers to enhance and accelerate testing and development! AI algorithms add tremendous value to application testing – making the applications a lot ‘smarter’, faster, and effective. In addition, AI applications can also help to generate and elevate test cases, automate and prioritize testing, and holistically elevating the analytical and UI testing activities.

In Conclusion

Today every industry is trying to outdo the other to remain unique, innovate, and automate – using AI based apps are becoming one such effort. However, leveraging the power of AI for QA services, mobile app testing, and other software testing services, can be challenging without the experts. It is necessary to have the right know how to – identify exact use cases, gain awareness on the testing and development activities, being able to verify how apps would behave basis the input of data, test app functionality, performance, scalability, security, and so much more – in order to have a high quality successful app. All this can prove overwhelming without the right experience, know-how, and expertise.

Connect with us to know how our agile, lean, and highly proficient team can accelerate the quality of your apps and software and increase release speed. With our experience in mobile testing, AI, machine learning and analytics, we are the go-to Software Services Company for your company’s software quality problems.

What is Blockchain Testing?

What is Blockchain Testing?

Blockchain technology has the kind of transformational potential that people in the IT space; increasingly in the non-IT space simply cannot afford to ignore. This ‘technological tour de force’ as Bill Gates called it, has the ability to improve efficiencies in practically any supply chain of data, numbers, people or money.

What is blockchain testing?

In the event, this is a technology that software testing companies have also embraced because of the vast potential it represents as well as to cater to the varied and ever-evolving testing requirements of clients. The best QA companies today are those that have the most comprehensive blockchain knowledge and ability.

The industry transforming potential of blockchain

Blockchain gives companies the opportunity to track assets, collaborate and share information and to do this efficiently, precisely and securely by using cryptography. Diverse sectors such as healthcare, retail and finance are reaping the benefits of blockchain’s distributed ledger technology. The applications of blockchain have now gone way beyond crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and other decentralised payment systems. It now has a far wider application. For instance, blockchain enables smart contracts and companies can use this to create their own policies and rules to create contract based applications. Any business solution that requires a high degree of trust benefits while potentially lowering costs. Since blockchain does not need centralised infrastructure, it processes transactions faster and is impervious to cyber-attacks. Easy accessibility and the unchangeable nature of blockchain fosters trust and enhances transparency.

Software testing companies are increasingly encountering blockchain apps being used by private enterprise as well as government entities because of the way that it permits people to manage their digital personas. Since this is a decentralised system, people have better control over their identity and can choose what details they want to share and with whom, choose how and with whom to connect. Blockchain tech lets individuals and business entities send and receive payments without the necessity of bank accounts.

Why blockchain testing is the need of the hour

Blockchain may undoubtedly be the technology of the future, but experts who truly understand its applications are scarce and difficult to find as well as expensive to hire. Precisely because of these reasons, companies cannot afford to implement blockchain based apps without thorough testing. This presents obvious challenges for QA companies who are increasingly called upon to deal with blockchain based applications and to test them for suitability and stability in a range of settings. The best QA companies are equipped with the expertise and the resources to ensure that they effectively test all components of the blockchain app as well as the way that they interact with other apps.

The testing process would typically involve functional testing to examine the various functional aspects; to enable smart contracts for instance. Testers would also examine performance of the app, by identifying possible problems and suggesting possible tweaks to ensure readiness for launch. API testing or application programming interfaces tests will also form a part of the testing process so that testers can satisfy themselves that the application is able to handle and format API requests optimally. Additionally, node and shared ledger testing of all heterogeneous components will ensure smooth operation of the applications. This is necessary to test the security and integrity of the system and its imperviousness to possible attacks.

In addition to the above, QA companies will continue to encounter new testing challenges as blockchain tech develops further and is more widely implemented. Software testing companies engaged in mobile application testing, ETL & data-centric testing, and other quality assurance services have to remain on their toes… not only for the sake of their clients, but also their own!

Why Testing Early & Testing Frequently Is Critical for Your Business

Why Testing Early & Testing Frequently Is Critical for Your Business

The term vote early, vote often is usually a cynical reference to unethical electoral behavior. However applied to testing and QA services, the ‘early and often’ formula is a desirable and salutary! Today, when testing has to keep pace with the rapid evolution of technology and shorter release cycles, a QA company has to equip itself with the tools for “testing early and testing frequently”.

