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Performance Testing Terminologies

Performance Testing Terminologies

Application software has a business driven agenda, which form the dominant driving force behind developing and managing them. A layman might find software similar, but there exists several differences between them – they greatly differ in performance statistics. In the tech business industry, performance testing is essential for keeping track of the software performance. It also forms the basis of many service level agreements between development vendors and clients. This is a highly critical process and involves rigorous performance testing along with load testing and stress testing for detailed insights about the performance and scalability.

Performance testing is all about testing the mobile network or an application software against an evaluation rubric containing numerous terminologies and physical quantities of time and efficiency measure. The software is run in an actual deployment environment. It is done to make sure that there are proper performance metrics achieved.

Here are all the necessary terminologies you may require while executing performance testing.

Connect time

Connect time is defined as the overall time taken by the application software to set up a TCP connection between the server and client – with the client requesting operations and retrieval of data. An application software that is built on a client-server architecture has to set up a connection between the server and client through TCP.

Any data passage occurs only after a successful TCP; which is a must. All the further information and requests can only be exchanged between a client and the server after this critical handshake is successful. It is important to note that the transfer of data does not occur through the TCP/IP protocol, but it happens in the data layer of the OSI model. Here small packets of data in bytes are transferred through package routing. It is monitored initially by the handshake and then driven by requests.

Latency Time

Latency time is the duration of a round trip when information is requested and then it reaches the target along with the return time. Latency is one of the major factors which makes the users feel that particular application software is operating slower or maybe lacking as well.

This generally occurs because of a mechanism due to which data packets hop at several interlinked nodes. It is a route from the data center to the client fetching them. It measures the latency from the first moment of sending a request to fetch request until the first byte of data is received at the user’s end. Latency time is a cumulative measure of the latency and connect time both.

Elapsed Time

Elapsed time is an overall measure of how fast or slow an application software works. It is measured as the time at which the first byte of data is sent, and the last byte of information is received at the client’s machine. Server processing time can be calculated as a difference of the total latency time, and the connect time taken after TCP handshake. Download time for any piece of data is the difference between the elapsed time and the overall latency exhibited by the application software.


Throughput is the efficiency measure of any application software. It is computed as the number of work requests that are handled by the software in unit time. It is an essential measure while carrying out a performance test on the application software under study. Generally, it comes in a certain number of a request being served within a second or for example number of calls in a KPO/BPO.

Performance thresholds

Performance thresholds are the permissible values of all the physical quantities being measured in performance testing. These include all the above discussed primary time measures and also several others like response time, throughput, resource utilization, disk I/O and network I/O, etc.

Saturation Limit

Saturation is a point during application software performance testing when the server becomes incapable of handling any further requests per unit time. It is the peak of performance which the software is expected to reach and is considered to be a state of optimized resource utilization.

In Conclusion

Performance testing is highly critical and should be given due importance for all software. Complete knowledge of physical quantities and terminologies involved is essential for executing performance testing and should be given due importance for all software. It is critical to keep in mind that extremities of a particular or a set of physical quantities might not help the software achieve maximum resource utilization. Consistently optimized figures of performance are necessary for quality performance on a long term basis, which only a top class software testing company can ensure – connect with us for this reason, and many more.

Preparing a Robust Performance Testing Plan

Preparing a Robust Performance Testing Plan

A performance testing and load testing plan is a document that serves as a roadmap that ensures testing remains organized and on track. Testers and project managers must make such a document to ensure that they do not miss any important updates, results, and can monitor every aspect of performance of the software under normal and stress conditions. An intelligent and meticulously thought out plan is crucial for smooth performance testing and later analysis of the stages of the process.

A good test plan would include aspects to cover every phase in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It would help to ensure compliance with the prescribed standards, and verify the design – post this it is necessary to create production and regression test plans to ensure the seamless working of the product. The user acceptance test plan would manage the stage when the product is handed over to the client.

Test plan document formats, while may have similarities, each test plan would vary with the product and type of organization, and only experts in performance testing would be able to prepare a detailed and effective test plan. A basic performance test plan would have the following components:

Identifying the Plan

This portion accurately categorizes and ascertains the project and could have some types of test plans included. These could be a master test plan – the high level plan encompassing all other plans, level pertinent test plans, and a plan for the major tests such as security and performance testing.

Enlisting Objectives of the Performance Test Plan

Objectives would be got from performance requirements, possible workload, changes required, and other such aspects, and would be true for each module, application, and each business process – and would be listed as part of this portion. It would also include the possible number of transactions, users, and the response times for both normal and peak load periods.

