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6 Traits Exhibited by a Successful ELearning Team

6 Traits Exhibited by a Successful ELearning Team

As the new buzzword in education, E-Learning promises the moon in terms of expanding the scope of modern learning and education. This concept, premised on digital technologies, is designed to demolish distance and offer learners a calibrated method of transmitting all forms of knowledge. High quality e-learning content can literally work wonders by catering to the exacting requirements of various audiences located in different parts of the planet. With this as the premise, ELearning Testing remains critical in enabling such a mammoth mission. We analyze some of the best attributes that distinguish a group of successful e-learning collaborators.

Collaborative Learning Culture

This remains critical to the eventual success of a modern e-learning program. Each member of an e-learning team must bring forth unique ideas and concepts that may spur the enterprise of learning and education. E-Learning App Testing therefore, remains vital to this goal by facilitating a smooth exchange of ideas, providing a platform to share tips and information, and enabling high levels of knowledge retention. This implies that E-Learning must necessarily rest on foundations distinguished by fluid digital technologies, thereby allowing E-Learning ideas to mature and gain wider traction in terms of group learning systems and exercises.

Driving Innovation

The digital domain essentially thrives on the life blood of innovation and disruption. E-Learning, as a child of this domain, thrives on innovation built into every e-learning program or digital learning framework. Therefore, ELearning App Testing becomes critical in terms of generating assurance that learners would be able to access the best information minus any encounters with glitches or bugs that mar software functionality. Testing professionals must bear this in mind because their work, once successfully accomplished, promotes the core ideas that animate the modern concept of e-learning. In line with this, ELearning App Testing must cover every aspect of functionality engineered into an e-learning framework.

Exhibited by a Successful E-Learning Team

Lifelong Learning Mindset

Team members that participate in e-learning programs must inculcate a mindset that promotes continuous learning. This attitude dovetails with the wider e-learning industry that is constantly generating new content and delivering the same over digital platforms. In this scenario, E-Learning Testing assumes criticality by empowering the smooth transmission of knowledge to all stakeholders. Therefore, testers must maintain and refine testing methodologies that promote continuity in learning programs, while upholding the integrity of the underlying code that powers an E-Learning platform. Additionally, team members must volunteer to offer feedback to E-Learning App Testing engineers with a view to improve the quality of content and functionalities that stimulate delivery platforms.

Effective Leadership

The stewards of a modern e-learning program must exert themselves to create effective steering mechanisms that promote the essence of e-learning systems and frameworks. In this context, E-Learning App Testing assumes criticality because such activities play a central role in enabling an invaluable steering mechanism. Team members who undertake ELearning Testing initiatives must acquaint themselves with the content flow and tone, and the possible impact of such content on students and learners. In effect, E-Learning App Testing must rise from the rut of mechanized testing into an activity that rouses the full engagement of the mental faculties and skillsets of testing professionals.

Diverse Strengths

Team persons who undertake E-Learning App Testing must possess and be able to utilize diverse skills and capabilities to their job. Therefore, such a team must comprise competent authors of E-Learning content, instructional designers of repute, graphic designers that know their craft and E-Learning App Testing professionals who implement multiple testing approaches into their work schedules. These attributes can complement each other and create a virtuous cycle that promotes success in e-learning ventures, and additionally such qualities allow E-Learning teams to learn from the combined skillsets, thereby elevating the quality of their input into the construction of a modern E-Learning module.

Project Management

It is vital for E-Learning App Testing professionals to implement effective project management practices. This approach empowers E-Learning Testing engineers to actively enforce conformity to the commercial mandate of delivering functional digital learning systems within a given timeframe. Veteran testers corroborate the fact that such practices galvanise the testing community into delivering high value in terms of E-Learning Testing plans and activities. In addition, effective project management allows testing organizations to elevate the quality of their deliverables in multiple projects, thereby eliciting client delight and big increases in the bottom line of the business organization.