Testing Frequently

When a software testing company adopts this as a standard strategy, testing processes become speedier, more useful and relevant for all stakeholders. This is particularly relevant in an agile testing scenario; to identify potential glitches and reduce their future impact.

Why software testing services recommend testing early & testing frequently A business wants to be able to identify software vulnerabilities, instabilities and optimize quality and ease of use via testing. It is the job of a QA testing company to assess the performance and speed of an application or piece of software and to gauge its usability and quality. By testing early, it is possible to detect glitches and weaknesses early in the testing and development cycle. When testing is done in shorter, more frequent cycles, this helps with continuous quality maintenance and integration; helping to reduce cost and save time.

One of the main aims of using QA services is to identify and address actual and potential threats to a software platform. With a new threat emerging practically daily, testing companies have their work cut out for them; keeping themselves informed about and armed against viruses, ransom-ware, malicious adware and other types of disruptive malware.

Testing Frequently

Regression testing services benefit from early and frequent testing in particular. Since this type of testing examines the older and existing functionalities of an app or piece of software, it is highly beneficial for apps that need ongoing and frequent modifications. It goes without saying, that the best QA Company would be well aware of the importance of early and frequent testing in these scenarios and will offer the sort of functional testing services that ensure compliance with specified functional requirements of a client. If regression testing is best facilitated via early and continuous testing, so is the effective incorporation of innovations and new ideas. Smart problem solving, finding ways around gaps and glitches, and keeping pace with changing market demands can all be facilitated with this type of habitual testing.

Early and frequent testing using automated and manual testing modalities additionally clarifies team and individual responsibilities to achieve optimal cross team efficiency. Another vital benefit of frequent testing is that tester teams are able to keep track of changing code; so that it can be upgraded and made relevant for the software’s end users. Critical functions, complex algorithms and codes are better sorted through early and continuous testing.

The business environment is a constantly changing and unpredictable one. A progressive and flexible business model; in other words an ‘agile’ system is highly desirable for remaining current and relevant in the rapidly evolving market. As such, a QA company has to constantly upgrade its skill set and that of its testers to keep pace with and possibly predict these changes.

For its part, opting for early and frequent testing can be the biggest favour a business can do for itself.

Strengthening Data Science with Quality Assurance

Strengthening Data Science with Quality Assurance

Today, data science is one of the major QA services into which a software testing company would invest their time, collective effort and R&D. Data science is all about mining large volumes of raw information in creative ways to produce value for businesses.

Data Science

A QA company carrying out data centric testing today relies on data science to solve complex analytical issues with the help of algorithm development, data inference and other emerging technologies.

Putting data science to work How does your Gmail filter out annoying and meaningless spam keeping your inbox manageable? How does your favourite shopping site recommend products that interest you? How does a music streaming service such as show up music channels and artistes that you love? This is data science at work! It examines your behaviors and preferences and bases actions and results on this. Vast amounts of raw data is typically streaming into enterprise data warehouses and stored there in order to enable immediate or future mining of what is essentially a trove of potentially valuable, problem solving information. ETL testing (Extract Transform Load) facilitates the transfer of data from various sources to a central data warehouse while using strict transfer protocols to help verify, validate and quantify the data while making sure that there is neither data loss nor any kind of duplication.

Mining this data using quantitative data analytics testing will offer insight into existing issues and help guide strategic, problem solving decision making. This data mining essentially reveals trends and helps understand complex behaviors, which in turn helps analyst draw accurate inferences. For instance an entertainment streaming service or an online fashion store will examine vast amounts of data to reveal what viewers are interested to base future business decisions on. Data warehouse testing will also result in the development of data products and algorithm solutions operating at scale. It helps businesses plan production volumes, based on information gleaned about future demand patterns.

How a QA company helps strengthen data science As software environments and business practices have changed and evolved; providers of QA services have had to keep pace with this evolution to remain current and relevant. A software testing company will review available data to create predictive models and mathematical optimisations. Business leaders find the practical solutions they are looking for, teams can set up SOPs and streamlining of existing processes. This helps minimise waste and removes redundancy. Private and government entities find that mining data for creative solutions helps manage work forces and resolve performance issues. This methodology also helps minimise the risk of performance glitches and failures upon system deployment.