The Extent of the Test / Test Items

This portion would contain a breakdown of the various processes of the business, the different types of loads, the processes that may not fall under the purview of the performance test, and each module of the project that would be tested.

Test Methodology

This portion of the document would layout the timelines, testing environments, test scripts, the process, testing location for each performance test including stress and integrated tests. This portion would enlist the hardware in use, the various testing tools, stages and processes of monitoring, the methods to handle bugs, defects, and errors. It would also include data on errors found and resolved, and the results of the test.

Testing Schedule

In order for testing to be completed within the stipulated deadline, it is necessary to assign dates and timelines for each testing activity. This is a crucial portion in order to make a practical and achievable test plan.

Criteria for Performing and Suspending Testing

This portion of the document would list out the activities necessary for implementing the test, and the activities necessary in order for the performance test to be considered complete. The names of persons responsible for / managing each activity would also be enlisted in this portion. In addition, it is important to mention criteria due to which testing activities could be or may need to be suspended, and under what circumstances the testing process could recommence. All the planned deliverables and key persons responsible for completing each process would also need to be mentioned here.

Risks, Issues and Mitigation

This portion would clearly state any limitations, possible issues, and any related risks and the possible methods to mitigate.

Equipment and Material Requirements

This section enlists the hardware, tools, software, and the other environmental conditions to support testing. The kind of test equipment required would also feature here – this would include the equipment already available, and the ones required.

Lastly, approvals

This is the last but critical portion – signature of those approving the project and the testing is necessary to make the document valid. Ensure that signatures of all stakeholders are present.

In Conclusion

Given that the performance test plan is a guide, it is essential to ensure that it is clear, concise, and effective such that the entire testing process is smooth and remains on track. A top quality performance testing company would be able to prepare such a document and ensure that the testing produces superlative results – connect with us to get all this and more.

Common Performance Testing Errors

Common Performance Testing Errors

The development chain has several stages, and performance testing that includes load testing / stress testing is amongst the last of the pre-production stages. Some testers /developers could thus feel the urge to rush the results, to start testing in order to launch at the earliest. This could prove to be a costly error since performance testing requires time and patience, given that it is a highly complex process. Inadequate and inaccurate planning, scenarios that do not imitate real production environment and unrealistic load testing could lead to a disastrous launch, loss of time, money and the invaluable resources that went into the testing process. In order to ensure a top quality product and error free testing, it is necessary for testers to remain aware of the common performance testing errors.

Undefined goalsLoad testing becomes guesswork without measurable and clearly defined testing goals. In order to accurately align with business goals and requirements, the objectives for load testing must be defined before running tests. The testing goals, as mentioned should have relevance to the needs stated by the client.

No Realistic Test Environment

Without investing time and effort into building an environment that mirrors the actual production setting, load testing could throw up inaccurate results. There are innumerable components in a real production setting, which run intermittently such as databases, servers, tools, integrations, hardware, and many more – and without a realistic setting, all the efforts could prove futile.

Performance Testing Errors

Incorrect Time of TestingIt is a grave mistake to run performance testing at the end of the development cycle – it should be a part of the functional testing cycle. In most cases, the continuous integration system would have automated tests within, and hence it is possible run automated performance testing before the entire application becomes available.

Skimping to Rush Results While building load testing scenarios, most testers are tempted to compromise on time and quality. This can prove disastrous and throw up skewed load testing results. Even in the face of constraints – time, budget, and other resources, it is essential to ensure a thorough job of testing. If it requires an X number of users to test the system, it would be hazardous to use a lower number. Data randomization is another common error, which lesser skilled and less experienced testers and developers usually make.

Beginning with a Large LoadWhile load testing is meant to mimic the number of users in a realistic environment, highly skilled testers will avoid starting the tests with a final load in mind. Isolating bugs and errors becomes impossible with a large load, and testers must instead create a testing environment which grows gradually, allowing detailed monitoring for bugs at every stage.

Overlooking System ErrorsThe main focus of load testing is response time and performance measurement. It is necessary for testers to pick up and pay attention to errors such as incorrect data and strange ‘behavior’ of the system, even with good response times. This would help to identify the load related weaknesses in the system.

Forgetting to Document Test ResultsRunning and re-running load testing will not be accurate without comparing the results from each run. While it may seem laborious to track changes in each of the test runs, documenting the issues, settings of test environments and system under test, the objectives of each setting, and the results and inferences of each test run, is absolutely critical for top quality software. A good QA company with top class team will ensure that results are meticulously and accurately documented.

