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Use Test Automation to Raise Service Levels

Use Test Automation to Raise Service Levels

Any businesses selling any kind of product or service is bound to have to deal with angry customers at some or another time. Every so often, the customer is angry for no fault of the product or the business. However, things can and do go wrong with products and services as well.

Use Test Automation

The input of QA services can be valuable in reducing the number of angry customer interactions and can also help resolve customer issues faster and more effectively. We look at how a software testing company can help businesses; so that there are fewer angry customers to deal with and so that customer care is able to deal with irate customers more effectively, efficiently.

How angry customers disrupt business

Dealing with customer complaints is time consuming and resource intensive for a business. It is employee time and effort that could have been but to more productive use. Consider how a simple computer system error caused a 15 minute computer failure at Heathrow airport in September 2017, resulted in hours of delays for numerous airlines. Harried, angry passengers demanding explanations, rerouting, and refunds were a common sight. This is something that any company would want to avoid; can in fact avoid by using the automation testing services of a QA company.

A customer service debacle such as this doesn’t just create a logistical nightmare, it negatively impacts a brand and its profitability. On a day to day basis, dealing with irate, demanding persons who expect the company to take responsibility for everything and set it right, can be frustrating and unpleasant for your employees. It can be demoralising and may prevent your people from doing their best work. So when it comes to angry customers, a QA company can help you head this off at the pass, so to speak.

How test automation services helps you improve customer service

Continuous delivery Consider a scenario where a customer is trying to by a flight ticket on and then encountering some sort of system glitch that prevented them from proceeding with the booking. Such a customer would have no hesitation in moving to another similar service such as or to complete their booking. By opting for automation testing services, you can ensure continuous, uninterrupted delivery which gives your company a valuable competitive edge.

Selenium testing services Various testing modalities can be used by software testing company providing QA services. However in recent times, selenium testing has become the industry standard; having been found to dependable, portable and versatile. This gives companies the benefit of a robust automated regression suite and test automation framework aided by popular tools such as Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber, and Protractor. This lets companies change their applications code without any apprehensions.

Helping quality assurance managers and teams Automation testing services help your teams continue to build new software while maintaining quality at each step of the development process. This helps in creating better design, acceptance, implementation, integration and production testing.

Enhanced skill set By opting for and implementing the services of a QA company, customer service processes of your business will benefit. Your people will learn new skills, enhance existing techniques and achieve management objectives more efficiently. It helps hone leadership qualities and communications between teams and the better implementation of technology for improved customer service.

Business owners and managers are becoming keenly aware of the importance of automation testing services because of the many positive impacts that this has on customer services as well as overall company service levels. If you have been contemplating the QA services of a software testing company, the foregoing would have clarified a few doubts and given you food for thought.

Difference between RPA and Automation Testing

Difference between RPA and Automation Testing

Knowing the difference between RPA and automation testing is important for RPA consultants & Test Automation Engineers. Nowadays we come across questions – Is RPA achievable using Automation Tool? Can we write automation script using RPA Tools?

Let’s understand the difference between these two.

What is RPA?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the use of software robots, artificial intelligence (AI), and possibly machine learning to handle high-volume, repeatable rules-based enterprise tasks that previously required a human to perform.

Why is automation tool not a right choice for RPA?

If you have an automation testing team in place & wish to try RPA using Selenium and Java then you are going in the wrong direction. You can write scripts for data scraping, OCR, Excel handling, and PDF handling using Test Automation tool & Java. However, why is automation tool not right choice for RPA?

The reasons are – RPA needs Production environment. So when there is a change in business process, you need to update the RPA process flow quickly. If your RPA flows are scripted using Automation Tool, then updating the scripts needs time since you have coded the business process.

If you fail to update the flow as and when needed, your RPA implementation has serious flaws or your team has limited knowledge in RPA tool.

Execution Order

Automated regression test suite executes test cases one by one. Each test case should be independent. For example: If 5 test cases have failed out of 150, then it does not mean that your automation implementation is not good.

However, for RPA, the execution order matters and each execution should happen based on rules and flow decisions without failures.