Applying data science to quality assurance processes reviews existing processes, data sources and business models helps to identify and understand clarify business problems in the appropriate context. The QA services provider would then use multiple technologies such as solvers, languages and analytics engines to compare findings and to recommend alterations or improvements. All the vast quantities of data are put to good use to create model implementation, suggest improvements and possible further analyses. A combination of open source or commercial software, advanced analytic algorithms, numerical computing and other tools may be deployed for the best outcomes and to create the best and most holistic solutions.

There are several reason why using an independent QA company is recommended. Your business has access to trained and experienced professionals who keep their teams updated with the latest technology trends. They have a bird’s eye view of the market, which brings valuable insight about the competition and other stakeholders. Their experience with other businesses helps to create a bank of valuable information and the creation of best practices that bring real advantages to businesses looking to grow, expand and increase profitability.

Differences between Black Box and White Box Testing

Differences between Black Box and White Box Testing

As a software testing company / QA Services Company we know that testing software is a critical section in the process of development – we excel at ensuring that the software runs error and bug free, and does what it is meant to do such user experience remains elevated. As a QA company, we are focused on every minute detail of the QA process ensuring that your work processes function unhindered. While software testing might seem cumbersome and time intensive, our expertise ensures your resources and efforts receive a high ROI. Our highly detailed functional testing procedures ensure that you are safe from extensive and last minute code repair – which is a huge saving on time and money.

Differences between Black Box and White Box Testing

Software testing has two main parts: black box testing and white box testing. Simply put: white box testing is conducted in the early stages of the development cycle, and involves unit and integration testing. Black box testing on the other hand is at a higher level, meant to target system and acceptance testing, and hence is part of the later stages of the development cycle.

White Box Testing

The checking of the internal functioning of the system is the testing technique called White Box Testing, and is considered a low level testing. It assumes that the path of the logic within a program or unit is already known, and is based on the coverage of branches, paths or conditions, and code statements.

Techniques used for White Box Testing (WBT) The knowledge of the tester is critical since this would help the tester determine the tests required to uncover any internal working system defects. The tester may conduct statement tests to ensure that each statement has a test case associated with it, and each statement is performed at least once in the testing cycle. Decision tests ensure that decision directions are performed at least once in the testing cycle. To ensure that all the conditions for a specific decision are working well, the tester would conduct branch condition tests, and to check all the combinations of the possible conditions, the decision / condition tests are carried out. Data flow tests ensure that the variables and data used within the system are properly tested and multiple condition tests ensure that each point of entry in the code, are tested at least once in the testing cycle.

Benefits of WBT

  • Does not require a concluded GUI and is easily undertaken by the development team
  • It is a detailed and highly methodical test thereby uncovering bugs and errors early on, and covers every possible path.
Downsides of WBT

  • X Time intensive for developers, and any code updates could invalidate test cases
  • X Difficult to isolate the program from the testing environment

Black Box Testing (BBT)

This is a higher level of testing, focused on how the software is ‘behaving’. The skill of the tester is critical since there is no information about the internal working of the system, and requires external testing from the perspective of the end-user.

Techniques of BBT The inputs are the key factors, and any of the various techniques may be used to choose the inputs during BBT. Boundary Value Analysis tests the boundary values that may have the highest possibility of flawed outputs. In order to identify various modules of errors and reduce the number of required test cases, Equivalence Class Partitioning test is undertaken. A highly skilled tester would use error guessing to check for defects and then proceed to develop analogous test cases.

Benefits of BBT

  • It is easy to create test cases, and hence testers do not need to have a high level of technical expertise.
  • The process can easily be automated, and models the experience of the end user
Downsides of BBT

  • X Tests sometimes are obsolete while being time consuming
  • X The outcomes from test can sometimes be hard to reproduce and or document, and all scenarios and software paths are not captured

What we say As a company excelling in QA Testing, Regression Testing Services, Functional Testing, Manual Testing Mobile Apps and more, we believe that it cannot be conclusively said whether WBT or BBT is better. In fact, both are required and complement each other, and using them in conjunction will ensure systematic testing procedures, which will end in a robust product and smooth release. Connect with us to get the best in class wide range of Software Testing.