In Conclusion:

Any process is bound to have errors, and in the performance testing process too errors are commonplace. In addition, avoiding these mistakes may not guarantee a glitch free user experience each time, but understanding them and going the extra mile to rid the system of bugs will give your business the extra edge required to remain competitive. Connect with us to deliver top class user experiences, consistently.

Is there a Right time for Performance Testing?

Is there a Right time for Performance Testing?

In a world dominated by automated systems, digital interfaces, software products, and software-driven services, the business case for performance testing of software applications has never been stronger. Performance testing is a “type of software testing that ensures software applications will perform well under their expected workload.” Firms ensure end-users have the benefit of enjoying a lag-free application experience. Conducting performance testing prior to the public launch of an application prides the assurance that users can execute myriad computing tasks minus any delay, lag, or irritation.

A lackadaisical approach to performance testing may lead to the release of software products that run slow when multiple users log in simultaneously. The lack of automation and the associated performance testing also means that a software package will offer inconsistent performance across different computer operating systems. In addition, poor usability will impact the market reputation and commercial performance of a new software product.

We have listed some of the benefits that accrue from the disciplined use of performance testing services.

Certain software testing companies undertake to test an application on a variety of benchmarks, thereby allowing end-users to experience smooth performance. Typically, performance testing is executed to appraise the response time, processing speed, data transfer rate, reliability, throughput, scalability, and the optimal use of available resources by a software application. In addition, the elimination of performance bottlenecks remains one of the primary goals of modern performance testing suites and procedures.

The use of software testing allows software developers to detect and remove performance bottlenecks inside a suite of software. The deployment of competent performance testing services also helps software developers and architects to identify the locations of performance issues that may cause an application to fail. In addition, performance testing services help verify whether a system actually meets the specifications specified by the software manufacturer.

Is there a Right time for Performance Testing

Load testing remains crucial because it ensures the sustained performance of mission-critical applications. For instance, space satellite programs or life-saving medical equipment must operate on 100% certainty assured by the performance testing services of a performance testing company. A comprehensive performance testing regime assures stakeholders that the software applications will operate in the long term without any deviations.

Modern software testing companies perform a variety of load testing services for their customers and clients. Load testing is one of the services that checks the ability of a software application to perform under specified benchmarks of work load. The extensive use of load testing services ensures the detection and removal of performance bottlenecks inside a computer program. Similarly, endurance testing allows testers to assess whether a software application can continue to process preset workloads over an extended time frame.

Stress testing imposes extreme workloads on a software application in a bid to assess traffic or data processing capabilities. Software testing companies undertake such tests to identify the breaking point of a software application. The QA Services also include spike testing which examines a software package’s reaction to sudden workloads imposed by multiple users. Modern software testing services also include volume testing and scalability testing which check various limits and abilities built into a software package.


A variety of performance testing tools is available in commercial markets in modern times. Software developers and testers can pick automated testing tools to gain assessments that check a software package against a host of parameters. The widespread use of such services ensures a first class experience for every native of the digital age.

Best reasons to Invest in Performance Testing

Best reasons to Invest in Performance Testing

Performance testing is a type of testing executes to determine the performance of the software system like its response time, stability & scalability. A system might be working well with a select number of users when a couple of thousands of users use the system in a peak traffic session, there might be some issues that can adversely impact the software, causing inconvenience and an unpleasant user experience.

Invest in Performance Testing

In the rapidly advancing technology, there is no place or demand for applications that do not gratify the user expectations and hence enterprises cannot go by the adage “slow and steady wins the race” when it comes to their technology. Performance testing provides solutions to problems such as inefficient and slow applications, especially when used simultaneously by several users and when there seem to be inconsistencies across the different operating systems.

Invest in Performance Testing because it is Critical

Improves Response Timings Performance Testing builds and improves the speed of an application. A slow and inefficient system will never attract vast audiences. In fact, a poor system will serve to alienate viewers and restrict their usage of the application or website – which would not bode well for business. Performance testing checks the speed and improves performance, thus ensuring that the application works smoothly even under stress conditions.

Upgrades Scalability Performance Testing enhances the application’s ability to handle the increasing pressure by users without performance degradation. Enhancing scalability will help a system / application to handle future growth and the necessary requirements that would come with it. As competition grows within digital space, performance testing proves indispensable to strengthen applications to support future upgrades and modifications necessary for scalability of the application.

Enhances Stability It is crucial to identify the working of an application not only in its initial stage but during its entire ‘life’ and under stress conditions. The application must be stable and provide results with consistency to the audience irrespective of any changes in its features. Performance testing and the experts in the is realm can ensure improved and sustained stability of an application.