Both automation testing and RPA automate Repetitive and boring tasks. We hope that this article answers What’s the Difference between Automation Testing and RPA?

In the subsequent blog articles, we will publish more on RPA and tools.

Guide to Getting Started with Automated Testing

Guide to Getting Started with Automated Testing

Even though automated testing and test automation companies are high in demand, there are companies that are still apprehensive since getting into this mode seems like a lot of trouble. The fact however, is that automated testing through a top rated Software Testing Company, will help to shorten and simplify the development cycles, eliminate repetitive tasks, and significantly improve the quality of the software in use in your company.

Not just companies, but individuals seeking to pursue a career in automation testing services, can benefit from this exposition. We recommend starting small – smaller test cases would be simpler and easier to work with, debug and maintain.

Getting Started with Automated Testing

Test automation companies can help you identify and prioritize the tests that would be most beneficial to automate, and also browsers and devices that would be critical to the particular test automation project. A chaotic and poorly planned QA process would be detrimental to the system as a whole, and hence it is advisable to use a qualified automation testing company from the start. They would help you answer critical questions such as what needs automation, when automation is required, which tools to use, who would and how would the execution of these tests happen, and other such questions.

Here is a simple guide to not just get started with automated testing, but to ensure that software testing is successful and your business gets the highest ROI.

Start at the beginning – ascertain the test cases to automate As mentioned above, starting small and with the most critical test cases, makes for a sound automated testing decision. The best ones would be those that run frequently, and need substantial amounts of data to repeat the same action. Tests that are likely to cause human error, recurring tests used for multiple builds, tests that cannot be performed manually, those tests that are time and effort intensive when performed manually, tests that run on a variety of platforms, configurations, and hardware – some of the ‘ideal’ tests to run first. Meticulous planning and design are critical to the success of automated testing. These two steps will not only help to identify which tests need to be automated first, but will also serve as a model for future tests.

Test regularly and Early On As a business, it would be advisable to get in the experts at the start of project life cycle, and they should run the testing as many times as required. This will ensure that any bugs / errors will be detected early on, leading to a flawless and superlative software.

Assessment and Selection of the Appropriate Testing Tool With a variety of testing tools available, choosing the right one can prove cumbersome. However, an expert automation testing company will not only have a team with flexible skill levels, they would also ask you the right questions.

Some of the questions they would ask would be the kind of support needed for the platforms and existing technology, what operating systems are in use, and other such relevant questions. The best testing tools would support record and playback test creations, and would be able to create automated tests that would resist changes in the UI of applications, would be easily maintained and reused.

Getting Started with Automated Testing

Creation of Good and High Quality Test Data The best test automation companies would use testing tools that capture and ‘understand’ the content in data files and can successfully reiterate the content in the automated test. The data driven testing allows the addition of testing scenarios, adding new data without editing the real automated test. Creating good quality test data makes writing automated tests a lot simpler.

Conclusion Automated testing does not need to be an expensive, and time consuming effort. We at Codoid follow and continually improve on the best practices mentioned, ensuring that we successfully implement test automation each time. Connect with us to understand how we can help to accelerate the growth of your business within a fixed budget and timeframe.

Katalon Studio Review

Katalon Studio Review

The prospect of reviewing a new test automation tool is always an exciting one for any software testing company. Choosing the right tool for product testing for anyone in the software testing community becomes easier with the help of unbiased Test Automation Tool reviews by experienced test automation experts. In this blog, we look at each feature of Katalon Studio in detail.

The Installation Process

Click the link below and complete the Signup procedure to download Katalon Studio.

Installation is not needed. All you have to do is unzip the downloaded file in your desired location.

The Types of Applications that can be tested using Katalon

Web, Mobile apps & Web Service can be automated.

A Recommendation to the Katalon Team: Desktop App Automation Testing will increase the functionality of the tool.

Pricing for the Tool itself and Technical Support

While the tool itself costs nothing, the price for technical assistance is 249 USD per month

Type No. of accounts Pricing
Business Support 1 2500 USD per year
Enterprise Support 3 5000 USD per year

Custom Keyword Development

This is one of the most noteworthy features of the Katalon testing tool. The keyword can be created using Groovy scripting and can also be called at any point in the test flow.

