What is Blockchain Testing?
by admin | Dec 17, 2018 | Software Testing, Blog | 0 comments
Blockchain technology has the kind of transformational potential that people in the IT space; increasingly in the non-IT space simply cannot afford to ignore. This ‘technological tour de force’ as Bill Gates called it, has the ability to improve efficiencies in practically any supply chain of data, numbers, people or money.
In the event, this is a technology that software testing companies have also embraced because of the vast potential it represents as well as to cater to the varied and ever-evolving testing requirements of clients. The best QA companies today are those that have the most comprehensive blockchain knowledge and ability.
The industry transforming potential of blockchain
Blockchain gives companies the opportunity to track assets, collaborate and share information and to do this efficiently, precisely and securely by using cryptography. Diverse sectors such as healthcare, retail and finance are reaping the benefits of blockchain’s distributed ledger technology. The applications of blockchain have now gone way beyond crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin and other decentralised payment systems. It now has a far wider application. For instance, blockchain enables smart contracts and companies can use this to create their own policies and rules to create contract based applications. Any business solution that requires a high degree of trust benefits while potentially lowering costs. Since blockchain does not need centralised infrastructure, it processes transactions faster and is impervious to cyber-attacks. Easy accessibility and the unchangeable nature of blockchain fosters trust and enhances transparency.
Software testing companies are increasingly encountering blockchain apps being used by private enterprise as well as government entities because of the way that it permits people to manage their digital personas. Since this is a decentralised system, people have better control over their identity and can choose what details they want to share and with whom, choose how and with whom to connect. Blockchain tech lets individuals and business entities send and receive payments without the necessity of bank accounts.
Why blockchain testing is the need of the hour
Blockchain may undoubtedly be the technology of the future, but experts who truly understand its applications are scarce and difficult to find as well as expensive to hire. Precisely because of these reasons, companies cannot afford to implement blockchain based apps without thorough testing. This presents obvious challenges for QA companies who are increasingly called upon to deal with blockchain based applications and to test them for suitability and stability in a range of settings. The best QA companies are equipped with the expertise and the resources to ensure that they effectively test all components of the blockchain app as well as the way that they interact with other apps.
The testing process would typically involve functional testing to examine the various functional aspects; to enable smart contracts for instance. Testers would also examine performance of the app, by identifying possible problems and suggesting possible tweaks to ensure readiness for launch. API testing or application programming interfaces tests will also form a part of the testing process so that testers can satisfy themselves that the application is able to handle and format API requests optimally. Additionally, node and shared ledger testing of all heterogeneous components will ensure smooth operation of the applications. This is necessary to test the security and integrity of the system and its imperviousness to possible attacks.
In addition to the above, QA companies will continue to encounter new testing challenges as blockchain tech develops further and is more widely implemented. Software testing companies engaged in mobile application testing, ETL & data-centric testing, and other quality assurance services have to remain on their toes… not only for the sake of their clients, but also their own!