Project Management

In Conclusion

This outlines some of the attributes that distinguish the actions and mindset of a successful E-Learning App Testing team. The leaders and managers of such teams should strive to gain familiarity with the ultimate objective of e-learning initiatives, since such familiarity can empower them to make sustained contributions to the cause of modern education delivered via digital channels. Further, E-Learning Testing professionals may invest their efforts in exploring alternative mechanisms of delivering e-learning modules via digital platforms. These may include innovative new apps that reside in smartphones and connected tablets, thus allowing users to absorb information at their own pace. We have consistently helped clients attain new standards in this realm – connect with us to know more.

Top 7 Tips for Building a Successful ELearning App

Top 7 Tips for Building a Successful ELearning App

E-learning has established a major presence in the domain of modern learning and education. This form of instruction hinges on electronic media, typically the Internet, websites, mobile apps, custom-designed online learning modules, video websites, and several other mediums.

The advent of such technologies has expanded the scope of traditional education that centered on books, journals, classrooms, tuition classes, instructor-led training sessions, and other such instructional methods. The mobile app represents the latest iteration of e-learning systems and paradigms. Therefore, ELearning App Testing has emerged as a major activity that allows high-grade learning to flow flawlessly from the app to the minds of users, students, and learners – from the comfort of their homes or any chosen remote location.

Building a Successful E-Learning App

Define a Target Audience

Creators of a successful e-learning app must gauge the market as part of their efforts to understand target users and e-Learning Testing must comprise a key aspect of such activities. This ensures that the app performs flawlessly, meets the needs and expectations of target users, and creates a modicum of confidence in the minds of such users. Such testing must typically cover every aspect of functionality designed into the app. Positive outcomes of such testing include a deeper engagement on the part of users with the concept of E-Learning, higher levels of interaction at the app level, and the potential for expansion of the user base of an e-learning app.

Choice of Learning Format

Text, video, audio, games, quizzes, and others represent the many formats of modern e-learning. This plethora of choices is necessary to attract and retain the attention of new-age users that favor E-Learning modules. However, software testing plays a crucial role in the quantum of traction generated by an e-learning app among various segments of its users. Therefore, extensive E-Learning App Testing is mandatory before such an app is brought to the market. The designers of such apps must ‘walk the talk’ by extensively testing the functionality that animates each of the described e-learning formats.

Choice of Learning Format

Technical Specifications

Prior to developing the E-Learning app, designers and developers must bring forth a set of technical specifications for the app. These specifications must be developed at the deepest level of detail in the interests of building a commercially successful app. E-Learning App Testing must represent a critical part of such efforts, since smooth functionality remains key to the performance of the e-learning product. In line with this, the hiring of designers and developers with prior experience can help build a successful e-learning application.

Marketing Strategy

The business leaders of enterprises that develop e-learning apps must devise a marketing strategy for the new application. This must be prefaced by extensive E-Learning Testing to ensure the content inside the app is flawless, up to date, and is able to stoke the interests of the target audience. Further, extensive E-Learning App Testing is necessary to justify the large development budgets that typically fuel the creation of a successful e-learning app. Hence, testers and technical leads must exert themselves in their chosen domain as part of efforts to uphold the commercial marketing strategy.

Team of Experts

Experienced and certified trainers must fuel the development of content that leads to the creation of an e-learning app. Business leaders must stress this requirement in conjunction with the need to execute E-Learning App Testing initiatives. Therefore, testers must execute the gamut of software testing processes before they can certify the app fit for commercial release. In line with this, testing professionals and engineers must examine app functionality from multiple points of view. The expert management of these two planks is crucial to ensure the wide uptake of a digital E-Learning system.

Drive Engagement

The core of any successful e-learning app comprises a high level of engagement with every section of target users. In response, app designers and software testing engineers must undertake extensive ELearning App Testing with a view to boost digital engagement with users. Content creators can build interactive, reality-based scenarios, audio-driven and video-driven learning modules, group collaboration exercises, etc. to drive higher levels of engagement. Similarly, testing professionals must undertake E-Learning App Testing to ensure flawless performance of the app.

User Testing

Every instrument that promotes the concept of e-learning must undergo E-Learning Testing at the user level. This implies the necessity of seeking feedback from real users of such applications. Therefore, professionals who undertake E-Learning App Testing must enroll the services of a body of actual users to test the functionality and performance of an ELearning app. User testing may also reveal hidden flaws in the software that powers an app; such information can be subjected to renewed testing procedures. We note such initiatives can generate priceless feedback that can be utilized to build the final version of a modern e-learning application.