There also exist a sufficient amount of additional built-in keywords.

Object Identification

? Nested Identification

All available locators can be used in Selenium. As shown below, any WebElement in Selenium can be identified using multiple levels of nested identification.

elemnt.findElement("codoid")).findElement("Test Company"));  

Katalon, however, only permits the use of 1 level of nested identification.

? Switching Frames and Browser Windows

? In order to switch frames, one has to first define a frame in Test Object with the Object Identification Details and then call the Switch to Frame keyword.

? Windows can be switched using Index, URL & Title.

Manual View & Script View

Manual View facilitates easy script development. The required keyword and test object for a test step can be selected in Manual View.

Katalon Studio Review By Codoid-Software Testing Company

You can view all the steps which are added in Manual View in Script View as well. This feature gives more flexibility to troubleshoot your scripts. And you can modify the scripts from Script View and the changes can be seen in Manual View.

One also has the capability of viewing all the steps that were added in Manual View, in Script View. This feature allows for more flexibility when it comes to troubleshooting scripts. There is also the provision for modifying scripts from Script View and observing the changes in Manual View.

Katalon Studio Review By Codoid Testing Company

A Recommendation to the Katalon Team: It would be better if the script view editor could highlight scripting errors instead of just underlining them.

Jira Integration

A Jira bug ticket can be created while troubleshooting failures from Katalon Test Reports.

Katalon Studio Review


Looping is an indispensable feature of any test automation framework. Katalon allows for the usage of For & While loops

The restriction of nested looping is a daunting task for any automation test. Katalon Studio is awarded a 5-star rating for enabling nested looping.

Katalon Studio Review

Conditional Statement
Similar to looping, Katalon also allows nested conditional statements. There is, however a disadvantage to using conditional statements in Katalon. In order to decide True & False statements, the outcome of a keyword call in a variable and input in the Conditional Statement need to be saved. This can prove to be a burdensome procedure.

A Recommendation to the Katalon Team: The enabling of keyword calls in Conditional Statements, in order to decide between the execution of True and False Statements would be a useful feature to have.

Hard and Soft Step

Assuming a mandatory test step has failed and you would like to halt the test execution, the failure handling in Katalon can be configured as shown below.

Test Automation Failure Handling

Object Spying

Katalon allows for the spying on of Web and Mobile Objects. The provision for Object Spying in a freeware test automation tool is a definite bonus for automation testers.

Katalon Studio supports spying AUT on IE, Chrome & Firefox browsers.


The following hooks which are executed before or after test case & test suite are supported by Katalon. Test case status, ID & variables can also be obtained inside these hooks.

  • Before & After Test Case
  • Before & After Test Suite
  • A Recommendation to the Katalon Team: The provision for Tag based hook calling would be beneficial.

    Git Integration

    The SCM feature is essential for automated script development as it permits the tracking of code changes while facilitating effective work coordination.

    The feature for Git Integration in Katalon Studio can be enabled from Preferences.

    Execution Video Recording

    Recorded test execution is a great reference material. Katalon has a video recorder which can be enabled for Passed or Failed test cases or both.

    The feature of recording test execution works great as reference material. The video recorder feature on Katalon can be enabled for either Passed or Failed test cases or even both.

    Test Automation Execution Recording

    Email Notification

    There exists on Katalon, a Template for receiving Email notifications. The content can be customized in accordance with changing requirements.

    Katalon Studio Email Notification (more…)

    How to rerun Cucumber failed scenarios?

    How to rerun Cucumber failed scenarios?

    Rerunning Cucumber failed scenarios is a great value add for your automation test suites. Sometimes, your scripts may fail because of network latency and test bed slowness. Rerunning scripts will reduce the number of failures.

    However, you need to monitor the scripts which are always failing in the first attempt. In this blog article, we will walk you through how to rerun jvm-Cucumber failed scenarios.

