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Changing Trends for Test Automation Tools

Changing Trends for Test Automation Tools

Gadgets become smarter, smaller, faster; and technology constantly changes, improves, evolves. It then follows that quality assurance and software testing tools that a QA company uses, have to keep pace with this improvement and evolution. Typically, a software testing company will use automated and manual testing processes; rely on open source as well as licenced products to deliver the best possible QA services to clients.

Changing Trends for Test Automation

Why testing companies need to remain current

When business or developers engage QA services, they expect a certain return on their investment. They expect testers to check for glitch free performance, detect vulnerabilities and any other defects. The QA testing company helps to meet certain specific objectives such as lowering costs, reducing time to market and increasing release velocity. It is also a challenge for software testing company to narrow down the options and to choose from the wide array of automation platforms and testing tools available in order to maintain sustainability over the longer duration. Another challenge is to train personnel to become fully conversant with newer testing protocols and develop best practices.

Recent trends for automation testing will continue in times to come

Testing frameworks are now better adapted to agile processes and are able to support tweaks that may be required to be made in times to come. Testing processes have to support a seamless transition from script development to script execution; without which they would be viewed as inadequate. Feature and story level testing, exploratory testing, test automation, and non-functional testing are some of the trends that the best QA company is seen to embrace today.

Collaboration between stakeholder teams is another vital recent trend that any software testing company would do well to make standard practice. Coordination and effective commination between developers and testing teams during the implementation and execution stages is vital and both teams should ideally be able to work simultaneously on the same tools.

As one of the most popular open source test utilities available right now, selenium testing is another trend in QA automation; and one that is here to stay.

A trend seen most particularly with mobile apps test automation is the need to be able to align platforms to the test development language. Given that different operating systems would employ different test languages, this ability to be adaptable is important.

As devices become smaller, faster and more intelligent; as software becomes smarter and more complex, a QA company faces the challenge of keeping its testing services current and on trend. It can be a challenge to not only identify but also to predict and keep pace with changing trends.

The Future of Test Automation – What does it hold?

The Future of Test Automation – What does it hold?

Automated testing for software applications and digital packages have assumed critical importance in modern times. Such testing has emerged as a necessity and “involves creating a separate software framework to test the primary solution through automated means.” Modern automation testing gains heft owing to the fact that a single bug in software products can trigger outsized financial losses and a loss of precious market opportunities.

However, testing processes have gained in terms of complications; these stem from a plethora of testing processes that comprise manual testing, performance testing, stress testing, and user experience testing, among others. In this scenario, software testing companies have elected to automate the entire gamut of modern software testing processes.

The Future of Test Automation

We will examine some of the aspects that will likely dominate the immediate future of test automation services.

The Future of Test Automation

Human testers Human will likely comprise a significant part of software testing in the future. Modern automation testing places a high premium on quality; and human testers are primed to guarantee quality services in modern times.

Ergo, the skillsets and technical abilities of experienced human testers will continue to gain traction with software testing. Such personnel create value by generating common understanding between various stakeholders and software development teams.

Codeless Testing Large software development projects may have a mandate that dictates fast release cycles. However, activities such as creating a test environment and writing test scripts consume significant volumes of time and resources. Some industry sources note that codeless testing poses an adequate response to such problems. An automation testing company can deploy this approach because it reduces the coding process and makes testing far more user-friendly. Consequently, test automation services that hinge on codeless testing accomplish test cycles in less time and ensure some degree of client delight.

Machine learning Machine learning technologies present a significant opportunity for automation testing. Once mature, these technologies should be able to execute thousands of tests per day on behalf of software testing companies. In addition, QA automation companies can deploy machine learning systems to develop and create new software testing frameworks. An emerging testing method is manifest in image-based testing processes that use automated visual validation tools. This is essentially a quality assurance activity designed to verify if a certain user interface appears correctly (in terms of color, shape, position, and size) to users.