In Conclusion:

The suggestions mentioned are aimed at helping digital architects to create blockbuster e-learning apps focused on attaining billion-dollar valuations in the future. The rapid expansion of the World Wide Web and the wide uptake of digital services can spur such developments, leading to a wider conjunction between commerce and learning. If this is your vision, partner with the best to accelerate your efforts towards this goal – connect with us today.

How To Conduct Acceptance Testing For E-Learning?

How To Conduct Acceptance Testing For E-Learning?

UAT or User Acceptance Testing is also referred to as end-user testing, application testing or beta testing. It is a stage of eLearning development, where the course is verified in real time. In an eLearning project, UAT is mostly in the last phase. It is conducted before the go-live decision is taken. Through eLearning testing, the stakeholder gets the opportunity to verify the course and gain confidence that they have delivered the course that caters to the requirement.

It permits the stakeholder to verify the following points:

  • Is the eLearning product simple to navigate?
  • Do the navigations, features, and functions of the eLearning course function as designed?
  • Does the response in the assessments add value and reinforce the content to my understanding and learning?
  • Do video and audio sequences add value and enhance the content as per my understanding and learning?

What Are The Steps Involved In E-learning Testing?

PlanningPlanning is the most important element in User Acceptance testing process. The planning process helps to outline the User Acceptance testing strategy, explain the main focus areas, entrance, and exit criteria.

Designing Test cases

The test cases are developed to include the entire functional situations of eLearning course in real time usage. The UAT test cases should be developed using simple language. Additionally, it the entire test process should be made easy to understand for the tester.

Finding a team The testing team that performs UAT Test Cases plays an important role in the UAT process. The test execution team consists of real or actual world users signing up for the eLearning courses. An important way of appreciating the testing team is to identify them in several forums.

Test Execution Further, the testing team would perform the developed test cases and would additionally achieve certain relevant random exams.

Recording the Defects The testing team would record and report defects identified during the UAT. These bugs or defects will be drafted as a document with necessary comments, making it easy to further evaluate and eliminate the defects.

Resolving the Bugs The next step is to resolve or fix the bugs identified by the testing team in the eLearning program. The eLearning development members make final alterations to the course to produce a bug free eLearning course.

In Conclusion:

After resolving the bugs and issues, the QA team would provide approval of the eLearning – this simply means that the course is now ready to be deployed as per the user requirements.

UAT plays an important part in eLearning. It helps in demonstrating that the particular course is functioning in a way to meet the requirements of the learner. The stakeholder can remain confident and sure about their expectations of the course with UAT. There is no guesswork. The major feature of UAT is it will not cause major revelations when the course is handed over to the user.

Why Is It So Important To Test E-learning Platforms?

Why Is It So Important To Test E-learning Platforms?

In recent years, an increasing number of students have begun to use eLearning platforms. They are able to access such courses with ease and even from the comfort of their home. An eLearning platform should be developed in a way that it enables students to access the content of the course, undertake assessments, submit exercises and also regularly track their progress. Institutions make use of eLearning platform to enroll students, develop courses and track the progress and scores of each student.

Hence, the eLearning platform should be able to cater to these demands. Thorough testing of the eLearning platform would ensure that it matches the expectations for features such as reliability, flexibility, secure interface, and scalability.

Test E-learning Platforms

eLearning platforms are available in several forms:

  • Server based learning administration systems
  • CD-ROM based education courses
  • Online based learning courses. Some make use of SCORM- shareable content object reference model
  • Flash built eLearning applications

Some of the areas where eLearning applications serve optimum purpose are:

  • 1 Businesses such as automobile and insurance for onsite job training
  • 2 Organizations providing professional certification and training
  • 3 Training vendors currently providing online training courses on cloud technology
  • 4 Corporate use for the learning courses for mandatory trainings, internal processes, etc.
  • 5 Universities and colleges for online courses

The Significance of E-learning Domain Testing

One of the important features of testing the eLearning platform is to analyze the learnability of the eLearning course and it ensures the efficiency of the platform. However, the other levels of testing are critical in terms of ascertaining usability, smooth functionality and remaining bug-free.