    Step #1

    Configure where you want to store failed scenario details in Runner class

    package sample.cukes;
    import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
    import cucumber.api.testng.AbstractTestNGCucumberTests;
            features = "src/test/resources/features/Sample.feature", monochrome = true, 
            plugin = {
            "pretty", "html:target/cucumber-report/single",
            glue = {"common","sample"}
    public class SampleCukesTest extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests {}

    Note: Use rerun variable in CucumberOptions to store the failed scenarios.

    Step #2

    Create a new Runner class to run the failed scenarios.

    package sample.cukes;
    import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
    import cucumber.api.testng.AbstractTestNGCucumberTests;
            features = {"@rerun/failed_scenarios.txt"}, 
            monochrome = true, 
            plugin = {
            "pretty", "html:target/cucumber-report/single",
            glue = {"common","sample"}
    public class FailureRerun extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests {}

    Note: In the ‘features’ variable, you need mention the failed_scenarios.txt file and don’t forget that you must mention ‘@’ symbol before the file path.

    If you are running your automated test scripts from Jenkins, you can create and configure a downstream job to run the failed scenarios.

    QA Manager’s Guide to Managing Automation Testing Project

    QA Manager’s Guide to Managing Automation Testing Project

    Everyone knows benefits of automation testing. However, starting & managing test automation is a grey area for many. As we (Codoid) are expertise in automation testing, we would like to share our thoughts and guidance to QA Managers & Directors who want to bring test automation in place to test their applications.

    How to start automation testing?

    If you are new to automation testing then think about Domino Toppling. You need to practice with small Straight Line formation and turns before setting up a large number of dominoes to topple.

    Automation Testing

    Same way, Before automating a large regression test suite, do a POC and pilot project to gain confidence.

    Right Team

    Automation Testing Process

    Test automation script is a code. It needs to be created and maintained by people who has already mastered automation testing. If you have a right team with appropriate test automation skill-set, then they need your (QA Manager & Director) support to plan and kick-start automation script development.

    You will not fail in test automation if you are starting with mix of both Non-programming testers and Automation Testers. Hand pick testers who need automation tool training before starting the project.

    Framework Development

    We mitigated several failed automation testing projects. Most of the failures are due to poor setup of framework and lack of technical skills. For QA manager who is new to automation testing, it is a challenge to ensure whether the test automation framework is setup well or not.

    Test automation framework is also an application and it is going to test another application’s functionalities. So testing your framework before script development and ensuring the required framework features are implemented correctly are the important steps to succeed in automation testing.

    Important points to be considered while setting a test automation framework.

    • 1. Implement the Page Object Pattern – It is to represent each page in your application as an object
    • 2. Use Cucumber or Any BDD framework to enable DSL
    • 3. Framework Configuration – This is the section where you can have URL for all the environments, Object Wait Time, and other common configuration data
    • 4. Setup Multi-browser compatibility
    • 5. Framework Logs
    • 6. Reading Data from Excel, Yml, Json, and XML files
    • 7. Compatibility with Mobile device platforms
    • 8. Setup and Teardown Methods
    • 9. Reporting with screenshots
    • 10. Email Notification
    • 11. Design Patterns, Clean Code methods, coding conventions

    Coding Guidelines

    If everyone in the team delivers automated test scripts with different design patterns, then those scripts will trouble you during maintenance.

    Following automation design patterns and best practices ensure that when something changes in the system under test, only one test component needs to be updated. A simple documentation with dos and don’ts and Script Reuse Guidelines will help a lot.

    Script Review

    Maintain your automation code as same as your application code. Never merge your newly automated test scripts into master code without a review.

    QA Manager’s participation in initial review meetings helps to understand how the functionalities are getting automated and DSL enables effective collaboration among testers and other stakeholders.

    Make Your Test Automation Efforts Visible

    Automation testing provides quick feedback and avoids error prone testing. How to measure the success of test automation?

    Metrics collection from the beginning will help to measure the success.

    Automation Testing Process

    The following measures are sufficient during initial phase – No. of defects identified by automation, How many times your automated regression test suites have been executed, and No. of test cases automated & pending

    Make your test automation efforts visible to top management on bi-weekly or monthly basis to get consistent support.