Smart Reporting and Smart Analysis Further, the active use of machine learning technologies can generate modules that enable smart reporting and smart analysis as part of automation test results. Firms that offer automation testing services can benefit from such analysis because it describes the ‘how’ and ‘whys’ of test data. In addition, a test automation company that deploys machine learning technologies can determine which build is best suited for release into the production environment.


Test automation may undergo fundamentally deep changes in the near future. We as part of the software development community consistently strive to align with such changes, with a view to architect and provide the best outcomes. Connect with us to know how we can help.

Why is Automation Testing for Web Apps Necessary?

Why is Automation Testing for Web Apps Necessary?

Why is Automation Testing for Web Apps Necessary?

The internet today is an inextricable part of our daily lives and an indispensable part of the competitive and volatile business world. In the realm of business, the internet is a source of information and data on companies and their business. Hence, hosting a company website is now mandatory and quintessential to the success of any business – it is a way to stay relevant and ‘visible’. However, simply hosting a web application today does not suffice – it needs to be accessible, user-friendly, and edifying. This cannot happen automatically – a web application requires automation testing and regular maintenance. It must be checked end-to-end before it goes live, and must be tested for faults regularly. Automation testing for web apps thus becomes necessary, and the good news is that there are some top class QA companies offering functionality testing and automation testing – the leaders in the realm of web application testing.

High quality automation testing services for web applications includes several tests – functionality, usability, interface, performance, security, and compatibility. Software testing companies, with in-depth experience and a skilled team will be able to perform all the tests, speedily and within stipulated timelines.


Top Reasons for Web Application Automated Testing

Huge saving on time Automated test suites that are well executed take a lot less time than testing a web application manually. In addition, automated tests with a wide coverage will allow monitoring and tracking all the functionalities of the website, which in the long run will ensure that breakdowns are minimal and that the website runs smoothly on all devices. The purpose of a website is to ensure that your business is visible, and that users have an uninterrupted experience when using it.

Cost Reduction While the initial cost may seem greater than a manual testing, automated testing in the long haul actually brings down the overall cost of developing and maintaining the site. For example – if you decide to change your web application and or the functionalities, and want to add new portions complementing the existing ones, manual testing would require a huge number of hours to check everything again. Automated testing is a lot faster, taking a few minutes, even if you wish to add tests to cover new functionalities.

Human Error Reduced In manual testing, reliance on human ability and memory is high – which is why the potential for missing out, overseeing, or forgetting to check something, becomes very real. In addition, possible issues in the existing code, that could arise from a new functionality.

Automated testing ensures that testers remain aware of what was and was not tested – it may seem simple, but larger and more complex websites go through several templates, code lines, and innumerable outcomes for users in terms of what they do with the website. Even one tiny error could lead to problems in the working of the website, resulting in poor user experience. A properly written and well executed test suite becomes essential – automation rules.

Code Coverage and Regression Testing Automated tests take less time during reruns and retesting – repeating the same tests, especially for functionalities that are complex. With automated testing, one can choose parts of the website to automate, focus on quality during changes in the project (regression testing), and check on whether anything changed post integration. Automated tests help find bugs and errors early on – leading to a top quality web application.


As frontrunners in the automation testing services realm, we care about the quality of your projects and know that automated testing is the way to go. These tests easily and instantly detect changes in the ‘behavior’ of platforms, operating systems, and browsers, while ensuring that the website and app do exactly what they are meant to and stay ‘true’ to their specifications. Connect with us today to know why automation testing is the way to go!

Automated Testing Benefits & Obstacles

Automated Testing Benefits & Obstacles

The quintessence of automation testing is to holistically improve the quality and speed of a process. Some of the best software testing companies understand the importance of making qualitative strides that are not only noticeable but also measurable.