Since students across the globe would be the main users of eLearning courses, the goal of the testing eLearning platform is to ensure that the product works seamlessly. Through testing, it is possible to ascertain possible obstacles and problems a user could face.

To keep the product free from obstacles and delays in learnability, the bugs and errors must be identified and eliminated. It is possible to achieve this by concentrating on the kinds of testing to be conducted. Some of the important kinds of eLearning testing are as follows:

  • Security testing
  • Performance testing
  • Platform or browser testing
  • Usability testing
  • Functionality testing

E-learning Testing Types

Security testing:This plays a significant role in eLearning platforms and for other applications. As the possibility of vulnerabilities is high, there are chances for unauthorized access to the eLearning platform with malicious intent. Therefore, security testing is critical to ensure the protection and integrity of the data, complementing the functionality of the platform.

Performance testing:Since a large number of users would be accessing the eLearning platform, it is necessary to carry out the performance testing to ensure it works well under load conditions and there is no negative impact on user experience.

Usability testing:This is conducted to make sure that the navigation in the application is intuitive. When using the eLearning platform, the user must not encounter any difficulty in accomplishing their desired result. The content should remain easy to use and completely error-free.

Functionality testing:It guarantees working of product as per to the specifications. It is possible to examine the following areas: developed courses, registration, course assignments, assessment, reporting and much more.

Platform or browser compatibility testing:

A wide range of users access eLearning platforms both on various browsers and Operating Systems, hence it is importance ensure compatibility of the course with various software and hardware.

This will ensure that users have a good experience irrespective of their choice of browser or operating system.

ELearning Platforms Testing 2019

In Conclusion:

There are several kinds of eLearning platforms easily available, and testing and extensive user base remains important for all these products. The strategies or testing areas may differ, however, the fundamental intent remains the same – high usability and top user experience. Connect with us to discover how easy it is to maintain top class e-learning platforms and course content.

Benefits of Computer-Based Testing

Benefits of Computer-Based Testing

As eLearning becomes more and more popular in schools, colleges, workplaces, training centres, vendors and other organisations, CBT or computer-based testing inevitably also becomes widely used. Hence now, CBT forms an important part of the eLearning testing processes that companies providing QA services use today.

Whether testers are looking at small learning apps, entire educational systems or are performing eLearning domain testing, CBT becomes relevant because of its increasing implementation and many other benefits such as:

Less resource intensive

Computer based eLearning testing is more flexible and tests can be administered with minimal resource expenditure. Fewer man-hours are required, resources such as paper are saved, and tests can be administered at any time; repeatedly if need be. Students also have the option of taking tests earlier than the scheduled time; passing courses faster, gaining more credits. Storing tests and test results also becomes simpler and streamlined.

Additional information

An eLearning testing service will be able to glean a lot of detailed information about the student and their level of understanding of their subject other than merely the test material. The results are data rich and provide insights such as frequency of logins, the amount time a student remained logged in etc.

Customised testing and assessments

Computer based eLearning testing also enables individualised testing. The difficulty level can be tailored to the grade or skill level of a student and can be made to synch with previous performances.

Frequent testing, multiple test administration

CBT makes the whole testing system flexible and customisable. Software testing services are often called upon to ensure that CBT systems can be administered frequently, in a series of shorter tests or multiple number of times if required.

Instant grading

One of the benefits of computer based or eLearning testing is that test results are available quickly; even instantly as in the case of multiple choice questions and other objective assessments. Instructors save a lot of time; which can be effectively used in giving students valuable and pertinent feedback on their progress.

Assessments are streamlined and made more comprehensive with the help of computer based testing.

Remote testing

One of the aspects of eLearning domain testing is to examine how efficiently remote testing can be carried out. A student or trainee does not necessarily have to physically visit an examination centre but can take their test at a remote location. This can be very important in the case of students in far-flung rural areas or students taking distance learning courses. Such logistical simplification reduces burden on those who administer tests as well as those who take these tests.