Improve Functionality of Application Performance Testing strengthens the functionality of application under real-world conditions by various experiments on the system, such as:

Load Testing – Testing the ability and response time of the system by exerting ‘load’ – this would determine the behaviour of the application when accessed simultaneoulsy by multiple. This test ascertains the maximum amount of load an application can withstand.

Stress Testing – This testing examines the potential of the system to withstand or overcome adverse conditions, while verifying its stability and reliability. The test evaluates how the system works under intense load conditions.

For Websites Supporting Direct Customer Interaction-Performance testing is a vital element for websites of companies that have a direct interaction with customers such as e-commerce, banking, and others. Companies are known to incur huge losses in the event of a website malfunction / crash. Even if the functionality is adequate, without proper and seamless performance and navigation, it is unlikely that users will stay – abandonment rates are high for such sites. Site and page loading speed are amongst the most critical factors for business websites, and if not considered and optimized accordingly, there is usually a significant negative impact on the bottomline of a business.

Eliminate bottlenecks and Improve Quality-Bottlenecks refer to both an overloaded network and where one component is unable to keep pace with the rest of the system, thus slowing overall performance. The purpose of performance testing is to find bugs or defects, and to provide solutions to eliminate them. With the fast pace of the world today, users want and expect a reliable and fast application. Performance testing ensures that applications perform optimally and are of a high standard. Testing ensures that all bottlenecks are identified and removed before they pose as a risk in terms of cost and the image of a company.

In Conclusion

The success of businesses depend largely on the websites and applications they create, and performance testing ensures that these methods remain seamlessly functional. An expert and professionally run outsourced QA company would not only help your company with framing testing objectives in line with the business goals, but would know exactly which technologies, software testing tools, and infrastructure would work best. To give your business the most robust and responsive website and applications, connect with our experts today.

Performance Testing of E-commerce Applications

Performance Testing of E-commerce Applications

Key Factors to Keep in Mind

We all have shopping apps on your phones and enjoy the convenience of adding items to the virtual cart, making purchases as and when we want. We also like receiving updates about sale events, the launch of new products etc. Hence a well-designed e-commerce app is a must for any online store. No shopping portal can afford not to invest in load testing and performance testing of that app to ensure that it offers users an easy to use, glitch-free and fast experience.

An app load testing company will ensure that e-commerce applications do what they are supposed to: offering the most positive user experience possible.

Checking all objectives Performance testing has to examine every aspect of the app: its search functions, add to cart function, payment gateways and so on. If there is a blog section or a shopping guide segment, software testing services would have to check whether these pages are easily accessible and whether they point back to the sale page easily.

Load testing Traffic can slow down an app and cause people to leave their transaction incomplete. Hence, the behaviour of the app under heavy traffic is something that a QA company would have to examine closely. Performance testing by simulating situations with thousands of simultaneous users, would be necessary to gauge whether an app will perform well during, say, a sale event or a festive promotion.

Optimization for all devices Not only will testers examine how the app performs on various devices old and new, they also have to check compatibility with different operating systems. It is a good idea to examine the target demographic of the app and to identify the type and grade of device that demographic is likely to favour. A software testing company will examine why and when runtime error messages crop up, whether pages are displaying correctly and completely, the navigation speed, the readability and font size as well as other issues such as dead hyperlinks etc.

Cloud based testingToday, an important aspect of a positive shopping app experience is seamless performance on the cloud. For instance, users want to be able to add items to their cart on the go from their mobile app, but may prefer to complete their transaction on their desktop device. This is something for testers to examine. Cloud based testing is important because it can quickly simulate multiple users and provides scalability. Therefore, this type of testing now forms an important part of the entire performance testing process.

Geographical aspects to keep in mindQA services providers have to perform comprehensive tests that take into account the physical location of devices. Data services may be variable in terms of availability, speed and reliability. Various networks and the strength or weakness of the signal can hamper the shopping experience depending upon where the user is located. The app should be able to perform well under all of those conditions; regardless of where the user is. This is one of the reasons why businesses prefer QA outsourcing for testing their e-commerce app rather than performing in house checks.

Load testing of an e-commerce app will also examine the app’s vulnerability to attacks and fault tolerance. Testing will also shed light on possible backup failures, content analysis, personalisation capability, language support and display, order and payment processing and order tracking features. In other words, the performance testing process will examine all aspects of the app to ensure that end users have the most positive experience possible and businesses are able to maximise sales. Connect with us to get the best team in the realm to serve you.