Automated Testing Benefits

Improvements do not necessarily need to be measure by magnitude but rather by the impact of even the minutest positive changes. The fact is that your core business would not necessarily mean that you need a full time person to administer and manage test automation activities, and therefore it makes sense to outsource this critical function to the experts. The experts will advise and provide automation where needed, help your workforce use the right tools to enhance productivity, and be available around the clock for any assistance – leaving you time to focus on accelerating and elevating your core business.

Obstacles of Automation Testing

If your core business is not software testing, you could be flummoxed with the challenges that automation (as any process) could bring. Leave it to the experts in an automation testing company to overcome these ‘tests’.

  • 1. Assimilation of several different systems and tools can prove overwhelming and herculean without the right guidance and team to manage the solutions required
  • 2. Many fear that automation will result in people becoming redundant – this is true only for repetitive jobs that would be easily and more efficiently managed by automation. These workers could then be trained and employed in jobs that directly and positively affect the bottom line. This in turn results in a smarter and more efficient workforce.

Automation Testing Benefits

Manual testing would require human intervention, which naturally means that the process would be more tedious, time consuming, prone to errors, and require huge monetary investment to not just employ the human resources but to also correct the errors. Manual testing limits the number of times every feature can be thoroughly checked, leaving the website, software, and their applications vulnerable to bugs and serious defects. Trust only a leading test automation company, with the required expertise to create tests that will check every aspect of the applications and run tests each time changes to the software are applied.

  • 1. Enhance the quality of manual test scripts with automated testing – automation checks and maintains high standards of quality
  • 2. Automation helps to detect bugs early on even in the development stage, enabling huge saving on time and effort
  • 3. Perform tests around the clock even without the physical presence of a human resource. Test results are automatically generated and with accuracy
  • 4. It is possible to repeatedly press into use test scripts which have been made using test automation tools, especially to automate regression testing
  • 5. Automation testing tools make tracking and reporting of test scripts trouble-free. The visual logs ensure the ‘history’ of test scripts including reported bugs, solutions provided, and which scripts would have been executed. In addition, automation allows for test scripts to be executed simultaneously over a server or a shared network, thereby enhancing testing capabilities
  • 6. Improve test coverage, even for test cases with several hundred of coding lines, thereby improving results and requiring minimal manual intervention. Testing flexibility, accuracy and efficiency too is enhanced manifold.
  • 7. Automated web browsers through selenium testing services raising the efficiency of websites and the applications
  • 8. Significant impact of increase on the bottom line through high ROI since automated testing tools help test faster, efficiently, accurately, and ensure bug free applications – all of this within a stipulated and pre-determined timeframe


Keeping the benefits of automated testing in mind would make business sense for the long term. We believe that availability, performance, reliability, productivity, reduction of cost, and a more efficient workforce are robust reasons to adopt automation testing services, from a leading and renowned software testing company. Connect with our experts now to overcome challenges and gain sustainable benefits of automation, to become a force to reckon with amongst your competitors.

Automated Testing – ROI That You Can Expect

Automated Testing – ROI That You Can Expect

When you approach a quality assurance company for testing out a piece of software, you know that you have access to trained technical knowhow and experience. The business benefits from automation testing processes using special software so that test outcomes can be compared effectively with predicted outcomes. Many businesses swear by test automation particularly for tests that are difficult to perform manually, or for tests that have to be performed repeatedly; which require continuous testing and continuous delivery. There is an outlay for automated testing processes; however the return on investment (ROI) justifies this expenditure in many ways:

Time savings Automation testing can take time to show a ROI; however it has the obvious benefit of being faster than manual testing. It also helps save time that would be taking in fixing any defects detected. While fixing defects would otherwise take much longer, automation creates a tighter feedback loop between the test cycle and development of code; thereby saving time. There is solid evidence to show that that automation testing that spreads the testing out across different machines can help significantly in time cycle improvements. This helps test comprehensively and helps detect flaws accurately; both of which speed up the development process. Obviously time saved is money saved; it also means a faster launch of the product into the market.