Comprehensive feedback

A computer based eLearning testing service also offers superior assessment analytics. It tells you not just how much a student remembers but how good their overall performance is. Testers can glean valuable information about students’ participation in discussions, identification of areas of weakness, amount of effort put in.

Interesting assessments

QA services can examine how interesting the course material is and also ensure that assessments are similarly engaging. The inclusion of videos-based quizzes, puzzles, branching scenarios, in addition to the standard essay type or multiple choice questions can make the whole testing exercise more immersive, interesting and rewarding for the student; helping identify weakness and preventing mistakes.

Testing those with disabilities

Software testing companies are often called upon to assess eLearning test material for those with disabilities or even learning disabilities. Those will dyslexia for instance can take oral tests and those with limited mobility can have a choice about where and when they want to take their tests. Text to voice or voice to text tools, magnification tools, screen readers etc. can be some of the modalities that can be incorporated into computer based testing modalities.

Safe and secure testing

A Software Testing company will test the safety and security of an eLearning platform so that it is stable and invulnerable to attacks and system issues. Similarly, computer based testing protocols can be made secure against malware and can also be made to withstand cheating attempts that students may make.


With so many benefits of computer based eLearning testing, more trainers and educators are turning computer based protocols for more accurate, cost effective and streamlined testing. Are you still hesitating – connect with us and you will know why getting us as your QA and Software Testing Partner is the best business decision.

FAQs of eLearning Testing

FAQs of eLearning Testing

What is e-Learning?Distance learning is also called e-learning – a structured and formal system of learning and teaching, designed to be conducted through the virtual electronic realm and from any part of the world. E-learning is the overarching term used to describe training delivered via a computer and includes online methods, or web-based, or through CDs and DVDs. Training and learning can be technical or non-technical or both.

What are the benefits of E-Learning?

Most important benefits are the cost effectiveness and convenience of this system of learning. It breaks down the boundaries of geographical locations and the barrier of time – anyone can learn or team from anywhere, and the kind of content for such learning is limitless.

FAQs of eLearning Testing

What is E-Learning testing?The process of testing an e-learning course and platform is e-learning testing. The aim of e-learning testing is ensuring ease of use, superior content, error and bug free technology, and the highest level of user satisfaction.

E-learning is not an entirely new concept, but there has been a significant rise in its use owing to several reasons. It is becoming increasingly popular since it affords anyone anywhere to learn new things, pick up fresh skills and ideas, thereby contributing to the overall personal and professional growth. Which is why top notch content and a seamless platform are important, and this is achievable through e-learning testing, managed by a high quality Software testing company.

What are the Basic Differences between the E-Learning Testing and Software Testing?E-learning testing is aimed at increasing the ‘learnability’ of the course / program, while software testing focuses on raising usability, efficiency, and functionality of any given software application.

What are Corrective Action and Preventive Action in Testing?Corrective action is all about rectifying any existing problems and addressing any prevailing deviations. Preventive action is a more proactive approach to prevent risks and variations that could most likely occur. Such an action prevents these problems, thereby mitigating the associated risks.

What is the Difference between Dynamic and Static Testing?Performing tests while running the software is Dynamic Testing, and performing tests without running the software is Static Testing, but includes walk through, inspections, and other forms of checking.

What are SCORM and AICC as part of E-Learning Compliance?SCORM is the acronym for “Sharable Content Object Reference Model” and is a standard put in place for e-learning products, and enables interoperability (“the ability of computer systems or software to exchange and make use of information”) amongst e-learning products. SCORM powered applications make it easy for testers to run tests, and find problems and bugs.

AICC is another factor of compliance and is necessary for E-learning testers to know. AICC is the acronym for Aviation Industry CBT (Computer Based Training) Committee, and is an international association comprising of training professionals in the technology realm. This association prepares training guidelines for the aviation industry.

In Conclusion:

E-Learning Testing is a quintessential portion of Quality / Digital Assurance and should be entrusted only to experts – those with extensive knowledge of e-learning domain testing. With the reputation and success of your e-learning business resting on the ‘learnability’ and compliance of the course content and user experience of the site, it makes sense to invest time and effort to search for the best elearning testing partner. Connect with us to work with the best.