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Difference between eLearning Testing and Application Testing

Difference between eLearning Testing and Application Testing

Difference between eLearning Testing and Application Testing The job of a software testing company is to test any software program for how stable, efficient, functional and useable it is. Within the job description of a QA company fall several different types of testing such as automation testing, eLearning testing, mobile application testing, ETL & data-centric testing and performance testing. It falls to a quality assurance services provider to improve product quality, add value and give businesses commensurate returns on their investment. We look at two testing modalities that businesses commonly require QA testing for – eLearning and app testing – as well as the difference between the two.

What is eLearning testing? A QA company would be called upon to test an eLearning program mainly to gauge its ‘learnability’. The aim is to ensure that a student or educator would be able to easily navigate the program, access the course material and get help with understanding and internalising concepts.

Earlier, CD-ROM based learning programs proliferated the market, where now there is a huge diversification in the eLearning space offering users many more options. There are web based learning courses including SCORM (shareable content object reference model), flash based applications and server based learning management systems to choose from.

Difference between eLearning Testing

A QA testing company would frequently be called upon for eLearning testing particularly owing to the high level of digitisation of the education system. The easy availability of the internet data and a device in every hand has resulted in an exponential growth in the eLearning space. This makes it imperative for QA services to ensure comprehensive testing to facilitate defect-free products that dovetail with customer requirements and ensure a faster time to market.

What is app testing? Companies providing QA services are most frequently called upon to test applications for the web, PC, mobile phone and other devices. The aim is to find any errors in the software, detect vulnerabilities and save on development time while lowering costs. Apps are created for assisting with specific business tasks, for entertainment, leisure, fitness, gaming etc., and may have a wider range of uses and users than eLearning programs.

Difference between eLearning testing and app testing While both types of testing do appear similar there are subtle differences in the approach to both types of testing. Both types of testing benefit from the input of a software testing services provider who would be able to examine the software from a fresh perspective; sans bias and with a tester’s rigour and eye for potential problems. Testing is important also to ensure that there is no hindrance to end user experience. The test team would employ different manual and automated methodologies to detect current as well as potential lacunae and glitches. Testers also perform the invaluable task of testing the software for compatibility with various platforms and devices to ensure workability.

Whether it is eLearning testing or app testing, roping in the experts is always advisable. This is because a one size fits all approach cannot work for every scenario. Each testing process has to be approached individually and a unique testing process must be decided upon for the best possible outcomes.

E-Learning Compliance

E-Learning Compliance

E-Learning Compliance


E-learning is an increasingly popular concept for training the global workforce. E-Learning industry has attained exponential growth in a very short span of time because it has become a medium of choice which has changed the education landscape by providing standard learning solutions and caters to the needs of users of different types like learners, tutors, training managers and administrators.

At the early stages, these Learning Management Systems (LMS) were restricted to cross domain limitations, no elaborate reporting and it is all about just engaging content, now it has become more advanced like activity tracking, allows to do in-depth analysis, course sequencing, mobile friendly. Since the distribution of these applications become wide spread like supporting cross domains, online content and digitization, it is important to standardize their integration to ensure an effective communication among systems.

Why to follow these Standards?

As humans belong to different languages, cultures and origin follows a set of standards like signs, emoticons, icons and symbols to communicate across boundaries or to display those standard signs at place where large number of people gather.


LMS need certain standards to communicate with each other and with the content they manage.

An Instructional Designer definitely plays a vital role in designing the course and should follow the standards to give a high quality course material to the users. An Instructional Designer should be very careful to make a decision because it is not just to pick a standard which supports the training courses but also they should consider that it should run seamlessly with their Learning Management System (LMS). We will see a brief overview of each standards or protocols and will break down the differences between them in detail below.


AICC was the first standard developed for e-Learning by the Aviation Industry Computer based training Committee (AICC). This was designed for CD-ROM and LAN based training. It allows content to be hosted on a separate server and supports highly secure HTTPS data transfers.

AICC uses HTML forms and text strings to transfer information between course content and the LMS.

AICC Compliant systems can :

  • 1. Support highly secure HTTPS data transfer between content and LMS.
  • 2. Allows Contents to be hosted on separate server.


SCORM stands for Sharable Content Object Reference Model, is a standard created by the Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative, a US government program. It is a technical standard for e-Learning software solutions which defines communication between client side content and LMS. SCORM’s predecessor, AICC has problem with integrating courses with a delivery framework unless the content was tailored to a specific platform. This entails to a time consuming process which leads to high deployment costs.

SCORM overcomes those issues and makes the content sequencing straightforward and user friendly. The designer can add things like dynamic text, pop up mini quizzes and navigation specification. Another important feature is, SCORM makes easy migration of courses from an old system to a new one so it is easy for the Instructional Designers to create a course content on their own or buying courses from a third party.

SCORM compliant systems can :

  • 1. Track course completion and time spent.
  • 2. Monitor and report the pass/ fail results.
  • 3. Publish and play content across any platform.
  • 4. Transfer content between multiple LMS whenever needed.
  • 5. Offer single score reports.

Tin Can

Tin Can, also known as Experience API (xAPI) is an Open Source e-Learning specification developed after AICC and SCORM. This has become more popular compliant for e-learning applications because it is mobile friendly which plays back smoothly on smartphones and tablets, stores data online, offline and much more. An xAPI-enabled learning activities generate statements, or records of e-learning. When an user performs a learning activity, the xAPI activity statement is recorded and stored in a learning record store (LRS).

The main function of the LRS is to store and retrieve the data that is generated from Experience API Statements. The LRS can communicate learner data with other systems such as LMS, Sensor enabled devices and mobile devices. These LRSs can be stand alone components of an eLearning environment or can reside within LMS solutions.

Some advantages of Tin Can are:

  • 1. Greater control over e-Learning content.
  • 2. No dependency on LMS
  • 3. Capable to view in-depth assessment results.
  • 4. Browser free operability
  • 5. Ability to record any activity, mouse click, answers, etc.
  • 6. No cross domain restrictions
  • 7. Advanced portability due to LRS.
  • 8. Enhanced security.