More regressionsWith test automation, it is easy to detect and fix regressions that may otherwise have gone undetected. While finding regressions and fixing them could mean some amount of time expenditure at the testing stage, it can mean big savings at a later stage.

This is because the cost of the end user detecting those can be very high indeed. The overall process of regressions becomes easier with the help of automated testing. Since automated testing is performed by software in machines, there are fewer lacunae in the testing process. The software will invariably perform the checks that it is programmed to; and will always follow the same process at a lower cost.

Automation Testing ROI

Fewer defectsBy definition, testing can be a boring and repetitive process; which can be a terribly tedious task when performed manually. In this scenario, a jaded tester may well overlook defects; which, however automation testing will not overlook. The fact that testers are able to accomplish the test with the press of a button can be great for morale; one of the main reasons why so many businesses choose to outsource quality assurance tasks to the experts.

A better final productAnother way that test automation ups ROI is that it costs much less to fix a flaw detected early in the system development life cycle (SDLC) than in the production cycle. According to estimates, the costs may be as much as ten times less in the former scenario than the latter one. Additionally automated security testing manages to ameliorate costs because of the way that it is effective in reducing risk and remediation costs. With malware attacks and cybercrime being a huge headache for businesses, this can mean huge potential future savings. With continuous periodic upgrades/ application changes being published, automated testing covering all infection points can help to find flaws early and improve the product overall.

The full impact of automation testing on a product can be difficult to gauge and it may be difficult to put a number on the exact return on investment that a business may enjoy in the longer term. Since the test automation process delivers quantitative as well as qualitative benefits, the actual ROI may not be possible to calculate. However when you take into account the time and money saved as well as the long term benefits of having a better, more stable and secure product in the market, the total ROI can be very high indeed! Connect with us to gain all these benefits and more.

How Automation Testing Improves Test Coverage

How Automation Testing Improves Test Coverage

When a business opts to outsource software testing processes to QA company, the objective is to ensure that the software is subjected to the most thorough and comprehensive testing. In other words, business is looking for enhanced test coverage in terms of quality as well as the number of items that undergo testing. One of the ways to increase test coverage is via automation testing. One of the measurements of the quality of testing is test coverage and it is this quality that test automation can help to improve.

Importance of test coverage

Automation testing helps obviate this problem of incomplete testing and improves the overall quality of testing. Think of a student taking an exam. The course material consists of a text book with 20 chapters. The exam however is going to be based on only 12 of those chapters. Now while this is something that the student may like, such a system does not offer accurate results. There is no way to gauge whether the student is fully conversant with the course material or has a full understanding of the subject.

While it may not be possible to claim that the software is completely, 100% bug free, test automation tools such as cross browser testing can optimise the process and also improve the handling of risk.

Test Coverage

Test coverage is also important in the way that it examines different metrics of testing. Code Coverage is one type of test coverage, which measures the depth to which testing is done. It measures the degree of testing; for instance, it will measure the number of lines covered and report on this. Data oriented testing is another type of test coverage; which examines input and output parametres. Automation testing can help to enhance several of these processes.

How automation testing improves test coverage over time

As we saw above, 100% testing isn’t really possible, nor is it necessarily desirable. It is more important to identify the test cases that have to be prioritised and to optimise the coverage criteria over a longer term period for more effective test coverage.

The idea is to create test automation strategies that automatically test or ‘sweep’ the software in a way that high risk spots are regularly and thoroughly ‘swept’.

Test Coverage

This will put routine checks in place, to help in detecting any issues before they have the chance to hinder operations. There are automation testing tools that can automatically help detect problems because of the way that they offer access to various browsers and platform combinations. They help testers plan for the long term and for a range of different eventualities.

By putting simple automation testing strategies into place, testers can improve coverage over time. Not only does the automation process improve access to different platforms it also increases the efficacy of the testing process by automating critical flows and helps to mitigate risks. By putting robust test automation strategies in place now, you can secure the smooth flow of operations for your enterprise and ensure peace of mind for you and your team.